  • 船舶物权1976年海事赔偿责任限制公约
    1976年海事赔偿责任限制公约 本公约于1976年11月1日至11月19日在伦敦召开的原政府间海事协商外交会议上通过,1986年12月1日生效。参加本公约的国家有:巴哈马、比利时、贝宁、丹麦、埃及、芬兰、法国、德国、日本、利比利亚、瑞典、挪威、波兰、瑞士、英国、也门、澳大利亚等。       英国政府在批准书中,根据本公约第18条第1款作出保留,排除第2条第1款第(d)项的适用,并指出:将国际货款基金组织使用的定值方法作为英国根据本公约第8条第1项使用的计算方式,并且,根据本公约第15条第2款第(b)项,将300吨以下船舶对人身伤亡的索赔和对任何其它索赔的责任限额分别确定为166 667计算单位和83 333计算单位。       法国政府在其核准书中,根据本公约第18条第1款,保留排除第2条第1款第(d)项和第(e)项适用的权利。       本公约缔约国,       认识到通过协议确定关于海事索赔责任限制的若干统一规则的需要,已决定为此目的而缔结一项公约,并已就此达成协议如下:       第一章 责任限制的权利       第一条 有权享受责任限制的人       1.下述定义中所指的船舶所有人和救助人,可以根据本公约规定,对第二条所列索赔,限制其责任。       2.“船舶所有人”一词,是指海运船舶的所有人、承租人、经理人和营运人。       3.“救助人”是指从事与救助作业直接相关的服务工作的任何人。救助作业还包括第二条第1款第(4)、(5)、(6)项所述作业。       4.如果第二条所规定的任何索赔,是向船舶所有人或救助人对其行为、疏忽或过失负有责任的任何人提出的,这种人便有权享受本公约所规定的责任限制。       5.就本公约而言,船舶所有人的责任,应包括对船舶本身提起诉讼案件中的责任。       6.对于按本公约规定须受责任限制的索赔承担责任的保险人,有权与被保险人本人在同一限度内享受本公约的利益。       7.援用责任限制的行为,并不构成对责任的承认。       第二条 须受责任限制的索赔       1.除按第三条和第四条的规定外,下列索赔,无论其责任的根据如何,均须受责任限制的制约:       (1)有关在船上发生或与船舶营运或救助作业直接相关的人身伤亡或财产的灭失或损害(包括对港口工程、港池、航道和助航设施的损害),以及由此引起的相应损失的索赔;       (2)有关海上货物、旅客或其行李运输的延迟所引起的损失的索赔;       (3)有关与船舶营运或救助作业直接相关的侵犯除契约权利之外的权利引起的其它损失的索赔;       (4)有关沉没、遇难、搁浅或被弃船舶(包括船上的任何物件)的起浮、清除、毁坏或使之变为无害的索赔;       (5)有关船上货物的清除、毁坏或使之变为无害的索赔;       (6)有关责任人以外的任何人,为避免或减少责任人按本公约规定可限制其责任的损失所采取的措施,以及由此措施而引起的进一步损失的索赔。       2.第1款所列各项索赔,即使以追偿请求或者根据契约要求赔偿的方式或其它方式提出,也应受责任限制的制约。但第1款第(4)、(5)和(6)项所列索赔,在其涉及与责任人所订契约中所载报酬问题时,应不受责任限制的制约。       第三条 不受责任限制的索赔       本公约的规则不适用于:       (1)有关救助或共同海损分摊的索赔;       (2)有关1969年11月29日国际油污损害民事责任公约的规定,或实施中的该公约修正案或议定书中所载油污损害的索赔;       (3)根据管辖或禁止核能损害责任限制的任何国际公约或国内法提出的索赔;       (4)对核子船舶所有人提出的核子损害索赔;       (5)所任职务与船舶或救助作业有关的船舶所有人或救助人的雇用人员,包括他们的继承人、亲属或有权提出索赔要求的其它人员所提出的索赔,如果按照船舶所有人或救助同雇用人之间的服务合同所适用的法律,船舶所有人或救助人无权在此类索赔方面限制其责任,或者根据此项法律,仅允许将其责任限制在较本公约第六条规定的限额为高时。       第四条 不得享受责任限制的行为       如经证明,损失是由于责任人本身为蓄意造成这一损失,或者明知可能造成这一损失而轻率地采取的行为或不为所引起,该责任人便无权限制其责任。       第五条 反索赔       如果按照本公约规定有权享受责任限制的人,就同一事件向索赔人提出索赔,则双方提出的索赔应相互抵销,而本公约的规定则仅适用于其间的差额(如有差额)。       第二章 责任限制       第六条 一般限制       1.除第七条所列者外,在任一具体情况下提出的索赔的责任限制,应按下列方法计算:       (1)有关人身伤亡的索赔:       ①凡吨位不超过500吨的船舶,为333,000计算单位;       ②凡吨位超过500吨的船舶,除第①项外,还应增加下列数额:       自501吨至3,000吨,每吨为500计算单位;       自3,001吨至30,000吨,每吨为333计算单位;       自30,001吨至70,000吨,每吨为250计算单位;       超过70,000吨,每吨为167计算单位。       (2)有关其它方面的索赔:       ①凡吨位不超过500吨的船舶,为167,000计算单位;       ②凡吨位超过500吨的船舶,除第①项外,还应增加下列数额:       自501吨至30,000吨,每吨为167计算单位;       自30,000吨至70,000吨,每吨为125计算单位;       超过70,000吨,每吨为83计算单位。       2.但是,如果依照第1款第(1)项计算的那部分款额不敷支付全部索赔,则依照第1款第(2)项计算的数额,应用以支付第1款第(1)项下所未支付的差额,而此项未付差额应同第1款第(2)项的索赔按比例取偿。       3.但是,在无损于按第2款提出的关于人身伤亡的索赔权利的情况下,缔约国可在国内法中规定,对港口工程、港池、航道和助航设施的损害所提出的索赔,应依该法规定而享有较第1款第2项所载其它索赔优先受偿的权利。       4.凡不从任何船舶进行施救工作的救助人,或者只是在对之进行施救工作的船上作业的救助人,其责任限制应按吨位为1,500吨的船舶计算。       5.就本公约而言,船舶吨位应为根据《1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约》附件Ⅰ中所载吨位丈量规则计算的总吨位。       第七条 旅客索赔的责任限制       1.对于在任一具体情况下提出的有关船上旅客人身伤亡的索赔,船舶所有人的责任限制,为46,666计算单位乘以船舶证书上规定的该船载客定额所得的数额,但不得超过25,000,000计算单位。       2.就本条而言,“船上旅客人身伤亡的索赔”,是指该船所载下列任何人所提出或代其提出的任何此种索赔,即:       (1)根据旅客运输契约而载运者;或       (2)经承运人同意,随同照料货物运输契约中所载车辆或活动物者。       第八条 计算单位       1.上述第六条、第七条所述计算单位,是指国际货币基金组织所规定的特别提款权。第六条、第七条所述数额,应按照责任限制基金设立之日、付款之日或根据该国法律与此项付款等值的担保提出之日该国货币的价值,折算成谋求责任限制所有国家的本国货币。凡属国际货币基金组织成员国的本公约缔约国,其以特别提款权表示的本国货币的价值,应按国际货币基金组织在上述日期在进行营业和交易中适用的现行定价办法计算。非属国际货币基金组织成员国的本公约缔约国,其以特别提款权表示的本国货币的价值,应按该缔约国确定的办法计算。       2.但是,非属国际货币基金组织成员国,且其法律不允许实施本条第1款规定办法的国家,可在签字并无保留地批准、接受或认可之时,或在批准、接受、认可或加入之时,或在此后任何时期宣布,将在其领土内适用的本公约所规定的责任限制,确定如下:       (1)有关第六条第1款第(1)项:①凡吨位不超过500吨的船舶,为5,000,000货币单位;②凡吨位不超过500吨的船舶,除第①项外,还应增加下列数额:       自501吨至3,000吨,每吨为7,500货币单位;       自3,001吨至30,000吨,每吨为5,000货币单位;       自30,001吨至70,000吨,每吨为3,750货币单位;       超过70,000吨,每吨为2,500货币单位。       (2)有关第六条第1款第(2)项:       ①凡吨位不超过500吨的船舶,为2,500,000货币单位;       ②凡吨位超过500吨的船舶,除第①项外,还应增加下列数额;       自501吨至30,000吨,每吨为2,500货币单位;       自30,001吨至70,000吨,每吨为1,850货币单位;       超过70,000吨,每吨为1,250货币单位。       (3)有关第七条第1款,为700,000货币单位乘以船舶证书上规定的载客定额所得的数额,但不得超过375,000,000货币单位。       第六条第2款和第3款的规定,相应地适用于本款第(1)和第(2)项。       3.上述第2款所指货币单位,相当于纯度为千分之九百的黄金65.5毫克。将第2款规定的货币单位数额折算成国家货币时,应按有关国家的法律办理。       4.第1款末句所述计算办法和第3款所述折算办法,应能使第六条和第七条所述数额在以缔约国本国货币计算时,尽可能表示出上述条款中按计算单位计算时的同一真实价值。缔约国在签字并无保留地批准、接受或认可之时,或在交存第十六条所指文件之时,应视情况向本公约保管人提交第1款所述计算办法,或第3款所述折算结果,并在其变更时作出相应的通知。       第九条 索赔总额       1.根据第六条规定的责任限额,应适用于下列各项索赔总额:       (1)对第一条第2款所指任何人以及他或他们对其行为、疏忽或过失负责的任何人提出的索赔;       (2)对从另一艘船舶进行施救工作的该船船舶所有人,和从这种船舶进行施救工作的救助人,以及他或他们对其行为、疏忽或过失负责的任何人提出的索赔;       (3)对不是从另一艘船舶进行施救工作的救助人,或者只是在对之进行施救工作的船上作业的救助人,以及他或他们对其行为、疏忽或过失负责的任何人提出的索赔。       2.按第七条规定的责任限制,适用于可能在任何特定情况下,就第一条第2款所述有关第七条所指船舶的负有赔偿责任的任何人,以及他或他们对其行为、疏忽或过失负责的任何人提出的各项索赔的总额。       第十条 没有设立责任限制基金的责任限制       1.尽管第十一条所述责任限制基金尚未设立,也可以援引责任限制。但是,缔约国可在其国内法中规定,当在其法院审理须受责任限制的索赔时,只有在责任人已按本公约规定设立责任限制基金,或在援用责任限制权利时设立该项基金,才能援用责任限制的权利。       2.如在没有设立责任限制基金的情况下援用责任限制,应相应地适用第十二条的规定。       3.根据本条规定发生的诉讼程序问题,应按受理诉讼的缔约国本国法律决定。       第三章 责任限制基金       第十一条 基金的设立       1.被认定负有责任的任何人,可在提出责任限制索赔诉讼的任何缔约国法院或其他主管当局,设立基金。此项基金应为按照第六条和第七条规定适用于对该责任者提出索赔的金额,加上从事故发生引起责任之日起至基金设立之日为止的利息。此项基金仅可用于支付援用责任限制的索赔。       2.设立基金可以储存专款,或提出为设立基金的缔约国法律所允许并经法院或其他主管当局认可的担保。       3.由第九条第1款第(1)、(2)或第(3)项所述当事人之一或其保险人所设立的基金,应被认为是由第1款第(1)、(2)或第(3)项或第2款所述所有当事人所设立。       第十二条 基金的分配       1.根据第六条第1款、第2款和第3款以及第七条的规定,基金应在索赔人之间,依其对该基金确立的索赔额,按比例分配。       2.如在基金分配之前,责任人或其保险人已就对该基金的索赔付款结案,则他在已付金额范围内,应依代位权获得此受偿人根据本公约所可享有的权利。       3.本条第2款所规定的代位权,也可由该款所述者之外的人在其已付赠偿金额内行使,但仅以所适用的国内法允许行使此种代位权为限。       4.如果责任人或任何其他人认定,假若赔偿金在基金分配之前即已付出,他便可能在基金分配之后的某日被强制支付赔偿金额的全部或一部,而根据本第第2款及第3款,该人对此项赔偿本可享有代位权,则基金设在国的法院或主管当局可以下令暂时拨出一个足够数额,以便该人在上述日期对此基金行使其索赔权。       第十三条 其他法律行为的禁止       1.如果责任限制基金已按第十一条的规定设立,则已向基金提出索赔的任何人,不得针对该项索赔而对由其设立或以其名义设立基金的人的任何其他财产,行使任何权利。       2.责任限制基金已按第十一条规定设立之后,则以其名义设立基金之人所属任何船舶或其财产,凡是因向基金提出索赔而已依缔约国管辖权予以扣押或扣留的属于基金设立人名下的任何船舶或其他财产,或是由他提交的抵押品,均可由该国法院或其主管当局下令开释或退还。而如果此项基金已在下列地点设立,则应一律发出此种开释命令:       (1)已在事故发生港设立,而如事故发生在港外,则已在下一停靠港设立;       (2)对于人身伤亡的索赔,已在登陆港设立;       (3)对于货损,已在卸货港设立;       (4)已在执行扣押的国家设立。       3.第1款和第2款的规则,仅在索赔人向管理责任限制基金的法院就该基金提出索赔,而且就该项索赔而言,确有基金可用,并可自由划拨时,才可适用。       第十四条 法律管辖       关于责任限制基金的设立与分配规则,以及与其有关的一切程序规则,除按本章规定办理外,应受基金设在国法律管辖。       第四章 适用范围       第十五条       1.凡是第一条所指的任何人,当其谋求在缔约国法院获得责任限制,或谋求开释在此类国家管辖下的船舶或其他财产,或退还其所提交的任何抵押品时,均适用本公约,然而,当本公约的规则在缔约国法院被援用时,如果第一条所指的任何人,在缔约国并无常住地点,或在缔约国并无主要营业处所,或为其谋求责任限制或开释的任何船舶在当时并非悬挂缔约国国旗时,各缔约国可以全部或部分排除其对本公约的适用。       2.缔约国可以通过国内法的具体规定,使责任限制制度适用于下列船舶:       (1)依照该国法律规定,意欲在内陆水域航行的船舶;       (2)小于300吨的船舶;       缔约国在行使本款规定的任选权时,应将国内法规定的责任限制或者并无此种规定的事实,通知本公约保管人。       3.缔约国可以通过国内法的具体规定,使责任限制制度适用于毫不涉及其它缔约国国民利益的索赔.       4.缔约国法院在下列情况下,不应使本公约适用于为钻探而建造或改建并从事钻探作业的船舶:       (1)当该国已根据国内法规定制订一项高于本公约第六条规定的责任限制时;或者       (2)当该国已成为调节有关这种船舶责任制度的一项国际公约的缔约国时。       在适用本款第1项的情况下,该缔约国应相应地通知本公约的保管人。       5.本公约不适用于:       (1)气垫船;       (2)用于勘探或开采海底自然资源或其底土的浮动平台。       第五章 最后条款       第十六条 签字。批准和加入       1.本公约自1977年2月1日起至1977年12月31日止,在政府海事协商组织(以下简称“海协”)总部向所有国家开放,以供签字,并在其后继续开放,以供加入。       2.各国可以通过下列方式成为本公约缔约国:       (1)签字并无保留地批准、接受或认可;或者       (2)签字并须经批准、接受或认可,随后予以批准、接受或认可;或者       (3)加入。       3.批准、接受、认可或加入本公约,应向“海协”秘书长(以下简称“秘书长”)交存一份载有上述意图的正式文件。       第十七条 生效       1.本公约自十二个国家已在本公约签字并无保留地批准,接受或认可,或者已经交存所需批准、接受、认可或加入文件之日一年后次月第一日起生效。       2.对于在本公约生效条件已得到满足之后但却在生效之日以前交存批准、接受、认可或加入文,或者签字并无保留地批准、接受或认可的国家,其批准、接受、认可或加入或者其签字并无保留地批准、接受、或认可等项,应自本公约生效之日或签字之日,或交存文件之日第九十天后次月第一日起生效,二者之中以较迟者为准。       3.对于任何一个在本公约生效之后成为本公约缔约国的国家,本公约应自该国交存其文件之日九十天后次月第一日起生效。       4.对于批准、接受、认可或加入本公约的国家之间的关系,本公约应取代并废止1957年10月10日在布鲁塞尔签订的《海上船舶所有人责任限制公约》和1924年8月25日在布鲁塞尔签订的《关于统一海上船舶所有人责任限制某些规则的国际公约》。       第十八条 保留       1.任何国家均可在签字、批准、接受、认可或加入本公约时,保留不适用第二条第1款第(4)项和第(5)项的权利。但对本公约的实质性条款,不得作任何其他保留。       2.在签字时所作的保留,须在批准、接受或认可时予以确认。       3.对本公约作出保留的任何国家,均可在任何时日通过寄交秘书长的通知而予以撤销。这种撤销,应自通知收到之日起生效。如果该通知声称,对于保留的撤销应自通知中具体规定的日期起生效,而这一日期又较秘书长收到通知之日为迟,则撤销应自这一较迟日期起生效。       第十九条 退出       1.缔约国可在本公约对该国生效之日一年后的任何时日,退出本公约。       2.退出本公约,应向秘书长交存一份文件。       3.退出本公约,应自交存退出通知之日一年后次月第一日起,或自该通知中所载较此为长的期限起生效。       第二十条 修订和修正       1.修订或修正本公约的会议,可由“海协”召开。       2.经不少于三分之一缔约国要求,“海协”应召开本公约缔约国会议,修订或修正本公约。       3.凡在本公约的修正案生效之日以后交存的任何批准、接受、认可或加入文件,除非已在文件中表示相反意愿,便应视为适用于修正后的本公约。       第二十一条 对限额和计算单位或货币单位的修改       1.尽管有第二十条的规定,“海协”仍可依照本条第2款和第3款的规定,召开专门会议,改变本公约第六条和第七条以及第八条第2款规定的限额,或以其他单位代替第八条第1款和第2款规定的两个单位,或其中之一。只有在其实际价值发生显著变化时,才能对限额作出改变。       2.经不少于四分之一的缔约国要求,“海协”应召开上述会议。       3.改变限额或以其他计算单位代替原有单位的决定,应由上述会议到会并投票的缔约国三分之二多数作出。       4.凡在修正案生效后交存其批准、接受、认可或加入本公的文件的国家,应适用修正后的本公约。       第二十二条 保管       1.本公约应由秘书长保管。       2.秘书长应当:       (1)向被邀请出席海事索赔责任限制会议的所有国家和加入本公约的任何其他国家,分送经过核证无误的本公约副本;       (2)通知已签署或加入本公约的所有国家;       ①每一新的签署和每一文件交存事项以及对其所作任何保留及其日期;       ②本公约或本公约的任何修正案的生效日期;       ③任何退出本公约事项及其生效日期;       ④依照第二十条或第二十一条规定通过的任何修正案;       ⑤由本公约任何条文所要求的任何通知事项。       3.本公约一经生效,秘书长便应依照联合国宪章第102条,将一份核证无误的本公约副本,送交联合国秘书长登记并公布。       第二十三条 语言       本公约以英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文写成,正本共一份,每种文本具有同等效力。       1976年11月19日订于伦敦。       为此而被正式授权的下列具名者,特签署本公约,以昭信守。        CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976      The States parties to this Convention,    Having recognized the desirability of determining by agreement certainuniform rules relating to the limitation of liability for maritime claims,    Have decided to conclude a Convention for this purpose and havethereto agreed as follows:          CHAPTER I. THE RIGHT OF LIMITATION Article 1    Persons entitled to limit liability    1. Shipowners, and salvors, as hereinafter defined, may limit theirliability in accordance with the rules of this Convention for claims setout in Article 2.    2. The term "shipowner" shall mean the owner, charterer, manager andoperator of a seagoing ship.    3. Salvor shall mean any person rendering services in direct connexionwith salvage operations. Salvage operations shall also include operationsreferred to in Article 2, paragraph 1 (d),  (e) and (f).    4. If any claims set out in Article 2 are made against any person forwhose act, neglect or default the shipowner or salvor is responsible, suchperson shall be entitled to avail himself of the limitation of liabilityprovided for in this Convention.    5. In this Convention the liability of a shipowner shall includeliability in an action brought against the vessel herself.    6. An insurer of liability for claims subject to limitation inaccordance with the rules of this Convention shall be entitled to thebenefits of this Convention to the same extent as the assured himself.    7. The act of invoking limitation of liability shall not constitute anadmission of liability.Article 2    Claims subject to limitation    1. Subject to Article 3 and 4 the following claims, whatever the basisof liability may be,  shall be subject to limitation of liability:        (a) claims in respect of loss of life or personal injury or lossof or damage to property (including damage to harbour works, basins andwaterways and aids to navigation), occurring on board or in directconnexion with the operation of the ship or with salvage operations, andconsequential loss resulting therefrom;        (b) claims in respect of loss resulting from delay in the carriageby sea of cargo, passengers or their luggage;        (c) claims in respect of other loss resulting from infringement ofrights other than contractual rights, occurring in direct connexion withthe operation of the ship or salvage operations;        (d) claims in respect of the raising, removal, destruction or therendering harmless of a ship which is sunk, wrecked, stranded orabandoned, including anything that is or has been on board such ship;        (e) claims in respect of the removal, destruction or the renderingharmless of the cargo of the ship;        (f) claims of a person other than the person liable in respect ofmeasures taken in order to avert or minimize loss for which the personliable may limit his liability in accordance with this Convention, andfurther loss caused by such measures.    2. Claims set out in paragraph 1 shall be subject to limitation ofliability even if brought by way of recourse or for indemnity under acontract or otherwise. However, claims set out under paragraph 1(d), (e)and (f) shall not be subject to limitation of liability to the extent thatthey relate to remuneration under a contract with the person liable.Article 3    Claims excepted from limitation    The rules of this Convention shall not apply to:        (a) claims for salvage or contribution in general average;        (b) claims for oil pollution damage within the meaning of theInternational Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage,dated November 29, 1969 or of any amendment or Protocol thereto which isin force;        (c) claims subject to any international convention or nationallegislation governing or prohibiting limitation of liability for nucleardamage;        (d) claims against the shipowner of a nuclear ship for nucleardamage;        (e) claims by servants of the shipowner or salvor whose duties areconnected with the ship or the salvage operations, including claims oftheir heirs, dependants or other persons entitled to make such claims, ifunder the law governing the contract of service between the shipowner orsalvor and such servants the shipowner or salvor is not entitled to limithis liability in respect of such claims, or if he is by such law onlypermitted to limit his liability to an amount greater than that providedfor in Article 6.Article 4    Conduct barring limitation    A person liable shall not be entitled to limit his liability if it isproved that the loss resulted from his personal act or omission, committedwith the intent to cause such loss, or recklessly and with knowledge thatsuch loss would probably result.Article 5    Counterclaims    Where a person entitled to limitation of liability under the rules ofthis Convention has a claim against the claimant arising out of the sameoccurrence, their respective claims shall be set off against each otherand the provisions of this Convention shall only apply to the balance,  ifany.          CHAPTER II. LIMITS OF LIABILITY Article 6    The general limits    1. The limits of liability for claims other than those mentioned inArticle 7, arising on any distinct occasion, shall be calculated asfollows:        (a) in respect of claims for loss of life or personal injury,            (i) 333,000 Units of Account for a ship with a tonnage notexceeding 500 tons,            (ii) for a ship with a tonnage in excess thereof, thefollowing amount in addition to that mentioned in (i):                for each ton from 501 to 3,000 tons, 500 Units of Account;                for each ton from 3,001 to 30,000 tons, 333 Units ofAccount;                for each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, 250 Units ofAccount; and                for each ton in excess of 70,000 tons, 167 Units ofAccount.        (b) in respect of any other claims.            (i) 167,000 Units of Account for a ship with a tonnage notexceeding 500 tons,            (ii) for a ship with a tonnage in excess thereof the followingamount in addition to that mentioned in (i):                for each ton from 501 to 30,000 tons, 167 Units ofAccount;                for each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, 125 Units ofAccount; and                for each ton in excess of 70,000 tons, 83 Units ofAccount.    2. Where the amount calculated in accordance with paragraph 1(a) isinsufficient to pay the claims mentioned therein in full, the amountcalculated in accordance with paragraph 1(b)  shall be available forpayment of the unpaid balance of claims under paragraph 1(a) and suchunpaid balance shall rank rateably with claims mentioned under paragraph1(b).    3. However, without prejudice to the right of claims for loss of lifeor personal injury according to paragraph 2, a State Party may provide inits national law that claims in respect of damage to harbour works, basinsand waterways and aids to navigation shall have such priority over otherclaims under paragraph 1(b) as is provided by that law.    4. The limits of liability for any salvor not operating from any shipor for any salvor operating solely on the ship to, or in respect of whichhe is rendering salvage services, shall be calculated according to atonnage of 1,500 tons.    5. For the purpose of this Convention the ship's tonnage shall be thegross tonnage calculated in accordance with the tonnage measurement rulescontained in Annex I of the International Convention on TonnageMeasurements of Ships, 1969.Article 7    The limit for passenger claims    1. In respect of claims arising on any distinct occasion for loss oflife or personal injury to passengers of a ship, the limit of liability ofthe shipowner thereof shall be an amount of 46,666 Units of Accountmultiplied by the number of passengers which the ship is authorized tocarry according to the ship's certificate, but not exceeding 25 millionUnits of Account.    2. For the purpose of this Article "claims for loss of life orpersonal injury to passengers of a ship" shall mean any such claimsbrought by or on behalf of any person carried in that ship:        (a) under a contract of passenger carriage, or        (b) who, with the consent of the carrier, is accompanying avehicle or live animals which are covered by a contract for the carriageof goods.Article 8    Unit of Account    1. The Unit of Account referred to in Articles 6 and 7 is the SpecialDrawing Right as defined by the International Monetary Fund. The amountsmentioned in Articles 6 and 7 shall be converted into the nationalcurrency of the State in which limitation is sought, according to thevalue of that currency at the date the limitation fund shall have beenconstituted, payment is made, or security is given which under the law ofthat State is equivalent to such payment. The value of a national currencyin terms of the Special Drawing Right, of a State Party which is a memberof the International monetary Fund, shall be calculated in accordance withthe method of valuation applied by the International Monetary Fund ineffect at the date in question for its operations and transactions. Thevalue of a national currency in terms of the Special Drawing Right, of aState Party which is not a member of the International Monetary Fund,shall be calculated in a manner determined by that State Party.    2. Nevertheless, those States which are not members of theInternational Monetary Fund and whose law does not permit the applicationof the provisions of paragraph 1 may, at the time of signature withoutreservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval or at the time ofratification, acceptance, approval or accession or at any time thereafter,declare that the limits of liability provided for in this Convention to beapplied in their territories shall be fixed as follow:        (a) in respect of Article 6, paragraph 1 (a), at an amount of:            (i) 5 million monetary units for a ship with a tonnage notexceeding 500 tons;            (ii) for a ship with a tonnage in excess thereof, thefollowing amount in addition to that mentioned in (i):       for each ton from 501 to 3,000 tons, 7,500 monetary units;       for each ton from 3,001 to 30,000 tons, 5,000 monetary units;       for each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, 3,750 monetary units; and       for each ton in excess of 70,000 tons, 2,500 monetary units; and        (b) in respect of Article 6, paragraph 1 (b), at an amount of:            (i) 2.5 million monetary units for a ship with a tonnage notexceeding 500 tons;            (ii) for a ship with a tonnage in excess thereof, thefollowing amount in addition to that mentioned in (i):       for each ton from 501 to 30,000 tons, 2,500 monetary units;       for each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, 1,850 monetary units; and       for each ton in excess of 70,000 tons, 1,250 monetary units; and        (c) in respect of Article 7, paragraph 1, at an amount of 700,000monetary units multiplied by the number of passengers which the ship isauthorized to carry according to its certificate, but not exceeding 375million monetary units.    Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 6 apply correspondingly to subparagraphs(a) and (b) of this paragraph.    3. The monetary unit referred to in paragraph 2 corresponds tosixty-five and a half milligrams of gold of millesimal fineness ninehundred. The conversion of the amounts referred to in paragraph 2 into thenational currency shall be made according to the law of the Stateconcerned.    4. The calculation mentioned in the last sentence of paragraph 1 andthe conversion mentioned in paragraph 3 shall be made in such a manner asto express in the national currency of the State Party as far as possiblethe same real value for the amounts in Articles 6 and 7 as is expressedthere in units of account. States Parties shall communicate to thedepositary the manner of calculation pursuant to paragraph 1, or theresult of the conversion in paragraph 3,  as the case may be, at the timeof the signature without reservation as to ratification, acceptance orapproval, or when depositing an instrument referred to in Article 16 andwhenever there is a change in either.Article 9    Aggregation of claims    1. The limits of liability determined in accordance with Article 6shall apply to the aggregate of all claims which arise on any distinctoccasion:        (a) against the person or persons mentioned in paragraph 2 ofArticle 1 and any person for whose act, neglect or default he or they areresponsible; or        (b) against the shipowner of a ship rendering salvage servicesfrom that ship and the salvor or salvors operating from such ship and anyperson for whose act, neglect or default he or they are responsible; or        (c) against the salvor or salvors who are not operating from aship or who are operating solely on the ship to, or in respect of which,the salvage services are rendered and any person for whose act, neglect ordefault he or they are responsible.    2. The limits of liability determined in accordance with Article 7shall apply to the aggregate of all claims subject thereto which may ariseon any distinct occasion against the person or persons mentioned inparagraph 2 of Article 1 in respect of the ship referred to in Article 7and any person for whose act, neglect or default he or they areresponsible.Article 10    Limitation of liability without constitution of a limitation fund    1. Limitation of liability may be invoked notwithstanding that alimitation fund as mentioned in Article 11 has not been constituted.However, a State Party may provide in its national law that, where anaction is brought in its Courts to enforce a claim subject to limitation,a person liable may only invoke the right to limit liability if alimitation fund has been constituted in accordance with the provisions ofthis Convention or is constituted when the right to limit liability isinvoked.    2. If limitation of liability is invoked without the constitution of alimitation fund, the provisions of Article 12 shall apply correspondingly.    3. Questions of procedure arising under the rules of this Articleshall be decided in accordance with the national law of the State Party inwhich action is brought.          CHAPTER III. THE LIMITATION FUND Article 11    Constitution of the fund    1. Any person alleged to be liable may constitute a fund with theCourt or other competent authority in any State Party in which legalproceedings are instituted in respect of claims subject to limitation. Thefund shall be constituted in the sum of such of the amounts set out inArticles 6 and 7 as are applicable to claims for which that person may beliable, together with interest thereon from the date of the occurrencegiving rise to the liability until the date of the constitution of thefund. Any fund thus constituted shall be available only for the payment ofclaims in respect of which limitation of liability can be invoked.    2. A fund may be constituted, either by depositing the sum, or byproducing a guarantee acceptable under the legislation of the State Partywhere the fund is constituted and considered to be adequate by the Courtor other competent authority.    3. A fund constituted by one of the persons mentioned in paragraph1(a), (b), or (c) or paragraph 2 of Article 9 or his insurer shall bedeemed constituted by all persons mentioned in paragraph 1(a), (b) or (c)or paragraph 2, respectively.Article 12    Distribution of the fund    1. Subject to the provisions of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Article 6 andof Article 7, the fund shall be distributed among the claimants inproportion to their established claims against the fund.    2. If, before the fund is distributed, the person liable, or hisinsurer, has settled a claim against the fund such person shall, up to theamount he has paid, acquire by subrogation the rights which the person socompensated would have enjoyed under this Convention.    3. The right of subrogation provided for in paragraph 2 may also beexercised by persons other than those therein mentioned in respect of anyamount of compensation which they may have paid, but only to the extentthat such subrogation is permitted under the applicable national law.    4. Where the person liable or any other person establishes that he maybe compelled to pay, at a later date, in whole or in part any such amountof compensation with regard to which such person would have enjoyed aright of subrogation pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 had the compensationbeen paid before the fund was distributed, the Court or other competentauthority of the State where the fund has been constituted may order thata sufficient sum shall be provisionally set aside to enable such person atsuch later date to enforce his claim against the fund.Article 13    Bar to other actions    1. Where a limitation fund has been constituted in accordance withArticle 11, any person having made a claim against the fund shall bebarred from exercising any right in respect of such claim against anyother assets of a person by or on behalf of whom the fund has beenconstituted.    2. After a limitation fund has been constituted in accordance withArticle 11, any ship or other property, belonging to a person on behalf ofwhom the fund has been constituted, which has been arrested or attachedwithin the jurisdiction of a State Party for a claim which may be raisedagainst the fund, or any security given, may be released by order of theCourt or other competent authority of such State. However, such releaseshall always be ordered if the limitation fund has been constituted:        (a) at the port where the occurrence took place, or, if it tookplace out of port, at the first port of call thereafter; or        (b) at the port of disembarkation in respect of claims for loss oflife or personal injury;  or        (c) at the port of discharge in respect of damage to cargo; or        (d) in the State where the arrest is made.    3. The rules of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply only if the claimantmay bring a claim against the limitation fund before the Courtadministering that fund and the fund is actually available and freelytransferable in respect of that claim.Article 14    Governing law    Subject to the provisions of this Chapter the rules relating to theconstitution and distribution of a limitation fund, and all rules ofprocedure in connexion therewith, shall be governed by the law of theState Party in which the fund is constituted.          CHAPTER IV. SCOPE OF APPLICATION Article 15    1. This Convention shall apply whenever any person referred to inArticle 1 seeks to limit his liability before the Court of a State Partyor seeks to procure the release of a ship or other property or thedischarge of any security given within the jurisdiction of any such State.Nevertheless,  each State Party may exclude wholly or partially from theapplication of this Convention any person referred to in Article 1 who atthe time when the rules of this Convention are invoked before the Courtsof that State does not have his habitual residence in a State Party ordoes not have his principal place of business in a State Party or any shipin relation to which the right of limitation is invoked or whose releaseis sought and which does not at the time specified above fly the flag of aState Party.    2. A State Party may regulate by specific provisions of national lawthe system of limitation of liability to be applied to vessels which are:        (a) according to the law of that State, ships intended fornavigation on inland waterways;        (b) ships of less than 300 tons.    A State Party which makes use of the option provided for in thisparagraph shall inform the depositary of the limits of liability adoptedin its national legislation or of the fact that there are none.    3. A State Party may regulate by specific provisions of national lawthe system of limitation of liability to be applied to claims arising incases in which interests of persons who are nationals of other StatesParties are in no way involved.    4. The Courts of a State Party shall not apply this Convention toships constructed for, or adapted to, and engaged in, drilling:        (a) when that State has established under its national legislationa higher limit of liability than that otherwise provided for in Article 6;or        (b) when that State has become party to an internationalconvention regulating the system of liability in respect of such ships.    In a case to which subparagraph (a) applies that State Party shallinform the depositary accordingly.    5. This Convention shall not apply to:        (a) air-cushion vehicles;        (b) floating platforms constructed for the purpose of exploring orexploiting the natural resources of the sea-bed or the subsoil thereof.          CHAPTER V. FINAL CLAUSES Article 16    Signature, ratification and accession    1. This Convention shall be open for signature by all States at theHeadquarters of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization(hereinafter referred to as "the Organization")  from February 1, 1977until December 31, 1977 and shall thereafter remain open for accession.    2. All State may become parties to this Convention by:        (a) signature without reservation as to ratification, acceptanceor approval; or        (b) signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approvalfollowed by ratification, acceptance or approval; or        (c) accession.    3. Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be effectedby the deposit of a formal instrument to that effect with theSecretary-General of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as "theSecretary-General").Article 17    Entry into force    1. This Convention shall enter into force on the first day of themonth following one year after the date on which twelve States have eithersigned it without reservation as to ratification,  acceptance or approvalor have deposited the requisite instruments of ratification, acceptance,approval or accession.    2. For a State which deposits an instrument of ratification,acceptance, approval or accession,  or signs without reservation as toratification, acceptance or approval, in respect of this Convention afterthe requirements for entry into force have been met but prior to the dateof entry into force, the ratification, acceptance, approval or accessionor the signature without reservation as to ratification, acceptance orapproval, shall take effect on the date of entry into force of theConvention or on the first day of the month following the ninetieth dayafter the date of the signature or the deposit of the instrument,whichever is the later date.    3. For any State which subsequently becomes a Party to thisConvention, the Convention shall enter into force on the first day of themonth following the expiration of ninety days after the date when suchState deposited its instrument.    4. In respect of the relations between States which ratify, accept, orapprove this Convention or accede to it, this Convention shall replace andabrogate the International Convention relating to the Limitation of theLiability of Owners of Sea-going Ships, done at Brussels on October 10,1957, and the International Convention for the Unification of certainRules relating to the Limitation of Liability of the Owners of Sea-goingVessels, signed at Brussels on August 25, 1924.Article 18    Reservations    1. Any State may, at the time of signature, ratification, acceptance,approval or accession,  reserve the right to exclude the application ofArticle 2 paragraph 1 (d) and (e). No other reservations shall beadmissible to the substantive provisions of this Convention.    2. Reservations made at the time of signature are subject toconfirmation upon ratification,  acceptance or approval.    3. Any State which has made a reservation to this Convention maywithdraw it at any time by means of a notification addressed to theSecretary-General. Such withdrawal shall take effect on the date thenotification is received. If the notification states that the withdrawalof the reservation is to take effect on a date specified therein, and suchdate is later than the date the notification is received by theSecretary-General, the withdrawal shall take effect on such later date.Article 19    Denunciation    1. This Convention may be denounced by a State Party at any time afterone year from the date on which the Convention entered into force for thatParty.    2. Denunciation shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument withthe Secretary-General.    3. Denunciation shall take effect on the first day of the monthfollowing the expiration of one year after the date of deposit of theinstrument, or after such longer period as may be specified in theinstrument.Article 20    Revision and amendment    1. A Conference for the purpose of revising or amending thisConvention may be Convened by the Organisation.    2. The Organization shall convene a Conference of the States Partiesto this Convention for revising or amending it at the request of not lessthan one-third of the Parties.    3. After the date of the entry into force of an amendment to thisConvention, any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval oraccession deposited shall be deemed to apply to the Convention as amended,unless a contrary intention is expressed in the instrument.Article 21    Revision of the limitation amounts and of Unit of Account or monetaryunit    1. Notwithstanding the provision of Article 20, a Conference only forthe purposes of altering the amounts specified in Article 6 and 7 and inArticle 8, paragraph 2, or of substituting either or both of the Unitsdefined in Article 8, paragraphs 1 and 2, by other units shall be convenedby the Organization in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article.An alteration of the amounts shall be made only because of a significantchange in their real value.    2. The Organization shall convene such a Conference at the request ofnot less than one-fourth of the States Parties.    3. A decision to alter the amounts or to substitute the Units by otherunits of account shall be taken by a two-thirds majority of the StatesParties present and voting in such Conference.    4. Any State depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance,approval or accession to the Convention, after entry into force of anamendment, shall apply the Convention as amended.Article 22    Depositary    1. This Convention shall be deposited with the Secretary-General.    2. The Secretary-General shall:        (a) transmit certified true copies of this Convention to allStates which were invited to attend the Conference on Limitation ofLiability for Maritime Claims and to any other States which accede to thisConvention;        (b) inform all States which have signed or acceded to thisConvention of:            (i) each new signature and each deposit of an instrument andany reservation thereto together with the date thereof;            (ii) the date of entry into force of this Convention or anyamendment thereto;            (iii) any denunciation of this Convention and the date onwhich it takes effect;            (iv) any amendment adopted in conformity with Article 20 or21;            (v) any communication called for by any Article of thisConvention.    3. Upon entry into force of this Convention, a certified true copythereof shall be transmitted by the Secretary-General to the Secretariatof the United Nations for registration and publication in accordance withArticle 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.Article 23    Languages    This Convention is established in a single original in the English,French, Russian and Spanish languages, each text being equally authentic.    DONE AT LONDON this nineteenth day of November one thousand ninehundred and seventy-six.    IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned being duly authorized for thatpurpose have signed this Convention.
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    发布于:2022-01-29 17:16:33
  • 船舶物权1957年船舶所有人责任限制公约
    1957年船舶所有人责任限制公约 本公约于1957年10月10日在布鲁塞尔召开的第十届海洋法外交会议上通过。1986年5月30日生效。       参加本公约的国家有:澳大利亚、比利时、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、英国、印度、以色列、日本、荷兰、挪威、波兰、葡萄亚、西班牙、斯里兰卡、瑞典、瑞士、阿尔及利亚、斐济、加纳、巴哈马、巴巴多斯、多米尼加、格林纳达、圭亚那、冰岛、伊朗、马尔加什、毛里求斯、摩纳哥、巴布亚新几内亚、新加坡、叙利亚、汤加、阿拉伯联邦共和国、瓦努阿图、扎伊尔等。       第一条       1.海船舶所有人对由于下列事故所引起的请求,除引起请求的事故是出于船舶所有人的实际过失或私谋以外,都可以根据本规则第三条限制其责任。上述事故是:       (1)船上所载的任何人的死亡或人身伤害,以及船上任何财物的灭失或损害。       (2)由于应由船舶所有人对其行为,疏忽或过失负责的在船上或不在船上的任何人的行为、疏忽或过失所引起的陆上或水上任何其他人的死亡或人身伤害,任何其他财产的灭失或损害,或任何权利的侵犯。但对于后一种人的行为、疏忽或过失,船舶所有人仅在其行为、疏忽或过失是在驾驶或管理船舶时,或在货物装船、运输或卸船,以及在旅客上船、乘船或上岸时发生,才有权限制其责任。       (3)与清除船舶残骸有关的法律所加于和由于或有关浮起、清除或毁坏任何沉没、搁浅或被弃船舶(包括船上任何物件)而发生的任何义务或责任,以及由于港口工程、港池或航道所造成的损害引起的任何义务与责任。       2.在本公约中,“人身请求”是指由于死亡或人身伤害而发生的请求;“财物请求”是指本条第1款所述以外的一切其他请求。       3.在本条第1款所述情况下,即使其责任是由于他对船舶具有所有权、占有权、保管权或控制权而发生的,而在船舶所有人方面,或在船舶所有人应对其行为负责的一些人方面,并无疏忽行为的证明,船舶所有人亦应有限制其责任的权利。       4.本条不适用于:       (1)救助方面的请求或共同海损分担的请求。       (2)船长、船员、船舶所有人所雇在船上的任何雇佣人员,或船舶所有人所雇其职务与船舶有关的雇佣人员提出的请求:包括其继承人、私人代表或家属的请求在内。如果对于这类请求,根据船舶所有人与上述雇佣人员之间的服务契约所适用的法律,船舶所有人不得限制其责任;或根据这种法律,只能以较本公约第三条所订者为高的金额限制其责任。       5.如船舶所有人有权就同一事件向请求人提出请求,双方提出的请求应相互抵销,而本公约的规定只适用于其中的差额(如有)。       6.对于引起请求的事故,是否由于船舶所有人的实际过失或私谋所引起的举证责任问题,须根据法庭地法决定。       7.要求责任限制的行为,并不构成对于责任的承认。       第二条       1.本公约第三条所规定的责任限制,应适用于在任何个别场合发生的人身请求和财产请求的总额,但对于在任何其他个别场合已经发生或可能发生的任何请求,不考虑在内。       2.当在任何个别场合发生的请求总额,超过第三条规定的责任限额时,可将代表这项责任限额的总数,作为一项单独的限额基金。       3.如此设立的基金,只能用以支付与能够要求责任限制有关的请求。       4.基金设立以后,如该限额基金确为请求人的利益所用,请求人不得就其对该项基金的请求,对船舶所有人所有任何其他财产,行使任何权利。       第三条       1.船舶所有人根据第一条规定,可以限制其责任的金额为:       (1)如事故只引起财产请求,按船舶吨位计算,每吨赔偿总额为1,000法郎。       (2)如事故只引起人身请求,按船舶吨位计算,每吨赔偿总额为3,100法郎。       (3)如事故既引起人身请求,又引起财物请求,则按船舶吨位计算,每吨赔偿总额为3,100法郎,其中第一部分以每吨2,100法郎计算的款项,应专门用于支付人身请求,而第二部分以每吨1,000法郎计算的款项,则用于支付财物请求。但如第一部分款项不足以支付全部人身请求,这种请求的未付差额,应与财物请求按比例排列,以第二部分基金支付。       2.对于每一部分限额基金,应按照已经成立的请求数额的比例,分配给请求人。       3.如在分配基金以前,船舶所有人对于第一条第1款所述任何请求,已经支付全部或一部分款项,则对该项基金来说,该船舶所有人应按比例安排在已由其偿付的请求人相同的地位,参加分配,但其数额仅以由其偿付的请求人,根据基金所在国国内法有权向他要求偿还的数额为限。       4.如船舶所有人提出,他对于第一条第1款所述请求的全部或一部分款项,将在日后被强制支付,基金所在国的法院或其他主管当局,得发布命令,将一笔足够的款项暂时存放,以便船舶所有人能在日后按前款所述方式,就该项基金满足他的请求。       5.为了按照本条规定确定船舶所有人限额,不足300吨的船舶应为300吨。       6.本条所述法郎,应视为指含65.5毫克900‰的纯金的货币单位而言。本条第一款所述的数额,应在要求限制其责任的国家,按船舶所有人设立限额基金、支付款项或提出根据该国法律等于支付款额的保证的日期,根据上述货币单位的价值折合为该国货币。       7.本公约所述船舶吨位应按下列方式计算:       对于蒸汽机船或其他动机船舶,应采用净吨,加上为确定净吨而从总吨中减去的机舱所占空间。       对于其余一切船舶,应采用净吨。       第四条       在不妨碍本公约第三条第二款的条件下,关于设立和分配限额基金的规则,以及一切程序规则,应受基金所在国家的法律约束。       第五条       1.当船舶所有人有权根据本公约限制其责任,而其所拥有的船舶或另一艘船舶或其他财产,已在一个缔约国管辖区域内被扣,或为避免被扣已经提出保证金或其他担保,如能确定该船舶所有人已经提出充分保证金或保全,其数额相等于他在本公约规定下所应承担的全部责任限额,而这样提出的保证或其他保全,对于请求人的利益,按照其应享的权利,又真实有用,则该缔约国的法庭或其他主管部门得下令将上述船舶或其他财产,或所提出的保全发还。       2.在本公约第一款所述情况下,如已在下列港口提交保证金或其他保全,则该法院或其他主管机关应根据本条第一款所述条件,下令放还船舶、保证金或其他保全,这些港口是:       (1)引起请求的事故发生的港口;       (2)如事故不在港内发生,则为事故发生后的第一个停泊港;       (3)如果请求是人身请求,或有关货物损害的请求,则为旅客上岸港或卸货港;       3.如已经提出的保证金或其他保全的数额,少于本公约所规定的全部责任限额,在对其差额提出充分的保证金或其他保全的情况下,本条第1、2款的规定同样适用。       4.如船舶所有人已提交相等于其在本公约规定下的全部责任限额的保证金或其他保全,这种保证金或其他保全,应用以支付在一个特定场合发生的一切请求,而船舶所有人得在这方面限制其责任。       5.关于根据本公约规定提起诉讼的程序和起诉时效问题,应根据诉讼所在缔约国的国内法决定。       第六条       1.在本公约内,船舶所有人的责任,包括船舶本身的责任在内。       2.除本条第3款另有规定外,本公约的条款应与适用于船舶所有人本身同样,适用于船舶的承租人、经理人和营运人,以及船长、船员和为船舶所有人、承租人、经理人或营运人服务的其他雇佣人员;但对发生于一个特定场合的人身请求和财物请求,船舶所有人和上述一切其他人员的责任限额总数,不得超过根据本公约第三条所确定的金额。       3.对船长或船员提起诉讼时,即使引起索赔的事故是由于其中一人或数人的实际过失或私谋而发生,他们亦可限制其责任。但如船长或船员同时是船舶的所有人、共有人、承租人、经理人和营运人,则仅在其行为、疏忽或过失是该有关人员以该船船长或船员身分作出时,才能适用本款规定。       第七条       当船舶所有人或根据第六条规定具有与船舶所有人相同权利的任何人,在一个缔约国的法庭上限制或要求限制其责任,或要求放还被扣船舶或其他财产,或在该国管辖区域内提交的保证金或其他保全时,本公约应予适用。       但每一缔约国对于任何非缔约国,或根据第五条规定要求限制其责任,或放还其被扣船舶或其他财产,或其提交的保证金或其他保全时,不经常住在某一缔约国或在某一缔约国内设有主要营业所的任何人,或要求限制其责任或将其释放,而在上述期间未悬挂缔约国国旗的任何船舶,都有权剥夺其根据本公约应享的全部或一部分权益。       第八条       各缔约国保留确定某种其他类型船舶得与海船同样适用本公约的权利。       第九条       本公约应由出席第十届海洋法外交会议各国签字。       第十条       本公约须经批准。批准文件应送交比利时政府保存,并由比利时政府通过外交途径,将各批准书的收存情况通知所有签字国和参加国。       第十一条       1.本公约应自至少收到十份批准书之日起六个月后生效。在这些批准书之中,至少应有五份系由拥有100万或100万总吨以上船舶的国家所交存。       2.在本条第1款所规定决定公约生效的批准书收存之日以后,对于批准本公约的每一签字国,本公约应自其批准书交存六个月后生效。       第十二条       未参加第十届海洋法外交会议的国家,都可以参加本公约,表示加入的文件应交比利时政府保存,并由比利时政府将这项文件的交存情况,通过外交途径通知各签字国和参加国。       对于参加国,本公约应自该国交存加入文件之日起六个月后生效,但生效日期不得早于第十一条第1款所规定的公约生效日期。       第十三条       每一缔约国都有权在本公约对该国生效以后的任何时期退出本公约,但这种退出仅在自比利时政府收到退出本公约通知之日起一年后,方为有效。比利时政府应通过外交途径将此项通知告知所有签字国和参加国。       第十四条       1.任何缔约国都可以在其批准或加入本公约当时或此后任何时期,以送交比利时政府的书面声明宣布,本公约的适用范围扩大至在国际关系方面由其负责的任何领土,本公约的适用范围即应自比利时政府收到该项通知之日起6个月以后扩大至通知中所述领土,但不得早于本公约对该国生效的日期。       2.根据本条第1款宣布将本公约的适用范围扩大至国际关系方面由其负责的领土的缔约国,得在此后任何时期通过送交比利时政府的通知,宣布本公约不再扩大适用于上述领土。这种退出应自比利时政府收到上述通知之日起一年后生效。       3.比利时政府应通过外交途径,将其收到本条所述通知的情况告知所有签字国和参加国。       第十五条       任何缔约国都可以在本公约对该国生效三年后或此后任何时期,要求召集会议,以便考虑对本公约进行修改。       欲行使这一权利的任何缔约国,应将此事通知比利时政府,比利时政府应于此后6个月内召集会议。       第十六条       在批准或加入本公约各国之间,本公约应代替并废除1924年8月25日在布鲁塞尔签署的统一海船船舶所有人责任限制的若干规定的国际公约。       经正式授权的各全权代表特签署本公约,以昭信守。       本公约于1957年10月10日在布鲁塞尔签订,正本一份,用英文和法文写成,两种文本具有同等效力。公约正本存于比利时政府档案库,经过核证无差的副本由比利时政府分发。        INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION RELATING TO THE LIMITATION OF THE LIABI-LITY OF OWNERS OF SEA-GOING SHIPS, 1957          THE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES.    HAVING RECOGNISED the desirability of determining by agreement certainuniform rules relating to the limitation of the liability of owners ofsea-going ships;    HAVE DECIDED to conclude a Convention for this purpose, and theretohave agreed as follows:Article 1    (1) The owner of a sea-going ship may limit his liability inaccordance with Article 3 of this Convention in respect of claims arisingfrom any of the following occurrences, unless the occurrence giving riseto the claim resulted from the actual fault or privity of the owner:        (a) loss of life of, or personal injury to, any person beingcarried in the ship, and loss of,  or damage to, any property on board theship;        (b) loss of life of, or personal injury to, any other person,whether on land or on water,  loss of or damage to any other property orinfringement of any rights caused by the act, neglect or default of anyperson on board the ship for whose act, neglect or default the owner isresponsible or any person not on board the ship for whose act, neglect ordefault the owner is responsible; Provided however that in regard to theact,  neglect or default of this last class of person, the owner shallonly be entitled to limit his liability when the act, neglect or defaultis one which occurs in the navigation or the management of the ship or inthe loading, carriage or discharge of its cargo or in the embarkation,carriage or disembarkation of its passengers;        (c) any obligation or liability imposed by any law relating to theremoval of wreck and arising from or in connection with the raising,removal or destruction of any ship which is sunk, stranded or abandoned(including anything which may be on board such ship) and any obligation orliability arising out of damage caused to harbour works, basins andnavigable waterways.    (2) In the present Convention the expression "personal claims" meansclaims" means claims resulting from loss of life and personal injury; theexpression "property claims" means all other claims set out in paragraph(1) of this Article.    (3) An owner shall be entitled to limit his liability in the cases setout in paragraph (1) of this Article even in cases where his liabilityarises, without proof of negligence on the part of the crew, by anyservants of the crew, by any servants of the owner on board the ship or byservants of the owner on board the ship or by servants of the owner, or ofpersons for whose conduct he is responsible, by reason of his ownership,possession, custody or control of the ship.    (4) Nothing in his Article shall apply:        (a) to claims for salvage or to claims for contribution in generalaverage;        (b) to claims by the Master, by members of the crew, by anyservants of the owner on board the ship or by servants of the owner whoseduties are connected with the ship,  including the claims of their heirs,personal representatives or dependants, if under the law governing thecontract of service between the owner and such servants the owner is notentitled to limit his liability in respect of such claims or if he is bysuch law only permitted to limit his liability to an amount greater thanthat provided for in Article 3 of this Convention.    (5) If the owner of a ship is entitled to make a claim against aclaimant arising out of the same occurrence, their respective claims shallbe set off against each other and the provisions of this Convention shallonly apply to the balance, if any.    (6) The question upon whom lies the burden of proving whether or notthe occurrence giving rise to the claim resulted from the actual fault orprivity of the owner shall be determined by the lex fori.    (7) The act of invoking limitation of liability shall not constitutean admission of liability.Article 2    (1) The limit of liability prescribed by Article 3 of this Conventionshall apply to the aggregate of personal claims and property claims whicharise on any distinct occasion without regard to any claims which havearisen or may arise on any other distinct occasion.    (2) Where the aggregate of the claims which arise on any distinctoccasion exceeds the limits of liability provided for by Article 3 thetotal sum representing such limits of liability may be constituted as onedistinct limitation fund.    (3) The fund thus constituted shall be available only for the paymentof claims in respect of which limitation of liability can be invoked.    (4) After the fund has been constituted, no claimant against the fundshall be entitled to exercise any right against any other assets of theshipowner in respect of his claim against the fund, if the limitation fundis actually available for the benefit of the claimant.Article 3    (1) The amounts to which the owner of a ship may limit his liabilityunder Article 1 shall be:        (a) where the occurrence has only given rise to property claims anaggregate amount of 1 000 francs for each ton of the ship's tonnage;        (b) where the occurrence has only given rise to personal claims anaggregate amount of 3 100 francs for each ton of the ship's tonnage;        (c) where the occurrence has given rise both to personal claimsand property claims an aggregate amount of 3100 francs for each ton of theship's tonnage, of which a first portion amounting to 2100 francs for eachton of the ship's tonnage shall be exclusively appropriated to the paymentof personal claims and of which a second portion amounting to 1000 francsfor each ton of the ship's tonnage shall be appropriated to the payment ofproperty claims: Provided however that in cases where the first portion isinsufficient to pay the personal claims in full, the unpaid balance ofsuch claims shall rank rateably with the property claims for paymentagainst the second portion of the fund.    (2) In each portion of the limitation fund the distribution among theclaimants shall be made in proportion to the amounts of their establishedclaims.    (3) If before the fund is distributed the owner has paid in whole orin part any of the claims set out in Article 1 paragraph (1), he shall protanto be placed in the same position in relation to the fund as theclaimant whose claim he has paid, but only to the extent that the claimantwhose claim he has paid would have had a right of recovery against himunder the national law of the State where the fund has been constituted.    (4) Where the shipowner establishes that he may at a later date becompelled to pay in whole or in part any of the claims set out in Article1 paragraph (1) the Court or other competent authority of the State wherethe fund has been constituted may order that a sufficient sum shall beprovisionally set aside to enable the shipowner at such later date toenforce his claim against the fund in the manner set out in the precedingparagraph.    (5) For the purpose of ascertaining the limit of an owner's liabilityin accordance with the provisions of this Article the tonnage of a ship ofless than 300 tons shall be deemed to be 300 tons.    (6) The franc mentioned in this Article shall be deemed to refer to aunit consisting of sixty five and a half milligrams of gold of millesimalfineness nine hundred. The amounts mentioned in paragraph (1) of thisArticle shall be converted into the national currency of the State inwhich limitation is sought on the basis of the value of that currency byreference to the unit defined above at the date on which the shipownershall have constituted the limitation fund,  made the payment or given aguarantee which under the law of that State is equivalent to such payment.    (7) For the purpose of this convention tonnage shall be calculated asfollows: in the case of steamships or other mechanically propelled shipsthere shall be taken the net tonnage with the addition of the amountdeducted from the gross tonnage on account of engine room space for thepurpose of ascertaining the net tonnage; in the case of all other shipsthere shall be taken the net tonnage.Article 4    Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 3, paragraph (2) ofthis Convention, the rules relating to the constitution and distributionof the limitation fund, if any, and all rules of procedure shall begoverned by the national law of the State in which the fund isconstituted.Article 5    (1) Whenever a shipowner is entitled to limit his liability under thisConvention, and the ship or another ship or other property in the sameownership has been arrested within the jurisdiction of a Contracting Stateor bail or other security has been given to avoid arrest, the Court orother competent authority of such State may order the release of the shipor other property or of the security given if it is established that theshipowner has already given satisfactory bail or security in a sum equalto the full limit of his liability under this Convention and that the bailor other security so given is actually available for the benefit of theclaimant in accordance with his rights.    (2) Where, in circumstances mentioned in paragraph (1) of thisArticle, bail or other security has already been given:        (a) at the port where the accident giving rise to the claimoccurred;        (b) at the first port of call after the accident if the accidentdid not occur in a port;        (c) at the port of disembarkation or discharge if the claim is apersonal claim or relates to damage to cargo;    the Court or other competent authority shall order the release of theship or the bail or other security given, subject to the conditions setforth in paragraph (1) of this Article.    (3) The provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article shallapply likewise if the bail or other security already given is in a sumless than the full limit of liability under this Convention: Provided thatsatisfactory bail or other security is given for the balance.    (4) When the shipowner has given bail or other security in a sum equalto the full limit of his liability under this Convention such bail orother security shall be available for the payment of all claims arising ona distinct occasion and in respect of which the shipowner may limit hisliability.    (5) Questions of procedure relating to actions brought under theprovisions of this Convention and also the time limit within which suchactions shall be brought or prosecuted shall be decided in accordance withthe national law of the Contracting State in which the action takes place.Article 6    (1) In this Convention the liability of the shipowner includes theliability of the ship herself.    (2) Subject to paragraph (3) of this Article, the provisions of thisConvention shall apply to the charterer, manager and operator of the ship,and to the master, members of the crew and other servants of the owner,charterer, manager or operator acting in the course of their employment,in the same way as they apply to an owner himself: Provided that the totallimits of liability of the owner and all such other persons in respect ofpersonal claims and property claims arising on a distinct occasion shallnot exceed the amounts determined in accordance with Article 3 of thisConvention.    (3) When actions are brought against the master or against members ofthe crew such persons may limit their liability even if the occurrencewhich gives rise to the claims resulted from the actual fault or privityof one or more of such persons. If however, the master or member of thecrew is at the same time the owner, co-owner, charterer, manager oroperator of the ship the provisions of this paragraph shall only applywhere the act, neglect or default in question is an act, neglect ordefault committed by the person in question in his capacity as master oras member of the crew of the ship.Article 7    This Convention shall apply whenever the owner of a ship, or any otherperson having by virtue of the provisions of Article 6 hereof the samerights as an owner of a ship, limits or seeks to limit his liabilitybefore a court of a Contracting State or seeks to procure the release of aship or other property arrested or the bail or other security given withinthe jurisdiction of any such State.    Nevertheless, each Contracting State shall have the right to exclude,wholly or partially,  from the benefits of this Convention anynon-Contracting State, or any person who, at the time when he seeks tolimit his liability or to secure the release of a ship or other propertyarrested or the bail or other security in accordance with the provisionsof Article 5 hereof, is not ordinarily resident in a Contracting State, ordoes not have his principal place of business in a Contracting State, orany ship in respect of which limitation of liability or release is soughtwhich does not at the time specified above fly the flag of a ContractingState.Article 8    Each Contracting State reserves the right to decide what other classesof ship shall be treated in the same manner as sea-going ships for thepurposes of this Convention.Article 9    This Convention shall be open for signature by the States representedat the tenth session of the Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Law.Article 10    This Convention shall be ratified and the instruments of ratificationshall be deposited with the Belgian Government which shall notify throughdiplomatic channels all signatory and acceding States of their deposit.Article 11    (1) This Convention shall come into force six months after the date ofdeposit of at least ten instruments of ratification, of which at leastfive shall have been deposited by States that have each a tonnage equal orsuperior to one million gross tons of tonnage.    (2) For each signatory State which ratifies the Convention after thedate of deposit of the instrument of ratification determining the cominginto force such as is stipulated in paragraph (1) of this Article, thisConvention shall come into force six months after the deposit of theirinstrument of ratification.Article 12    Any State not represented at the tenth session of the DiplomaticConference on Maritime Law may accede to this Convention.    The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the BelgianGovernment which shall inform through diplomatic channels all signatoryand acceding States of the deposit of any such instruments.    The Convention shall come into force in respect of the acceding Statesix months after the date of the deposit of the instrument of accession tothat State, but not before the date of entry into force of the Conventionas established by Article 11(1).Article 13    Each High Contracting Parity shall have the right to denounce thisConvention at any time after the coming into force thereof in respect ofsuch High Contracting Party. Nevertheless,  this denunciation shall onlytake effect one year after the date on which notification thereof has beenreceived by the Belgian Government which shall inform through diplomaticchannels all signatory and acceding States of such notification.Article 14    (1) Any High Contracting Party may at the time of its ratification ofor accession to this Convention or at any time thereafter declare bywritten notification to the Belgian Government that the Convention shallextend to any of the territories for whose international relations it isresponsible. The Convention shall six months after the date of the receiptof such notification by the Belgian Government extend to the territoriesnamed therein, but not before the date of the coming into force of thisConvention in respect of such High Contracting Party;    (2) Any High Contracting Party which has made a declaration underparagraph (1) of this Article extending the Convention to any territoryfor whose international relations it is responsible may at any timethereafter declare by notification given to the Belgian Government thatthe Convention shall cease to extend to such territory. This denunciationshall take effect one year after the date on which notification thereofhas been received by the Belgian Government;    (3) The Belgian Government shall inform through diplomatic channelsall signatory and acceding States of any notification received by it underthis Article.Article 15    Any High Contracting Party may three years after the coming into forceof this Convention in respect of such High Contracting Party or at anytime thereafter request that a Conference be convened in order to consideramendments to this Convention.    Any High Contracting Party proposing to avail itself of this rightshall notify the Belgian Government which shall convene the Conferencewithin six months thereafter.Article 16    In respect of the relations between States which ratify thisConvention or accede to it, this Convention shall replace and abrogate theInternational Convention for the Unification of certain Rules concerningthe Limitation of the Liability of the Owner s of Sea-going Ships, signedat Brussels, on August 25, 1924.    IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Plenipotentiaries, duly authorized, have signedthis Convention.    DONE AT BRUSSELS, this tenth day of October 1957, in the French andEnglish languages,  the two texts being equally authentic, in a singlecopy, which shall remain deposited in the archives of the BelgianGovernment, which shall issue certified copies.
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    发布于:2022-01-29 17:14:52
  • 船舶污染1969年《国际油污损害民事责任公约》CLC 1969
          本公约各缔约国,意识到由于遍及世界的海上载运散装油类而出现的污染危险,确信有必要对由于船舶逸出或排放油类造成污染而遭受损害的人员给予适当的赔偿,本着通过统一的国际规则和程序以便确定在上述情况下的责任问题并提供适当赔偿的愿望,议定下列条款:       第一条 在本公约中:       1.“船舶”是指装运散装油类货物的任何类型的远洋船舶和海上船艇。       2.“人”是指任何个人或集体或任何公营或私营机构(不论是否法人),包括国家或其任何下属单位。       3.“船舶所有人”是指登记为船舶所有人的人,如果没有这种登记,则是指拥有该船的人。但如船舶为国家所有而由在该国登记为船舶经营人的公司所经营,“船舶所有人”即指这种公司。       4.“船舶登记国”,就登记的船舶而言,是指对船舶进行登记的国家;就未登记的船舶而言,是指其船旗国。       5.“油类”是指任何持久性油类,例如原油、燃料油、重柴油、润滑油以及鲸油,不论是作为货物装运于船上,或作为这类船舶的燃料。       6.“油污损害”是指由于船舶逸出或排放油类(不论这种逸出或排放发生在何处)后,在运油船舶本身以外因污染而产生的灭失损害,并包括预防措施的费用以及由于采取预防措施而造成的进一步灭失或损害。       7.“预防措施”是指事件发生后为防止或减轻污染损害由任何人所采取的任何合理措施。       8.“事件”是指造成污染损害的任何事故,或由于同一原因所引起的一系列事故。       9.“海协”是指政府间海事协商组织。       第二条 本公约仅适用于在缔约国领土和领海上发生的污染损害和为防止或减轻这种损害而采取的预防措施。       第三条       1.除本条第2款和第3款另有规定以外,在事件发生时,或如事件包括一系列事故,在此种事故第一次发生时,船舶所有人应对该事件引起的漏油或排油所造成的污染损害负责。       2.船舶所有人如能证实损害系属于以下情况,即对之不负责任:       (1)由于战争行为、敌对行为、内战或武装暴动,或特殊的、不可避免的和不可抗拒性质的自然现象所引起的损害;       (2)完全是由于第三者有意造成损害的行为或怠慢所引起的损害;       (3)完全是由于负责灯塔或其他助航设备的政府或其他主管当局在执行其职责时,疏忽或其他过失行为所造成的损害。       3.如船舶所有人证明,污染损害完全或部分地由于遭受损害人有意造成损害的行为或怠慢而引起,或是由于该人的疏忽所造成,则该船舶所有人即可全部或部分地免除对该人所负的责任。       4.不得要求船舶所有人对本公约没有规定的污染损害作出赔偿。不得要求船舶所有人的工作人员或代理人对本公约规定的或其他的污染损害作出赔偿。       5.本公约的任何条款不得有损于船舶所有人向第三者要求赔偿的权利。       * 本公约签字国见“1969年海上污染损害国际法律会议最后议定书”第五款注有双星记号的国家。       第四条 如发生两艘或多艘船舶逸出或排放油类,因而造成油污损害时,则全部有关船舶的所有人,除非依第三条免责,都应对按情理分不开的损害合联地和个别地负责任。       第五条       1.船舶所有人有权将他依本公约对任何一个事件的责任限定为按船舶吨位计算赔偿总额每一吨2000法郎,但这种赔偿总额绝对不得超过2亿1千万法郎。       2.如事故是由于船舶所有人的实际过失或暗中参与所造成,船舶所有人无权利用本条第一款规定的责任限度。       3.为取得本条第一款规定的责任限度的权利,船舶所有人应在按第九条规定提出诉讼的任一缔约国里的法院或其他主管当局设立相当其责任限度总数的基金。建立该项基金可采取照数存入银行的方法或是采取按设立基金的缔约国法律可以接受的、经法院或其他主管机关认可的银行担保或其他担保的方法。       4.该项基金应在索赔人之间依其确定的索赔额比例分配。       5.在分配本金以前,如船舶所有人或其任何工作人员或代理人,或向其提供保险或其他财务保证的任何人员,由于所述事件而支付油污损害赔偿,则上述人员在其支付数额范围内应以代位获得受赔偿的人根据本公约所应享有的权利。       6.本条第5款所规定的代位行使权利也可由该款所提到的人员以外的对油污损害已支付任何赔偿金额的任何人行使,但这种代位行使权利仅以所适用的国内法所许可者为限。       7.如船舶所有人或任何其他人确证,他又能在后被强制支付此种赔偿金额的全部或一部分,并由此可依本条第5款或第6款享有代位行使权利,若是赔偿在基金分配出去以前付出,则基金所在国法院或其他主管当局得命令暂时留出一个足够的数目,使该人以后能向基金索赔。       8.对于船舶所有人主动防止或减轻油污损害因而引起的合理费用或所作的合理牺牲所提出的索赔,就基金来说,应与其他索赔处于等同地位。       9.本条所述法郎指含有纯度为900‰。的黄金65.5毫克的法郎。本条第(一)款所述金额,应根据设立基金之日基金所在国的货币与上述货币单位的比值,折合为基金所在国的货币。       10.在本条中,船舶吨位应为净吨位再加上为计算净吨位对机舱部分从总吨位中所减除的数额。对于不能按照标准的吨位丈量规则测定的船舶,该船舶的吨位应为该船所能装运油类的重量吨(每吨2240磅)的40%。       11.保险人或提供财务保证的其他人有权按照本条的规定建立基金,其条件和效力与船舶所有人建立的基金相同。即使确有船舶所有人的过失或暗中参与,也可设立这项基金,但在这种情况下,基金的设立不应妨碍任何向船舶所有人索赔的权利。       第六条       1.当船舶所有人在事件发生之后已按第五条规定设立一项基金并有权限制其责任范围时,则:       (1)对上述事件造成的油污损害提出索赔的任何人不得就其索赔对船舶所有人的任何其他财产行使任何权利。       (2)各缔约国的法院或其他主管当局应下令退还由于对该事件造成的油污损害提出索赔而扣留的属于船舶所有人的任何船舶或其他财产,对为避免扣留而提出的保证金或其他保证金或其他保证也同样应予退还。       2.但上述规定只在索赔人能向管理基金的法院提出索赔,并且该基金对他的索赔确能支付的情况下才适用。       第七条       1.在缔约国登记的载运2千吨以上散装货油的船舶的船舶所有人必须进行保险或取得其财务保证,如银行保证或国际赔偿基金出具的证书等,保证数额按第五条第(一)款中规定的责任限度决定,以便按本公约规定承担其对油污损害所应负的责任。       2.应对每一船舶颁发一项证书,证明该船按本公约规定进行的保险或取得的其他财务保证具有实效。此项证书应由船舶登记国的有关当局在断定已符合本条第(一)款的要求之后颁发证明。证书的格式以所附范本为准,并应包括下列各项:       (1)船名和船籍港;       (2)船舶所有人名称和其总营运地点;       (3)保证的类别;       (4)保险人或提供保证的其他人的姓名及其总营业地点,并根据情况,包括所设立的保险或保证的营业地点;       (5)证书的有效期限,该期限不得长于保险或其他保证的有效期限。       3.证书应以颁发国的一种或数种官方文字颁发,如所用文字既非英文又非法文,则应包括译成该2种文字之一的译文。       4.该证书应保留在船上,并应将副本送交保存船舶登记记录的当局存档。       5.一项保险或其他财务保证,如果不是由于本条第2款所述证明书上规定的该保险或保证的有效期限期满的原因,而是在向本条第4款所指的当局送交终止通知书之日起3个月未满即予以终止,应属不符合本条的要求,除非该证书已送交上述有关当局,或在此期间内已签发新的证书。上述规定应同样适用于使保险或保证不再满足本公约的各项要求而作的任何修改。       6.船舶登记国应按本条各项规定决定证书的签发条件和有效期限。       7.一个缔约国当局颁发或签证的证书在本公约范围内其他各缔约国应予以接受,并应认为与它们签发的证书具有同等效力、如一缔约国认为,证书上所列的保险人或保证人在财力上不能承担本公约所规定的各项义务,则可随时要求与船舶登记国进行协商。       8.对油污损害的任何索赔可向承担船舶所有人油污损害责任的保险人或提供财务保证的其他人直接提出。在上述情况下,被告人可不问船舶所有人的实际过失或暗中参与而援用第五条第1款所规定的责任限度。被告人可以进一步提出船舶所有人本人有权援引的答辩(船舶所有人已告破产或关闭者不在此例)。除此以外,被告人可以提出答辩,说明油污损害是由于船舶所有人的有意的不当行为所造成,但不得提出他有权在船舶所有人向他提出的诉讼中所援引的答辩。在任何情况下,被告人有权要求船舶所有人参加诉讼。       9.按照本条第1款规定保险或其他财务保证所提供的任何款项应仅用于根据本公约提出的索赔。       10.除非根据本条第2款或第12款已予签发证书,各缔约国不得允许本条适用的悬挂其旗帜的船舶从事营运。       11.除本条的各项规定外,各缔约国应根据其国内法担保:在本条第1款规定范围内的保险或其他保证,对于进入或驶离其领土上的某一港口、或抵达或驶离其领海范围内的某一海上终点站的任一船舶,不论该船在何处登记,只要该船上确实装有2000吨以上的散装货油,都是有效的。       12.如果为缔约国所有的船舶未进行保险或未取得其他财务保证,本条与此有关的各项规定不得适用于该船。但该船应备有一份由船舶登记国有关当局签发的证书,声明该船为该国所有,并且该船在第五条第1款规定的限度内担负责任。上述证书应尽可能严格遵照本条第二款所规定的范本。       第八条 如果不能在损害发生之日起3年内提出诉讼,按本公约要求赔偿的权利即告失效。无论如何不得在引起损害的事件发生之日起6年之后提出诉讼。如该事件包括一系列事故,6年的期限应自第一个事故发生之日起算。       第九条       1.当在一个或若干个缔约国领土(包括领海)内发生了油污损害事件,或在上述领土(包括领海)内采取了防止或减轻油污损害的预防措施的情况下,赔偿诉讼只能向上述的一个或若干个缔约国的法院提出,任何上述诉讼的合理通知均应送交给被告人。       2.每一缔约国都应保证它的法院具有处理上述赔偿诉讼的必要管辖权。       3.在按照第五条规定设立基金之后,基金所在国的法院可以独自决定有关基金分摊和分配的一切事项。       第十条       1.由具有第九条所述管辖权的法院所作的任何判决,如可在原判决国实施而不再需通常复审手续时,除下列情况外,应为各缔约国所承认:       (1)判决是以欺骗取得;       (2)未给被告人以合理的通知和陈述其立场的公正机会。       2.按本条第1款确认的判决,一经履行各缔约国所规定的各项手续之后,应在各该国立即实施,在各项手续中不允许重提该案的是非。       第十一条       1.本公约各项规定不适用于军舰或其他为国家所有或经营的在当时仅用于政府的非商业性服务的船舶。       2.关于为缔约国所有而用于商业目的的船舶,每一国都应接受第九条所规定的管辖权受理的控告,并放弃一切以主权国地位为根据的答辩。       第十二条 本公约应代替正在施行中的或在本公约开放签字之日对签字、批准或加入开放的任何国际公约,但只限于与本公约有抵触者。但是本规定不得影响根据上述国际公约缔约国对非缔约国应负的各项义务。       第十三条       1.本公约将保持开放至1970年12月13日,以供签字,此后将继续开放以供接受。       2.联合国或任何专门机构或国际原子能机构的成员国,或国际法院规约缔约国,可按下列方式成为本公约缔约国:       (1)签字,并对批准、接受或承认无保留;       (2)签字并对批准、接受或承认作出保留,随后予以批准、接受或承认;       (3)加入。       第十四条       1.批准、接受、承认或加入应当以正式文件送交海协秘书长收存,方为有效。       2.凡在本公约修正案对现有各缔约国生效之后或在修正案生效所需各项措施对现有各缔约国已告完成之后交存的批准、接受、承认或加入的任何文件,应被认为是适用于按修正案已作修改的公约。       第十五条       1.本公约应自有8个国家政府作了对批准、接受或承认没有保留的签字,或已将批准、接受、承认或加入的文件送交海协秘书长收存之后第90天起生效,该8个国家中的5个国家应各拥有不少于100万总吨位的油轮。       2.对于以后批准、接受、承认或加入的每一国家,本公约应自该国交存相应文件之后第90天起生效。       第十六条       1.各缔约国在本公约对各该国生效之后可随时退出本公约。       2.退出本公约应以文件送交海协秘书处收存,方为有效。       3.退出本公约应在海协秘书长收到文件后一年,或文件中载明的较此为长的期限后开始生效。       第十七条       1.联合国如是某一领土的管理当局,或本公约的任何缔约国如对某一领土的国际关系负有责任,应尽早与该领土的相应当局协商或采取其他适当的措施,使本公约扩大适用于上述领土,并可随时书面通知海协秘书长,声明本公约扩大适用于上述领土。       2.本公约自收到通知之日起或通知中指定之日起扩大适用于通知中所述领土。       3.根据本条第1款提出声明的联合国或任何缔约国,自本公约扩大适用于任何领土之日起可以随时书面通知海协秘书长,声明本公约终止扩大适用于通知中所述领土。       4.自海协秘书长收到通知之日起1年后,或在通知中所载明的较此为长的期限后,本公约应终止扩大适用于该通知中所述任何领土。       第十八条       1.修订或修正本公约的会议可由海协召集。       2.在不少于1/3缔约国提出要求时,海协应召开缔约国代表会议,以修订或修正本公约。       第十九条       1.本公约应送交海协秘书长收存。       2.海协秘书长应:       (1)将下列情况通知所有签字或接受本公约的国家:       ①每一新的签字或文件的交存,以及交存文件的日期;       ②交存退出本公约的任何文件以及交存的日期;       ③按照第十七条第1款规定本公约对任何领土的扩大适用和根据该条第4款的规定终止任何上述扩大适用,并注明扩大适用或终止扩大适用本公约每一情况的日期;       (2)将本公约验证无误的副本分送给签字和接受本公约的所有国家。       第二十条 本公约一经生效,海协秘书长应将公约文本送交联合国秘书处,以便根据联合国宪章第一百零二条进行登记与公布。       第二十一条 本公约原本一份,用英文和法文写成,两种文本具有同等效力。应制成俄文和西班牙文的正式译本并与签字的原本一并存档。       为此,下面签字的各国政府正式授权的代表(略),特签订本公约,以昭信守。       1969年11月29日订于布鲁塞尔。       附录 关于油污损害民事责任保险或其他财务保证证书       根据1969年国际油污损害民事责任公约第七条各项规定发给。 --------------------------------------|  船    名  |  船舶编号或呼号  |  船  籍  港  |  船舶所有人名称及地址||------|---------|-------|-----------||            |                  |              |                      |--------------------------------------    兹证明,上述船舶按照1969年国际油污损害民事责任公约第七条的要求取得的保险单或其他财务保证是有效的。    保证的类别___________________________________    保证的期限___________________________________    保险人及/或保证人姓名和地址    ______________    姓名    ________________________________________    地址    ________________________________________    本证书有效期至                          由      (颁发国全名)    政府签发或证明                  _________________________________    ______年____月____日      于______(地点)_________                                      (颁发或证明人员的签字和头衔)                                      ____________________ ___          注解:       1.如果愿意,颁发国名称中可以包括颁发证书国家的主管机关名称。       2.如保证总额由2个以上来源所提供,每一来源的数额应予说明。       3.如果以若干方式提供保证,应将各种方式一一列举。       4.填写“保证的期限”时必须注明该保证生效日期。        INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR OIL POLLUTIONDAMAGE, 1969          THE STATES PARTIES TO THE PRESENT CONVENTION,    CONSCIOUS of the dangers of pollution posed by the worldwide maritimecarriage of oil in bulk,    CONVINCED of the need to ensure that adequate compensation isavailable to persons who suffer damage caused by pollution resulting fromthe escape of discharge of oil from ships,    DESIRING to adopt uniform international rules and procedures fordetermining questions of liability and providing adequate compensation insuch cases,    HAVE AGREED as follows:Article I    For the purposes of this Convention:    1. "Ship" means any sea-going vessel and any seaborne craft of anytype whatsoever, actually carrying oil in bulk as cargo.    2. "Person" means any individual or partnership or any public orprivate body, whether corporate or not, including a State or any of itsconstituent subdivisions.    3. "Owner" means the person or persons registered as the owner of theship or, in the absence of registration, the person or persons owning theship. However, in the case of a ship owned by a State and operated by acompany which in that States is registered as the ship's operator, "owner"shall mean such company.    4. "State of the ship's registry" means in relation to registeredships the State of registration of the ship, and in relation tounregistered ships the State whose flag the ship is flying.    5. "Oil" means any persistent oil such as crude oil, fuel oil, heavydiesel oil, lubricating oil and whale oil, whether carried on board a shipas cargo or in the bunkers of such a ship.    6. "Pollution damage" means loss or damage caused outside the shipcarrying oil by contamination resulting from the escape or discharge ofoil from the ship, wherever such escape or discharge may occur, andincludes the costs of preventive measures and further loss or damagescaused by preventive measures.    7. "Preventive measures" means any reasonable measures taken by anyperson after an incident has occurred to prevent or minimize pollutiondamage.    8. "Incident" means any occurrence, or series of occurrences havingthe same origin,  which causes pollution damage.    9. "Organization" means the Inter-Governmental Maritime ConsultativeOrganization.Article II    This Convention shall apply exclusively to pollution damage caused onthe territory including the territorial sea of a Contracting State and topreventive measures taken to prevent or minimize such damage.Article III    1. Except as provided in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article, the ownerof a ship at the time of an incident, or where the incident consists of aseries of occurrences at the time of the first such occurrence, shall beliable for any pollution damage caused by oil which has escaped or beendischarged from the ship as a result of the incident.    2. No liability for pollution damage shall attach to the owner if heproves that the damage:        (a) resulted from an act of war, hostilities, civil war,insurrection or a natural phenomenon of an exceptional, inevitable andirresistible character, or        (b) was wholly caused by an act or omission done with intent tocause damage by a third party, or        (c) was wholly caused by the negligence or other wrongful act ofany Government or other authority responsible for the maintenance oflights or other navigational aids in the exercise of that function.    3. If the owner proves that the pollution damage resulted wholly orpartially either from an act or omission done with intent to cause damageby the person who suffered the damage or from the negligence of thatperson, the owner may be exonerated wholly or partially from his liabilityto such person.    4. No claim for compensation for pollution damage shall be madeagainst the owner otherwise than in accordance with this Convention. Noclaim for pollution damage under this Convention or otherwise may be madeagainst the servants or agents of the owner.    5. Nothing in this Convention shall prejudice any right of recourse ofthe owner against third parties.Article IV    When oil has escaped or has been discharged from two or more ships,and pollution damage results therefrom, the owners of all the shipsconcerned, unless exonerated under Article III, shall be jointly andseverally liable for all such damage which is not reasonably separable.Article V    1. The owner of a ship shall be entitled to limit his liability underthis Convention in respect of any one incident to an aggregate amount of2,000 francs for each ton of the ship's tonnage. However, this aggregateamount shall not in any event exceed 210 million francs.    2. If the incident occurred as a result of the actual fault or privityof the owner, he shall not be entitled to avail himself of the limitationprovided in paragraph 1 of this Article.    3. For the purpose of availing himself of the benefit of limitationprovided for in paragraph 1 of this Article the owner shall constitute afund for the total sum representing the limit of his liability with theCourt or other competent authority of any one of the Contracting States inwhich action is brought under Article IX. The fund can be constitutedeither by depositing the sum or by producing a bank guarantee or otherguarantee, acceptable under the legislation of the Contracting State wherethe fund is constituted, and considered to be adequate by the Court oranother competent authority.    4. The fund shall be distributed among the claimants in proportion tothe amounts of their established claims.    5. If before the fund is distributed the owner or any of his servantsor agents or any person providing him insurance or other financialsecurity has as a result of the incident in question,  paid compensationfor pollution damage, such person shall, up to the amount he has paid,acquire by subrogation the rights which the person so compensated wouldhave enjoyed under this Convention.    6. The right of subrogation provided for in paragraph 5 of thisArticle may also be exercised by a person other than those mentionedtherein in respect of any amount of compensation for pollution damagewhich he may have paid but only to the extent that such subrogation ispermitted under the applicable national law.    7. Where the owner or any other person establishes that he may becompelled to pay at a later date in whole or in part any such amount ofcompensation, with regard to which such person would have enjoyed a rightof subrogation under paragraphs 5 or 6 of this Article, had thecompensation been paid before the fund was distributed, the Court or othercompetent authority of the State where the fund has been constituted mayorder that a sufficient sum shall be provisionally set aside to enablesuch person at such later date to enforce his claim against the fund.    8. Claims in respect of expenses reasonably incurred or sacrificesreasonably made by the owner voluntarily to prevent or minimize pollutiondamage shall rank equally with other claims against the fund.    9. The franc mentioned in this Article shall be a unit consisting ofsixty-five and a half milligrams of gold of millesimal fineness ninehundred. The amount mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article shall beconverted into the national currency of the State in which the fund isbeing constituted on the basis of the official value of that currency byreference to the unit defined above on the date of the fund.    10. For the purpose of this Article the ship's tonnage shall be thenet tonnage of the ship with the addition of the amount deducted from thegross tonnage on account of engine room space for the purpose ofascertaining the net tonnage. In the case of a ship which cannot bemeasured in accordance with the normal rules of tonnage measurement, theship's tonnage shall be deemed to be 40 per cent of the weight in tons (of2,240 lbs.) of oil which the ship is capable of carrying.    11. The insurer or other person providing financial security shall beentitled to constitute a fund in accordance with this Article on the sameconditions and having the same effect as if it were constituted by theowner. Such a fund may be constituted even in the event of the actualfault or privity of the owner but its constitution shall in that case notprejudice the rights of any claimant against the owner.Article VI    1. Where the owner, after an incident, has constituted a fund inaccordance with Article V, and is entitled to limit his liability,        (a) no person having a claim for pollution damage arising out ofthat incident shall be entitled to exercise any right against any otherassets of the owner in respect of such claim;        (b) the Court or other competent authority of any ContractingState shall order the release of any ship or other property belonging tothe owner which has been arrested in respect of a claim for pollutiondamage arising out of that incident, and shall similarly release any bailor other security furnished to avoid such arrest.    2. The foregoing shall, however, only apply if the claimant has accessto the Court administering the fund and the fund is actually available inrespect of his claim.Article VII    1. The owner of a ship registered in a Contracting State and carryingmore than 2,000 tons of oil in bulk as cargo shall be required to maintaininsurance or other financial security,  such as the guarantee of a bank ora certificate delivered by an international compensation fund, in the sumsfixed by applying the limits of liability prescribed in Article V,paragraph 1 to cover his liability for pollution damage under thisConvention.    2. A certificate attesting that insurance or other financial securityis in force in accordance with the provisions of this Convention shall beissued to each ship. It shall be issued or certified by the appropriateauthority of the State of the ship's registry after determining that therequirements of paragraph 1 of this Article have been complied with. Thiscertificate shall be in the form of the annexed model and shall containthe following particulars:        (a) name of ship and port of registration;        (b) name and principal place of business of owner;        (c) type of security;        (d) name and principal place of business of insurer or otherperson giving security and,  where appropriate, place of business wherethe insurance or security is established;    (e) period of validity of certificate which shall not be longer thanthe period of validity of the insurance or other security.    3. The certificate shall be in the official language or languages ofthe issuing State. If the language used is neither English nor French thetext shall include a translation into one of these languages.    4. The certificate shall be carried on board the ship and a copy shallbe deposited with the authorities who keep the record of the ship'sregistry.    5. An insurance or other financial security shall not satisfy therequirements of this Article if it can cease, for reasons other than theexpiry of the period of validity of the insurance or security specified inthe certificate under paragraph 2 of this Article, before three monthshave elapsed from the date on which notice of its termination is given tothe authorities referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article, unless thecertificate has been surrendered to these authorities or a new certificatehas been issued within the said period. The foregoing provisions shallsimilarly apply to any modification which results in the insurance orsecurity no longer satisfying the requirements of this Article.    6. The State of registry shall, subject to the provisions of thisArticle, determine the conditions of issue and validity of thecertificate.    7. Certificates issued or certified under the authority of aContracting State shall be accepted by other Contracting States for thepurposes of this Convention and shall be regarded by other ContractingStates as having the same force as certificates issued or certified bythem. A Contracting State may at any time request consultation with theState of a ship's registry should it believe that the insurer or guarantornamed in the certificate is not financially capable of meeting theobligations imposed by this Convention.    8. Any claim for compensation for pollution damage may be broughtdirectly against the insurer or other person providing financial securityfor the owner's liability for pollution damage. In such case the defendantmay, irrespective of the actual fault or privity of the owner,  availhimself of the limits of liability prescribed in Article V, paragraph 1.He may further avail himself of the defences (other than the bankruptcy orwinding-up of the owner) which the owner himself would have been entitledto invoke. Furthermore, the defendant may avail himself of the defencethat the pollution damage resulted from the wilful misconduct of the ownerhimself, but the defendant shall not avail himself of any other defencewhich he might have been entitled to invoke in proceedings brought by theowner against him. The defendant shall in any event have the right torequire the owner to be joined in the proceedings.    9. Any sums provided by insurance or by other financial securitymaintained in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article shall beavailable exclusively for the satisfaction of claims under thisConvention.    10. A Contracting State shall not permit a ship under its flag towhich this Article applies to trade unless a certificate has been issuedunder paragraph 2 or 12 of this Article.    11. Subject to the provisions of this Article, each Contracting Stateshall ensure, under its national legislation, that insurance or othersecurity to the extent specified in paragraph 1 of this Article is inforce in respect of any ship, wherever registered, entering or leaving aport in its territory, or arriving at or leaving an off-shore terminal inits territorial sea, if the ship actually carries more than 2,000 tons ofoil in bulk as cargo.    12. If insurance or other financial security is not maintained inrespect of a ship owned by a Contracting State, the provisions of thisArticle relating thereto shall not be applicable to such ship, but theship shall carry a certificate issued by the appropriate authorities ofthe State of the ship's registry stating that the ship is owned by thatState and that the ship's liability is covered within the limitsprescribed by Article V, paragraph 1. Such a certificate shall follow asclosely as practicable the model prescribed by paragraph 2 of thisArticle.Article VIII    Rights of compensation under this Convention shall be extinguishedunless an action is brought thereunder within three years from the datewhen the damage occurred. However, in no case shall an action be broughtafter six years from the date of the incident which caused the damage.Where this incident consists of a series of occurrences, the six years'period shall run from the date of the first such occurrence.Article IX    1. Where an incident has caused pollution damage in the territoryincluding the territorial sea of one or more Contracting States, orpreventive measures have been taken to prevent or minimize pollutiondamage in such territory including the territorial sea, actions forcompensation may only be brought in the Courts of any such ContractingState or States. Reasonable notice of any such action shall be given tothe defendant.    2. Each Contracting State shall ensure that its Courts possess thenecessary jurisdiction to entertain such actions for compensation.    3. After the fund has been constituted in accordance with Article Vthe Courts of the State in which the fund is constituted shall beexclusively competent to determine all matters relating to theapportionment and distribution of the fund.Article X    1. Any judgment given by a Court with jurisdiction in accordance withArticle IX which is enforceable in the State of origin where it is nolonger subject to ordinary forms of review,  shall be recognized in anyContracting State, except:        (a) where the judgment was obtained by fraud; or        (b) where the defendant was not given reasonable notice and a fairopportunity to present his case.    2. A judgment recognized under paragraph 1 of this Article shall beenforceable in each Contracting State as soon as the formalities requiredin that State have been complied with. The formalities shall not permitthe merits of the case to be re-opened.Article XI    1. The provisions of this Convention shall not apply to warships orother ships owned or operated by a State and used, for the time being,only on Government non-commercial service.    2. With respect to ships owned by a Contracting State and used forcommercial purposes,  each State shall be subject to suit in thejurisdictions set forth in Article IX and shall waive all defences basedon its status as a sovereign State.Article XII    This Convention shall supersede any International Conventions in forceor open for signature,  ratification or accession at the date on which theConvention is opened for signature, but only to the extent that suchConventions would be in conflict with it; however, nothing in this Articleshall affect the obligations of Contracting States to non-ContractingStates arising under such International Conventions.Article XIII    1. The present Convention shall remain open for signature untilDecember 31, 1970 and shall thereafter remain open for accession.    2. States Members of the United Nations or any of the SpecializedAgencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency or Parties to theStatute of the International Court of Justice may become Parties to thisConvention by:        (a) signature without reservation as to ratification, acceptanceor approval;        (b) signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approvalfollowed by ratification, acceptance or approval; or        (c) accession.Article XIV    1. Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be effectedby the deposit of a formal instrument to that effect with theSecretary-General of the Organization.    2. Any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accessiondeposited after the entry into force of an amendment to the presentConvention with respect to all existing Contracting States, or after thecompletion of all measures required for the entry into force of theamendment with respect to those Contracting States shall be deemed toapply to the Convention as modified by the amendment.Article XV    1. The present Convention shall enter into force on the ninetieth dayfollowing the date on which Governments of eight States including fiveStates each with not less than 1,000,000 gross tons of tanker tonnage haveeither signed it without reservation as to ratification, acceptance orapproval or have deposited instruments of ratification, acceptance,approval or accession with the Secretary-General of the Organization.    2. For each State which subsequently ratifies, accepts, approves oraccedes to it the present Convention shall come into force on theninetieth day after deposit by such State of the appropriate instrument.Article XVI    1. The present Convention may be denounced by any Contracting State atany time after the date on which the Convention comes into force for thatState.    2. Denunciation shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument withthe Secretary-General of the Organization.    3. A denunciation shall take effect one year, or such longer period asmay be specified in the instrument of denunciation, after its deposit withthe Secretary-General of the Organization.Article XVII    1. The United Nations, where it is the administering authority for aterritory, or any Contracting State responsible for the internationalrelations of a territory, shall as soon as possible consult with theappropriate authorities of such territory or take such other measures asmay be appropriate, in order to extend the present Convention to thatterritory and may at any time by notification in writing to theSecretary-General of the Organization declare that the present Conventionshall extend to such territory.    2. The present Convention shall, from the date of receipt of thenotification or from such other date as may be specified in thenotification, extend to the territory named therein.    3. The United Nations, or any Contracting State which has made adeclaration under paragraph 1 of this Article may at any time after thedate on which the Convention has been so extended to any territory declareby notification in writing to the Secretary-General of the Organizationthat the present Convention shall cease to extend to any such territorynamed in the notification.    4. The present Convention shall cease to extend to any territorymentioned in such notification one year, or such longer period as may bespecified therein, after the date of receipt of the notification by theSecretary-General of the Organization.Article XVIII    1. A Conference for the purpose of revising or amending the presentConvention may be convened by the Organization.    2. The Organization shall convene a Conference of the ContractingStates for revising or amending the present Convention at the request ofnot less than one-third of the Contracting States.Article XIX    1. The present Convention shall be deposited with theSecretary-General of the Organization.    2. The Secretary-General of the Organization shall:        (a) inform all States which have signed or acceded to theConvention of            (i) each new signature or deposit of instrument together withthe date thereof;            (ii) the deposit of any instrument of denunciation of thisConvention together with the date of the deposit;            (iii) the extension of the present Convention to any territoryunder paragraph 1 of Article XVII and of the termination of any suchextension under the provisions of paragraph 4 of that Article stating ineach case the date on which the present Convention has been or will ceaseto be so extended;        (b) transmit certified true copies of the present Convention toall Signatory States which accede to the present Convention.Article XX    As soon as the present Convention comes into force, the text shall betransmitted by the Secretary-General of the Organization to theSecretariat of the United Nations for registration and publication inaccordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.Article XXI    The present Convention is established in a single copy in the Englishand French languages,  both texts being equally authentic. Officialtranslations in the Russian and Spanish languages shall be prepared anddeposited with the signed original.    IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned being duly authorized by theirrespective Governments for that purpose have signed the presentConvention.    DONE AT BRUSSELS this twenty-ninth day of November, 1969.          ANNEX CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE OF OTHER FINANCIAL SECURITY IN RE-SPECT OF CIVIL LIABILITY FOR OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE     Issued in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of theInternational Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage,1969.|-----------------------------------------------------------------|              |Distinctive Number | Port of  | Name and Address || Name of Ship |                   |          |                  ||              |      of Letters   | Registry |    of Owner      ||--------------|-------------------|----------|------------------||              |                   |          |                  ||              |                   |          |                  ||              |                   |          |                  ||              |                   |          |                  ||              |                   |          |                  ||-----------------------------------------------------------------    This is to certify that there is in force in respect of theabove-named ship a policy of insurance or other financial securitysatisfying the requirements of Article VII of the International Conventionon Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969.     Type of Security_____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________     Duration of Security_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________     Name and Address of the Insurer(s) and/or Guarantor(s)     Name_________________________________________________________________     Address______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________                    This certificate is valid until___________________                    Issued or certified by the Government of___________                    ___________________________________________________                                  (Full designation of the State)                    At__________________On_____________________________                             (Place)                (Date)                    ___________________________________________________                           Signature and Title of issuing or certifyingofficials    Explanatory Notes:    1. If desired, the designation of the State may include a reference tothe competent public authority of the country where the certificate isissued.    2. If the total amount of security has been furnished by more than onesource, the amount of each of them should be indicated.    3. If security is furnished in several forms, these should beenumerated.    4. The entry "Duration of the Security" must stipulate the date onwhich such security takes effect.          RESOLUTION ON ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTERNATIONAL COMPENSATION FUNDFOR OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE     The International Legal Conference on Marine Pollution Damage, 1969,    Noting that the International Convention on Civil Liability for OilPollution Damage 1969,  although it lays down the principle of strictliability and provides for a system of compulsory insurance or otherfinancial guarantee for ships carrying oil in bulk as cargo, does notafford full protection for victims in all cases.    Recognizing the view having emerged during the Conference that someform of supplementary scheme in the nature of an international fund isnecessary to ensure that adequate compensation will be available forvictims of large scale oil pollution incidents.    Taking account of the report submitted by the working party set up bythe Committee of the Whole II to study the problems relating to theconstitution of an international compensation fund.    Realising, however, that the time available for the Conference has notmade it possible to give full consideration to all aspects of such acompensation scheme,    Requests the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization toelaborate as soon as possible, through its Legal Committee and otherappropriate legal bodies, a draft for a compensation scheme based upon theexistence of an International Fund.    Considers that such a compensation scheme should be elaborated takinginto account as a foundation the following principles:    1. Victims should be fully and adequately compensated under a systembased upon the principle of strict liability.    2. The fund should in principle relieve the shipowner of theadditional financial burden imposed by the present Convention.    Requests IMCO to convene, not later than the year 1971, anInternational Legal Conference for the consideration and adoption of sucha compensation scheme.          RESOLUTION ON REPORT OF THE WORKING GROUP ON THE "FUND"     The Conference,    Having taken note of the report of the Working Group on the "Fund",LEG/CONF/ C.2/WP.45,    Requests the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization toconsider this report in connection with further work with regard to the"Fund".
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    发布于:2022-01-29 15:41:13
  • 货物运输金康94 GENCON 94
    GENCON     941.It is agreed between the party mentioned in Box 3 as the Owners of the Vessel named in Box 5 of the GT/NT indicated in Vbox6 and carrying about the number of metric tons of deadweight capacity all told on summer loadline stated in Box 7 now in position as stated Box 8 and expected ready to load under this charter party about the date indicated in Hox9, and the party mentioned as the Charterers in Box 4 that:The said Vessel shall, s soon as her prior commitments have been completed, proceed to the loading port(s) or place(s) stated in Box 10 or so near thereto as she may safely get and lie always afloat, and there load a full and complete cargo(if shipment of deck cargo agreed same to be at the Charterers’ risk and responsibility )as stated in Box 12, which the Charterers bind themselves to ship, and being so loaded the Vessel shall proceed to the discharging port(S) or place(s) stated in Box11 as ordered on signing Bills of Lading, or so near thereto as she may safely get and lie always afloat, and there deliver the cargo.1.兹由第3条所列的下述船舶的所有人与第4栏所指的承租人,双方协议如下: 船舶名称见第5栏,总吨/净吨见第6栏,按夏季载重线确定的全部载重量公吨数见第7栏,现在动态见第8栏,根据本租船合同预计准备装货的大约日期见第9栏. 上述船舶在其先前义务履行完毕后,应立即驶往第10栏所列的装货港口或地点,或船舶能安全抵达并始终浮泊的附近地点,装载第12栏所列的货物,满舱满载.(如协议装运甲板货,则由承租人承担风险和责任).承租人须自己负责装运该货.船舶经装载后,应驶往第11栏所列,在签发提单时指定的卸货港口或地点,或船舶能安全抵达并始终浮泊的附近地点,交付货物.2.Owners’ Responsibility Clause ..所有人责任条款The Owners are to be responsible for loss of or damage to the goods or for delay in delivery of the goods only in case the loss, damage or delay has been caused by personal want of due diligence on the part of the Owners or their Manager to make the Vessel in all respects seaworthy and to secure  that she is properly manned , equipped and supplied, or by the personal act or default of the Owners or their Manager.And the Owners are not responsible for loss, damage or delay arising from any other cause whatsoever , even from the neglect or default of the Master or crew or some other person employed by  the Owners on board or ashore for whose acts they would ,but for whose acts they would but for this clause, be responsible, or from unseaworthines of the Vessel on loading or commencement of the voyage or at any time whatsoever.所有人对货物的灭失,损坏或延迟交付的责任限于造成灭失,损坏或延迟的原因是由于所有人或其经理人本身未尽适当谨慎使船舶各方面适航,并保证适当配备船员,装备船舶和配备供应品,或由于所有人或其经理人本身的行为或不履行职责.  所有人对由于其他任何原因造成的货物灭失,损坏或延迟不负责,即使是由于船长或所有人雇佣的船上或岸上的其他人员的疏忽或不履行职责造成的,如无本条规定,所有人可能须对他们的行为负责,或是由于船舶在装货或开航当时或其他任何时候不适航所造成. 3.Deviation Clause 3.绕航条款The Vessel gas liberty to call at any port or ports in any order, for any purpose, to sail without pilots, to tow and/or assist vessels in all situations, and also to deviate for the purpose of saving life and /or property .船舶有权为任何目的以任何顺序挂靠任何港口,没有引航员在船也可航行,在任何情况下拖带和/或帮助他船,亦可为拯救人命和/或财产而绕航. 4.Payment of Freight4.运费支付 (a) The freight at the rate stated in Box 13 shall be paid in cash calculated on the intaken quantity of cargo.a)运费应按第13栏所列费率,根据装船货物的数量计算,以现金支付.(b) Prepaid   if according to Box 13 freight is to be paid on shipment, it shall be deemed earned and nonreturnable, Vessel and /or cargo lost or no lost .Neither the Owners nor their agents shall be required to sign or endorse bills of lading showing freight prepaid unless the freight due to the Owners has actually been paid.(b)预付.如按第13栏,运费是在装船时支付,则应视为运费已经收取并且是不可退还的,而无论船舶和/或货物是否发生灭失.   如果应支付给所有人的运费尚未实际支付则不能要求所有人或其代理人签发或背书表明运费已经预付的提单. (c) On delivery .If according to Box13 freight. Or part thereof, is payable at destination it shall not be deemed earned until the cargo is thus delivered. Notwithstanding the provisions under (a), if freight or part thereof is payable on delivery of the cargo the Charterers shall have the option of paying the freight on delivered weight/quantity provided such option is declared before breaking bulk and the weight/quantity can be ascertained by official weighing machine, joint draft survey or tally. Cash for Vessel’s ordinary disbursements at the port of loading to of exchange, subject to two (2)per cent to cover insurance and other expenses.c)到付. 如按第13栏,运费或部分运费在目的地支付,则在货物按按这种方式交付之前,不应认为运费已经收取.尽管有(a)款规定,如果运费或部分运费在交付货物时支付,承租人应有选择按交付货物的重量/数量支付运费的权利,只要这种选择是在散货分解之前宣布的,并且该重量/数量可由公认的衡重仪器,共同查验单据或理货加以确定.5.Loading /Discharging 5.装货/卸货  (a) Costs/Risks  The cargo shall be brought into the holds, loaded, stowed and/or trimmed, tallied, lashed and/or secured and taken from the holds and discharged by the Charterers, free of any risk, liability and expense whatsoever to the Owners. The Charterers shall provide and lay all dunnage material as required for the proper stowage and protection of the cargo on board, the Owners allowing the use of all dunnage available on board.  The Charterers shall be responsible for and pay the cost of removing their dunnage after discharge of the cargo under this Charter Party and time to count until dunnage has been removed.(a)费用/风险 : 货物应由承租人负责送至舱内,装船,积载和/或平舱,理货,绑扎和/或固定,并从舱内取出和卸船,所有人不承担任何风险,责任和费用.承租人应提供并铺设为适当积载和保护船上货物所需要的垫舱物料,但所有人有权决定是否允许所有这些垫舱物料在船上的使用.根据本租船合同当货物卸船后,承租人应负责将其垫料移走并支付移走垫料所需的费用,花费的时间计入装卸时间,直到垫料已经移走.(b) Cargo handling gear   Unless the Vessel is gearless or unless it has been agreed between the parties that  the Vessel’s gear shall not be used and stated as such in Box 15 , the Owners shall throughout the duration of loading/discharging give free use of the Vessel’s cargo handling gear and of sufficient motive power to operate all such cargo handling gear .All such equipment to be in good working order. Unless caused by negligence of the stevedores, time lost by breakdown of the Bessel’s cargo handling gear or motive power-pro rata the  total number of cranes/winches required at that time for the loading /discharging of cargo under this  Charter Party shall not count as laytime or time on demurrage.     On request the Owners shall provide free of charge cranemen/winchmen from the crew to operate the Vessel’s cargo handling gear ,unless local regulations prohibit this ,in which latter event shore labourers shall be for the account of the Charterers. Cranemen/winchmen shall be under the Charterers’ risk and responsibility and as stevedores to be deemed as their servants but shall always work under the supervision of the Master.(b)货物装卸设备 :除非船上无装卸设备或经当事方协议不使用船上的装卸设备,并在第15栏中载明,所有人在整个装卸过程中可以自由使用船上的货物装卸设备并使用充足动力操纵所有这些设备.所有这些设备应处于良好工作状态.如果不是由于装卸人员的疏忽所造成,船上的货物装卸设备或动力故障引起的时间损失,应按发生故障的设备占根据本租船合同装/卸货物时所要求的起重机/起货机总数的比例予以扣减,不计入装卸时间或滞期时间. 如果当地规定不加禁止,经承租人要求,所有人应提供由船员充当的起货机司机/起重机司机来操纵船上的货物装卸设备,但所有人对这些司机并不承担责任.如果当地规定不允许,岸上的劳动力应由承租人负责雇佣.起货机司机/起重机司机应由承租人承担风险和责任,并且作为装卸人员应视为承租人的受雇人,当应始终工作在船长的监督之下. (c) Stevedore Damage     The Charterers shall be responsible for damage (beyond ordinary wear and tear ) to any part of the Vessel caused by Stevedores. Such damage shall be notified as soon as reasonably possible by the Master to the Charterers or their agents and to their Stevedores, failing which the Charterers shall mot be held responsible. The Master shall endeavour to obtain the Stevedores’ written acknowledgement of liability.The Charterers are obliged to  repair any stevedore damage prior to completion of the voyage, but must repair stevedore damage affecting the Vessel’s seaworthiness or class before thje Vessel sails from the port where such damage was caused or found. All additional expenses incurred shall be for the account of the Charterers and any time lost shall be for the account of and shall be paid to the Owners by the Charterers at the demurrage rate.(c)装卸人员造成的损害  :承租人应对由于装卸人员造成的船舶任何部分的损害(超出正常损耗)负责.这种损害应由船长尽快通知承租人或其代理人和其装卸人员.如果未能如此,承租人将不承担责任.船长应当尽量取得装卸人员对其责任的书面承认.    承租人在航次完成前,有义务修理装卸造成的任何损害,但是船舶从造成或发现这种损害的港口开航前影响船舶适航性或船级的那部分装卸造成的损害必须进行修理.所有发生的额外费用应由承租人负担,损失的任何时间也应由其承担,承租人应按照滞期费率支付给所有人. 6.Laytime 6.装卸时间*(a) Separate laytime for loading and discharging    The cargo shall be loaded within the number of running days/hours as indicated in Box16,weather permitting,Sunday and holidays excepted, unless used, in which event time used shall count.   The cargo shall be discharged within the number of running days/hours as indicated in Box16, weather permitting, Sundays and holidays excepted, unless used, in which event time used shall count.(a)装货和卸货分别计算时间 如果天气许可,货物应在第16栏规定的连续日/小时数内装完,星期日和节假日除外,除非已经使用,但只计算使用的时间.  如果天气许可,货物应在第16栏规定的连续日/小时数内卸完,星期日和节假日除外,除非已经使用,但只计算使用的时间. (b) Total laytime for loading and dischargingThe cargo shall be loaded and discharged within the number of total running day/hours as indicated in Box16, weather permitting, Sundays and holidays excepted, unless used, in which event time used shall count.(b)装货和卸货混合计算时间   如天气许可,货物应在第16栏规定的总的连续日/小时数内装卸完毕,星期日和节假日除外,除非已经使用,但只计算使用的时间. (c) Commencement of laytime(loading and discharging)Laytime for loading and discharging shall commence at 13.00 hours, if notice of readiness is given up to and including 12.00 hours, and at 06.00 hours next working day if notice given during office hours after 12.00 hours. Notice of readiness at loading port to be given to the Shippers named in Box17 or if not named, to the Charterers or their agents named in Box18. Notice of readiness at the discharging port to be given to the Receivers or, if not known, to the Charterers or their agents named in Box19.If the loading/discharging berth is not available on the Vessel’s arrival at or  off the port of loading /discharging, the Vessel shall be entitled to give notice of readiness within ordinary office hours on arrival there, whether in free pratique or not, whether customs cleared or not. Laytime or time on demurrage shall then count as if she were in berth and in all respects ready for loading/discharging provided that the Master warrants that she is in favt ready in all respects. Time used in moving from the place waiting to the loading/discharging berth shall not count as laytime.If after inspection, the Vessel is found not to be ready in all respects to load/discharging berth shall not count as laytime.If after inspection, the Vessel is found not to be ready in all respects to loading/discharging time lost after the discovery thereof until the Vessel is again ready to load/discharge shall not count as laytime.Time used before commencement of laytime shall count.*Indicate alternative (a) or (b) as agreed, in Box 16.(c)装卸时间的起算  如准备就绪通知书在1200时之前包括1200时递交,装卸时间从1300时起算;如通知书在1200时之后的办公时间递交,装卸时间从下一个工作日的0600时起算.在装货港,通知书应递交给第17栏中规定的托运人,如未规定托运人,则应递交给承租人或第18栏中规定的他们的代理人,在卸货港,准备就绪通知书应递交给承租人或第19栏中规定的他们的代理人.    如当船舶抵达或驶离装货/卸货港口时,装货/卸货泊位不能进入,船舶抵达那里时应有权在正常的办公时间内递交准备就绪通知书,不论船舶是否免除检疫,也不论是否已办理结关手续,只要船长保证船舶实际上已在各方面做好了准备,装卸时间或滞期时间就应当如同船舶已进入泊位并在各方面做好了装货/卸货准备一样进行计算.但船舶从等泊地点移到装货/卸货泊位所用的时间不应记入装卸时间.    经检查,如果发现船舶未能在各方面做好装货/卸货准备,则从发现之时直到船舶重新做好装货/卸货准备为止所损失的时间,不应记入装卸时间.     装卸时间起算之前使用的时间应当计算.   协议选择(a)或(b),并填入第16栏. 7.Demurrage.滞期费Demurrage at the loading and discharging port is payable by the Charterers at the rate stated in Box20 in themanner stated in Box 20 per day or pro rata for any part of a day. Demurrage shall fall due day by day and shall be payable upon receipt of the Owner’s invoice.In the event the demurrage is not paid in accordance with the above. The Owners shall give the Charterers 97 running hours written notice to rectify the failure. If the demurrage is not paid at the expiration of this time limit and if the Vessel is in or at the loading port, the owners are entitled at any time to terminate the Charter Party and claim damages for any losses caused thereby.装货和卸货港口的滞期费,由承租人按第20栏规定的费率以20栏规定的方式按日支付,不足一日按比例计算.滞期费应按日连续累计,并应凭收到的所有人出具的发票支付.    如果滞期费未按上述规定支付,所有人应给予承租人96个连续小时的时间发出纠正该错误的书面通知,如果滞期费仍未在此期间届满期间支付,并且船舶正处于装货港,所有人有权在任何时候终止本租船合同,并要求赔偿因此而造成的损失. 8.Lien Clause.留置权条款 The Owners shall have a lien on the cargo and on all sub-freights payable in respect of the cargo, for freight, dead-freight, demurrage, claims for damages and for all other amounts due under this Charter Party including costs of recovering same.  所有人得因未收取的运费,亏舱费,滞期费,损害赔偿请求和所有其他根据本租船合同应取得的款项,保括恢复原状花费的费用,对货物以及货物方面的所有应支付的附属运费行使留置权.9.CancellingClause .解约条款(a) Should the Vessel not be ready to load (whether in berth or not ) on the canceling date indicated in Box 21, the Charterers shall have the option of canceling this Charter Party. (a)如船舶未能在第21栏规定的解约日做好装货准备(不论靠泊与否),承租人将有权选择解除本租船合同. (b) Should the Owners anticipate that, despite the exercise of due diligence, the Vessel will mot be ready to load by the canceling date , they shall notify the Charterers thereof without delay stating the expected date of the Vessel[s readiness to load and  asking whether the charterers will exercise their  option of canceling the Charter Party, or agree to a new canceling date. Such option must be declared by the Charterers within 48 running hours after the receipt of the owners’ notice .If the charterers do not exercise their option of canceling, then this Charter Party shall be deemed to be amended such that the seventh day after the new readiness date stated in the (Owners’ notification to the Charterers shall be the new canceling date.The provisions of sub-clause (b) of this Clause shall operate only once, and in case of the Vessel’s further delay, the Charterers shall have the option of canceling the Charter Party as per sub-clause  (a) of this Clause.(b)如所有人预见到,即使尽到适当谨慎,船舶也将不能在解约日之前做好装货准备,所有人应无延迟的通知承租人,说明船舶做好装货准备的预计日期,并询问承租人是否行使其解除租船合同的选择权,或者同意重新确定一个解约日.   这项选择必须由承租人在收到所有人通知之后48个连续小时内宣布,如承租人未行驶其解约选择权,本租船合同应视为已被修改,所有人向承租人所发通知中载明的新的准备就绪日期之后的第十一天应作为新的解约日.    本条(b)款规定仅能行使一次,并且在船舶进一步延误的情况下,承租人跟据本条(a)款应有选择解除本租船合同的权利.10.Bills of Lading.提单Bills of Lading shall be presented and signed by the Master as per “Congenbill” Bill of Lading form, Edition 1994 ,without prejudice to this Charter Party, or by the Owners’ agents provided written authority has been given by Owners to the agents, a copy of which is to be furnished to the Charterers .The Charterers ,shall indemnify the Owners against all consequences or liabilities that may arise from the signing of bills of lading as presented to the extent that the terms or contents of such bills of lading impose or result n the imposition of more onerous liabilities upon the Owners  than those assumed by the Owners under this Charter Party. 提单应按1994年版"Congenbill"提单格式由船长出具并签发,但不防碍本租船合同,或由所有人的代理人出具并签发,只要已书面授权了该代理人.其中一份提单应提交给承租人.承租人应就签发提单所引起的全部后果或责任赔偿所有人,但仅以这种提单条款或内容为所有人设置或导致设置的比按本租船合同所有人履行的更重的责任范围为限. 11.Both-to-Blame Collision Clause.双方有责碰撞条款If the Vessel comes into collision with another vessel as a result of the negligence of the other vessel and any act, neglector default of the Master ,Mariner, Pilot or the servants of the Owners in the navigation or in the management of theVessel ,the owners of the cargo carried hereunder will indemnify the Owners against all loss or liability to the other ornon-carrying vessel or her owners in so far as such loss or liability represents loss of , or damage to, or any claimwhatsoever of the owners of said cargo, paid or payable by the other or non-carrying vessel or her  owners to the ownersof said cargo and set-off ,recouped or recovered by the other or non-carrying vessel or her owners as part of their claimagainst the carrying vessel or the Owners.The foregoing provisions shall also apply where the owners, operators or those in charge of any vessels or objects other than, or in addition to , the colliding vessels or objects are at fault in respect of a collision or contact.如船舶由于他船疏忽以及本船船长,船员,引航员或所有人的受雇人在驾驶或管理船舶中的行为,疏忽或不履行职责而与他船碰撞,则根据本租船合同承运的货物的所有人应赔偿所有人的一切损失或对他船亦即非载货船舶或其所有人所负的责任,但此种赔偿应以上述损失或责任是指已由或应由他船亦即非载货船舶或其所有人付给上述货物的所有人其货物的灭失,或损坏,或其提出的任何索赔数额为限,且已由他船亦即非载货船舶作为其向载货船舶或所有人提出索赔的一部分抵销,扣除或追回. 12.共同海损和新杰条款除非第22栏中另有约定共同海损应在伦敦按照1994年约克·安特卫普规则及其以后的各项修订进行理算.即使共同海损是由于所有人的受雇人的疏忽或不履行职责所致,货主仍应支付其中货物的分摊数额.(参见第2条)     如果共同海损按照美国的法律和惯例进行理算,应当适用以下条款:"如果在航次开始以前或以后,由于不论是疏忽与否的任何原因而引起意外,危险,损害或灾难,而根据法令,合同或其他规定,所有人对此类事件或此类事件的后果都不负责,则货物托运人,收货人或货物所有人应在共同海损中与所有人一起分担可能构成或可能发生的具有共同海损性质的牺牲,损失或费用,并应支付关于货物方面所发生的救助费用或特殊费用.如有某一救助船舶为本所有人所有或由其经营,则其救助费用犹如该救助船舶系为第三者所有一样,全额支付.所有人或其代理人所认为足以支付货物方面的预计摊款,以及出自货物的救助费用及特殊费用的备用金,如有需要,应由货物托运人,收货人或货物所有人在提货之前付给所有人".13.Taxes and Dues Clause税收和费用条款a)On Vessel-The Owners shall pay all dues, charges and taxes customarily levied on the Vessel, howsoever the amount thereof may be assessed.  船舶 所有人应支付的所有习惯向船舶征收的规费,费用和税收,而不论数额如何计算.b)On cargo-The Charterers shall pay all dues, charges, duties and taxes customarily levied on the cargo, howsoever the amount thereof may be assessed. 货物 承租人应支付所有习惯上向货物征收的规费,费用,关税和税收,而不论数额如何计算.c)On freight-Unless otherwise agreed in Box 23, taxes levied on the freight shall be for the Charterers’ account.运费 除非第23栏中另有约定,对运费所征税收,应由承租人负担. 14.Agency.代理In every case the Owner shall appoint their own Agent both at the port of loading and the port of discharge.在任何情况下,在装货港和卸货港由所有人指定自己的经纪人或代理人.15.Brokerage经纪人费用A brokerage commission at the rate stated in Box 24 on the freight, dead-freight and demurrage darned is due to the party mentioned in Box 24.In case of non-execution 1/3 of the brokerage on the estimated amount of freight to be paid by the party responsible for such non-execution to the Brokers as indemnity for the latter’s expenses and work. In case of more voyages the amount of indemnity to be agreed.经纪人的佣金按已收取的运费,亏舱费和滞期费,以第24栏所规定的费率,支付给第24栏所指的当事方. 合同不履行时,由对这种不履行负有责任的当事方向经纪人支付按估算的运费确定的佣金的三分之一,作为经纪人所花费和作的补偿,有多航次的情况下,补偿的数额协议确定. 16.General Strike Clause.普通罢工条款a)If there is a strike or lockout affecting or preventing the actual loading of the cargo, or any part of it, when the Vessel is ready to proceed from her last port or at any time during the voyage to the port or ports of loading or after her arrival there, the  Master or the Owners may ask the Charterers to declare, that they agree to reckon the laydays as if there were no strike or lock-out. Unless the Charterers have given such declaration in writing (by telegram, if necessary) within 24 hours, the Owners shall have the option of canceling this Charter Party. If part cargo has already been loaded, the Owners must proceed with same, (freight payable on loaded quantity only) having liberty to complete with other cargo on the way for their own account.(a)当船舶从上一港口准备起航时,或在驶往装货港途中,或在抵港后,如因罢工或停工而影响或阻碍全部或部分货物实际装船,船长或所有人可以要求承租人声明按没有发生罢工或停工的情况计算装卸时间.如果承租人未在24小时之内以书面(必要时以电报)做声明,所有人有解除本租船合同的选择权.如果部分货物已经装船,则所有人必须运送该货物,(运费仅按装船的数量支付),但有权为自己的利益在途中揽运其他货物. b)If there is a strike or lock=out affecting or preventing the actual discharging of the cargo on or after the Vessel’s arrival at or off port of discharge and same has not been settled within 48 hours, the Charterers shall have the option of keeping the Vessel waiting until such strike or lock-out is at an end against paying half demurrage after expiration of the time provided for  discharging until the stride or lock-out terminates and thereafter full demurrage shall be payable until the completion of discharging , or of ordering the Vessel to a safe port where she can safely discharge without risk of being detained by strike or lock-out. Such orders to be given within 48 hours after the Master or the Owners have given notice to the Charteres of the strike or lock-out affecting the discharge. On delivery of the cargo at such port, all conditions of this Charter Party and of the Bill of Lading shall apply and the Vessel shall receive the same freight as if she had discharged at the original port of destination, except that if the distance to the substituted port exceeds 100 nautical miles, the freight on the cargo delivered at the substituted port to be increased in proportion.Except for the obligations described above, neither the Charterers nor the Owners shall be responsible for the consequences of any strides or lock-outs preventing or affecting the actual loading or discharging of the car(b)当船舶抵达卸货港或港外之时或之后,如由于罢工或停工而影响或阻碍货物的实际卸载并且在48小时之内未能解决时,承租人可选择使船舶等待至罢工或停工结束,并在规定的卸货时间届满后直到罢工或停工结束前,支付半数的滞期费,但在罢工或停工结束后直到卸货完毕前应支付全数的滞期费;或者指令船舶驶往一没有因罢工或停工而延误的危险的安全港口卸货.这种指令应在船长或所有人将影响或所有人将影响卸货的罢工或停工的情况通知承租人后48小时内发出.在这种港口交付货物时,本租船合同和提单中的所有条款都将适用,并且船舶应和在原目的港卸货一样,收取相同的运费,但但当到替代港口的距离超过100海里时,在替代港口的交付的货物运费应按比例增加.     除非上述内容规定的义务有所不同外,承租人和所有人对由于罢工或停工而阻碍或影响货物的实际装卸所引起的后果,概不负责. 17. War Risks (“Voywar 1993”)  .战争风险(航次战争险1993)1)For the purpose of this Clause, the words: 为本条的目的,下列各词: a)The “Owners” shall include the shipowners, bareboat charteres, disponent owners, managers or other operators who are charged with the management  of the Vessel, and the Master; and"所有人"包括船舶所有人,光船承租人,第二船舶所有人,经理人或其他负责船舶经营管理的经营人,以及船长; b)“War Risks” shall include any war (whether actual or threatened), act of war, civil war, hostilities, revolution, rebellion, civilcommotion, warlike operations. The laying of mines (whether actual or reported), acts of piracy, acts of terrorists, acts of hostility or malicious damage, blockades (whether imposed against all Vessels or imposed selectively against Vessels of certain flags or ownership, or against certain cargoes or crews or other wise howsoever), by any person, body, terrorist or political group ,or the Government of any state whatsoever, which, in the reasonable judgement of the Master and/or the Owners , nay be dangerous or are likely to be or to become dangerous to the Vessel, her cargo, crew or other persons on board the Vessel. "战争风险"包括由任何人,机构,恐怖分子或政治团体,或无论任何国家的政府所采取的任何战争(不论是实际战争还是战争威胁),战争行为,内战,敌对,革命,暴动,内乱,军事行动,埋设水雷(不论是实际的还是据报告的),海盗行为,恐怖行为,敌对行为或蓄意破坏,封锁(不论是针对所有船舶还是有选择地仅针对悬挂某些国家国旗或属于某所有权的船舶,或针对某类货物或其他任何事项).这种风险经船长和/或所有人合理判断,认为可能危及或者很可能危及或很可能变得危及船舶,船上货物,船员或船上的其他人员. (2)If at any time before the Vessel commences loading, it appears that, in the reasonable judgement of the Master and/or the Owners , performance of the Contract of Carriage, or any part of it , may expose, or is likely to expose, the Vessel, her cargo, crew or other persons on board the Vessel to War Risks, the Owners may give notice to the Charterers canceling this Contract of Carriage, or may refuse to perform such part of it as may expose , or may be likely to expose, the Vessel, her cargo, crew or other persons on board the Vessel to War Risks; provided always that if this Contract or Carriage provides that loading or discharging is to take place within a range of ports, and at the port or ports nominated by the Charterers, the Vessel, her cargo, crew, or other persons onboard the Vessel may be exposed, or may be likely to be exposed , to War Risks, the Owners shall first require the Charterers to nominate any other safe port which lies within the range for loading or discharging, and may only cancel this Contract of Carriage if the Charterers shall not have nominated such safe port or ports within 48 hours of receipt of notice of such requirement.(2)如在船舶开始装货前的任何时候,经船长和/或所有人合理判断,发现运输合同或其任何部分的履行可能或很可能使船舶,船上开始装货前的任何时候,经船长和/或所有人合理判断,发现运输合同或其任何部分的履行可能或很可能使船舶,船上货物,船员或船上其他人员遭受战争风险的部分;但始终应满足本如本运输合同规定选择某一范围内的港口装货或卸货,并且在承租人指定的港口,船舶,船上货物,船员或船上其他人员可能或很可能遭受战争风险,所有人首先应要求承租人在该可供装货或卸货的港口范围内在重新指定安全港口.如果承租人未能在收到这种要求的通知之时起48小时内指定安全港口,可能只有解除本运输合同. (3)The Owners shall not be required to continue to load cargo for any voyage, or to sign Bills of lading for any ports or place, or to proceed or continue on any voyage, or on any part thereof ,or to proceed through any canal or waterway, or to proceed to or remain at any port or place whatsoever, where it appears, either after the loading of the cargo commences, or at any stage of the voyage thereafter before the discharge of the cargo is completed, that , in the reasonable judgement of the Master and/or the Owners, the Vessel, her cargo (or any part thereof), crew or other persons on board the Vessel (or any one or more of them) may be, or are likely to be , exposed to War Risks. If it should so appear, the Owners may by notice request the Charterers to nominate a safe port for the discharge of the cargo or any part thereof, and if within 48 hours of the receipt of such notice, the discharge, Charterers shall not have nominated such a port, the owners may discharge the cargo at any sage port of their choice (including the port of loading) in complete fulfillment of the Contract of Carriage. The Owners shall be entitled to recover from the Charterers the extra expenses of such discharge and, if the discharge takes place at any port other than the loading port, to receive the full freight as though the cargo had been carried to the discharging port and if the extra distance exceeds 100 miles, to additional freight which shall be the same percentage of the freight contracted for as the percentage which the extra distance represents to the distance of the normal and customary route, the Owners  having alien on the cargo for such expenses and freight.(3) 如在装货开始后或在卸货完毕前航次的任何阶段,经船长和/或所有人合理判断,发现船舶,船上货物(或其任何部分)船员或船上其他人员(或其任何一人或多人)可能或很可能遭受战争风险,则不能要求所有人继续为本航次装货,或者签发到达任何港口或地点的提单,或者开始履行或继续履行本航次或航次的任何部分,或者驶过任何运河或水道,或者驶往或停留在无论任何港口或地点.如果发现的确如此,所有人可以发出通知要求承租人指定一个用来卸下货物或其任何部分的安全港口,并且如果在收到这种通知之时起48小时内,承租人未能指定这样的港口,所有人可以在其选定的任何安全港口(包括装货港)卸下货物,视为完全履行了本运输合同.所有人对这种卸货引起的额外费用有权从承租人处得到补偿,并且如果是在装货港以外的任何港口卸货,还有权收取全额运费,如同货物已运抵了卸货港,如果多出的距离超过了100海里,收取的附加运费占合同约定运费的百分比应相当于多出距离正常和习惯航线距离的百分比,所有人因这种费用和运费可以对货物行使留置权. 4)If at any stage of the voyage after the loading of the cargo commences, it appears that, in the reasonable judgement of the Master and/or the Owners, the Vessel, her cargo, crew or other persons on board the Vessel may be, or are likely to be, exposed to War Risks on any part of the route (including any canal or waterway) which is normally and customarily used in a voyage of the nature contracted for, and there is another longer route to the discharging port, the Owners shall give notice to the Charterers that this route will be taken. In this event the Owners shall be entitled, if the total extra distance exceeds 100 miles, to additional freight which shall be the same percentage of the freight contracted for as the percentage which the extra distance represents to the distance of the normal and customary route.(4)如在装货开始后航次的任何阶段,经船长和/或所有人合理判断,发现在为完成合同航次而正常和习惯使用的航线的任何部分(包括任何运河和水道),船舶,船上货物,船员或船上其他人员可能或很可能遭受战争风险,并且还有一条可到卸货港但距离较远的航线,所有人则应通知承租人采用该航线.在这种情况下,所有人应有权收取占合同约定运费百分比相当于多出距离占正常和习惯航线距离百分比的附加费用.(5)The Vessel shall have liberty: 船舶可以自由:a)to comply with all orders, directions, recommendations or advice as to departure, arrival, routes, sailing in convoy, ports of call, stoppages, destinations, discharge of cargo, delivery or in any way whatsoever which are given by the Government of the Nation under whose flag the Vessel sails, or other Government to whose laws the Owners are subject, or any other Government which so requires, or any body or group acting with the power to compel compliance with their orders or directions; 服从船舶航行时所悬国旗的国家政府,或所有人遵守其法律的其他任何有这种要求的政府,或任何有权强迫服从其命令或指示的机构或团体所发出的所有有关离港,到港,航线,护航,挂港,停航,目的港,卸货或其它任何方面的命令,指示,建议或意见.b)to comply with the orders,directions or recommendations of any war risks underwriters who have the authority to give thesame under the terms of the war risks insurance服从任何战争险保险人有权根据战争险保险条款发出的命令,指示或建议. c)  to comply with the terms of any resolution of the Security Council of the United Nations, any directives of the European Community, the effective orders of any other Supranational body which has the right to issue and give the same, and with national laws aimed at enforcing the same to which the Owners are subject, and to obey the orders and directions of those who are charged with their enforcement;  to discharge at any other port any cargo or part thereof which may render the Vessel  liable to confiscation as a contraband carrier;服从联合国安理会所作任何决议,欧共体所作任何指示的规定,其他任何超国家机构有权发出和作出的有效命令,以及服从旨在使所有人所遵守的法律得以强制实施国内法,并遵守那些负责强制实施的人所发出的命令和指示. d)  to call at any other port to change the crew or any part thereof or other persons on board the Vessel when there is reason to believe that they may be subjuct to internment, imprisonment or other sanctions;在其他任何港口卸下因走私被没收而被可能使船舶承担责任的任何货物或其部分. e)  where cargo has not been loaded or has been discharged by the Owners under any provisions of this Clause, to load other cargo for the Owners’own benefit and carry it to any other port or ports whatsoever, whether backwards or forwards or in a contrary direction to the ordinary or customary route.为更换船员或其任何部分,或船上其他人员而挂靠其他任何港口;当有理由相信他们可能受到拘留,关押或其他制裁. f)If in compliance with any of the provisions of sub-clauses (2)to (5) of this Clause anything is done or not done, such shall not be deemed to be  a deviation, but shall be considered as due fulfillment of the Contract of Carriage.(f)如根据本条规定,所有人尚未将货物装船或已将货物卸离,可为所有人自己的利益装载其他货物并将其运送到其他任何港口,不论此港口近于或远于原港口,或是与一般或习惯航线方向相反. (6)如为遵守本条(2)至(5)款规定而采取或未采取任何行动,这种行动不应视为绕航,而应作为运输合同的适当履行. 18.General Ice Clause  普通冰冻条款Port of loadinga) In the event of the loading port being inaccessible by reason of ice when the Vessel is ready to proceed from her lastPort or at any time during the voyage or on the Vessel’s arrival or in case frost sets in after the Vessel’s arrival, the Master for fear of being frozen in is  at liberty to leave without cargo ,and this Charter Party shall be null and void.(a)当船舶准备从上一港口开航时,或在航程中的任何时候,或在船舶抵达时,因冰冻而不能进入装货港,或者,在船舶抵港后发生冰冻,船长可以因担心船舶被冰冻而决定不装运货物离港,本租船合同因此失效.b) If during loading the Master, for fear of the Vessel being frozen in, deems it advisable to leave, he has liberty to do so with what cargo he has on board and to proceed to any other port or ports whit option of completing cargo for the Owners’ benefit for any port or ports including port of discharge. Any part cargo thus loaded under this Charter Party to be forwarded to destination at the Vessel’s expense but against payment of freight, provided that no extra expenses be thereby caused to the Charterers, freight being paid on quantity delivered (in proportion if lumpsum), all other conditions as per this Charter Party.(b)如在装货过程中,船长因担心船舶被冻结而认为离港更有利时,他可以决定在运已装船的货物离港,并可为所有人的利益将船舶驶往任何其他港口揽载货物运至包括卸货港在内的任何其他港口:根据本租船合同已装船的任何部分货物,在不因此增加承租人额外费用的条件下,由所有人转运至目的港并承担费用,但运费仍应支付,此运费按交付的货物数量计付(若为整笔运费,则按比例计付),所有其他条件按本租船合同. c)  In case of more than one loading port. and if one or more of the ports are closed by ice, the Master or the Owners to be at liberty either to load the part cargo at the open port and fill up elsewhere for their own account as under section(b) or to declare the Charter party null and void unless the Charterers agree to load full cargo at the open port.(c)如装货港不只一个,并且其中一个或数个因冰冻而关闭,船长或所有人可选择在不冻港装载部分货物,并按(b)款规定,为其自身利益而在其他地点揽载货物,或者,当承租人不同意在不冻港装满货物时宣布本租船合同失效.卸货港Port of dischargea) Should ice prevent the Vessel from reaching port of discharge the Charterers shall have the option of keeping the Vessel waiting until the re-opening of navigation and paying demurrage or of ordering the Vessel to a sage and immediately accessible port where she can sagely discharge without risk of detention by ice. Such orders to be given within 48 hours after the Master or the Owners have given notice to the Charterers of the impossibility of reaching port of destination.  如船舶因冰冻而不能抵达卸货港,承租人可选择使船舶等候至恢复通航,并支付滞期费,或指示船舶驶往一安全并能立即驶入并安全卸货而没有因冰冻而滞留风险的港口.这种指示应在船长或所有人向承租人发出船舶不能抵达目的港通知后48小时内作出.  b) If during discharging the Master for fear of the Vessel being frozen in deems it advisable to leave, he has liberty to doso with what cargo he has on board and to proceed to the nearest accessible port where she can safely discharge . 如在卸货期间,船长担心船舶被冻结而认为离港更为有利时,他可以决定载运船上货物离港,并驶往能驶入并能安全卸货的最近港口.c) On delivery of the cargo at such port, all conditions of the Bill of Lading shall receive the same freight as if she had discharged at the original port of destination, except that if the distance of the substituted port exceeds 100 nautical miles, the freight on the cargo delivered at the substituted port to be increased in proportion.在此种港口交货时,提单上的所有条件均应适用,船舶应按其在原目的港卸货一样,收取相同运费,但如到替代港口的距离超过100海里,则在替代港口交付货物的运费应按比例增加. 19.Law and Arbitration  法律和仲裁*(a)  This Charter Party shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and any dispute arising out of this Charter Party shall be referred to arbitration in London in accordance with the Arbitration Acts 1950 and 1979 or any statutory modification or reenactment thereof for the time being in force, Unless the parties agree upon a sole arbitrator, one arbitrator shall be appointed by each party and the arbitrators so appointed by each party and the arbitrators so appointed a third arbitrator, the decision of the threeman tribunal thus constituted or any two of them, shall be final. One the receipt by one party of the nomination in writing of the other party’s arbitrator, that party shall appoint their arbitrator within fourteen days, failing which the decision of the single Arbitrator appointed shall be final.For disputes where the total amount claimed by either party does not exceed the amount stated in Box 25 the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Small Claims Procedure of the London Maritime Arbitrators Association.(a)本租船合同应受英国法律约束并按照英国法律进行解释.任何因本租船合同引起的争议应按照1950年和1979年仲裁法或任何对其进行的法律修正或因其效力期间届满而重新颁布的法律,在伦敦提交仲裁解决.如果当事各方不能协议选定一名独任仲裁员,每一方当事人应各自指定一名仲裁员,双方分别指定的仲裁员再共同指定第三名仲裁员,三名仲裁员组成的仲裁作出的决定或三人中任何两人作出的决定,构成终局裁决.当一方当事人得知另一方当事人的仲裁员已书面指定时,该方当事人的仲裁员已书面指定时,该方当事人应在14天内指定本方的仲裁员,如果不能指定,则单方指定的这名仲裁员所做裁决将是终局裁决. 对于任何一方请求的总额未超出第25栏规定数额的争议,仲裁应按照伦敦海事仲裁协会的小数额索赔程序进行.*(b) This Charter Party shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Title 9 of the United States Code and the Maritime Law of the United States and should any dispute arise out of this Charter Party, the matter in dispute shall be referred to three persons at Mew three persons at New York, one to be appointed by each of the parties hereto, and the third by the two so chosen; their decision or that of any two of them hall be final, and for purpose of enforcing any award, this agreement may  be made a rule of the Court. The proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the Society of Maritime Arbitrators, Inc…For disputes where the total amount claimed by either party does not exceed the amount stated in Box 25 the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Shortened Arbitration Procedure of The Society of Maritime Arbitrators, Inc…本租船合同应受美国法典第9篇和美国海商法约束,并按照该法典和法律进行解释.如因本租船合同,引起任何争议,争议事项应在纽约交由三人裁决.其中每方当事人各自指定一名,再由选定的这两名共同指定第三名;他们作出的决定或他们当中任何两人作出的决定将成为终局裁决,并且为执行任何裁决的目的,本协议可能成为法院的一项依据.仲裁的各项程序应按照海事仲裁员协会的规则进行. 对于任何一方请求的总额未超出第25栏规定数额争议,仲裁应按照海事仲裁员协会的简易仲裁程序进行. *(c) Any dispute arising out of this Charter Party shall be referred to arbitration at the place indicated in Box 25, subject to the procedures applicable there.  The laws of the place indicated in Box 25 shall govern this Charter Party. (c)因本租船合同引起的任何争议应提交到第25栏中列明的地点,按当地适用的程序进行仲裁.第25栏所列地点的法律约束本租船合同.d) If Box 25 in Part 1 is not filled in, sub-clause (a) of this Clause shall apply.(d)如果第一部分的第25栏内未提供数额,这项规定无效,但本条其他规定完全有效并且继续有效.* (a),(b) and (c) are alternatives; indicate alternative agreed in Box** Where no figure I supplied in Box 25 in Part 1, this provision only shall be void but the other provisions of this Clause shall have full force and remain in effect.    
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    发布于:2022-01-29 15:03:52
  • 货物运输鹿特丹规则(中英文本)
    联合国全程或部分海上国际货物运输合同公约目录 第一章 总则 第一条 定义 第二条 本公约的解释 第三条 形式要求 第四条 抗辩和赔偿责任限制的适用 第二章 适用范围 第五条 一般适用范围 第六条 特定除外情形 第七条 对某些当事人的适用 第三章 电子运输记录 第八条 电子运输记录的使用和效力 第九条 可转让电子运输记录的使用程序 第十条 可转让运输单证或可转让电子运输记录的替换 第四章 承运人的义务 第十一条 货物的运输和交付 第十二条 承运人的责任期 第十三条 特定义务 第十四条 适用于海上航程的特定义务 第十五条 可能形成危险的货物 第十六条 海上航程期间牺牲货物 第五章 承运人对灭失、损坏或迟延所负的赔偿责任 第十七条 赔偿责任基础 第十八条 承运人为其他人负赔偿责任 第十九条 海运履约方的赔偿责任 第二十条 连带赔偿责任 第二十一条 迟延 第二十二条 赔偿额的计算 第二十三条 发生灭失、损坏或迟延时的通知 第六章 有关特定运输阶段的补充条款 第二十四条 绕航 第二十五条 船舶上的舱面货 第二十六条 海上运输之前或之后的运输 第七章 托运人对承运人的义务 第二十七条 交付运输 第二十八条 托运人与承运人在提供信息和指示方面的合作 第二十九条 托运人提供信息、指示和文件的义务 第三十条 托运人对承运人赔偿责任的基础 第三十一条 拟定合同事项所需要的信息 第三十二条 危险货物特别规则 第三十三条 单证托运人享有托运人的权利并承担其义务 第三十四条 托运人为其他人负赔偿责任 第八章 运输单证和电子运输记录 第三十五条 运输单证或电子运输记录的签发 第三十六条 合同事项 第三十七条 承运人的识别 第三十八条 签名 第三十九条 合同事项不完备 第四十条 对合同事项中货物相关信息作出保留 第四十一条 合同事项的证据效力 第四十二条 “预付运费” 第九章 货物交付 第四十三条 接受交货的义务 第四十四条 确认收到的义务 第四十五条 未签发可转让运输单证或 可转让电子运输记录时的交付 第四十六条 签发必须提交的不可转让运输单证时的交付 第四十七条 签发可转让运输单证或 可转让电子运输记录时的交付 第四十八条 货物仍未交付 第四十九条 货物留置 第十章 控制方的权利 第五十条 控制权的行使和范围 第五十一条 控制方的识别和控制权的转让 第五十二条 承运人执行指示 第五十三条 视为交货 第五十四条 运输合同的变更 第五十五条 向承运人提供补充信息、指示或文件 第五十六条 协议变更 第十一章 权利转让 第五十七条 签发可转让运输单证或可转让电子运输记录 第五十八条 持有人的赔偿责任 第十二章 赔偿责任限额 第五十九条 赔偿责任限额 第六十条 迟延造成损失的赔偿责任限额 第六十一条 赔偿责任限制权的丧失 第十三章 时效 第六十二条 时效期 第六十三条 时效的延长 第六十四条 追偿诉讼 第六十五条 对被识别为承运人的人的诉讼 第十四章 管辖权 第六十六条 对承运人的诉讼 第六十七条 法院选择协议 第六十八条 对海运履约方的诉讼 第六十九条 不另增管辖权地 第七十条 扣留以及临时措施或保全措施 第七十一条 诉讼合并和移转 第七十二条 争议产生后的协议和被告应诉时的管辖权 第七十三条 承认和执行 第七十四条 第十四章的适用 第十五章 仲裁 第七十五条 仲裁协议 第七十六条 非班轮运输中的仲裁协议 第七十七条 争议产生后的仲裁协议 第七十八条 第十五章的适用 第十六章 合同条款的有效性 第七十九条 一般规定 第八十条 批量合同特别规则 第八十一条 活动物和某些其他货物特别规则 第十七章 本公约不管辖的事项 第八十二条 管辖其他运输方式货物运输的国际公约 第八十三条 赔偿责任总限制 第八十四条 共同海损 第八十五条 旅客和行李 第八十六条 核事故造成的损害 第十八章 最后条款 第八十七条 保存人 第八十八条 签署、批准、接受、核准或加入 第八十九条 退出其他公约 第九十条 保留 第九十一条 声明的程序和效力 第九十二条 对本国领土单位的效力 第九十三条 区域经济一体化组织的参与 第九十四条 生效 第九十五条 修订和修正 第九十六条 退出本公约         联合国全程或部分海上国际货物运输合同公约  本公约缔约国,重申相信在平等互利基础上发展国际贸易是促进各国之间友好关系的一个重要因素,深信通过逐步协调统一国际贸易法,减少、消除国际贸易流通法律障碍,将大大促进所有国家在平等、公平和共同利益基础上的普遍经济合作,造福于各国人民,承认1924年8月25日在布鲁塞尔签署的《统一提单若干法律规则国际公约》及其各项议定书以及1978年3月31日在汉堡签署的《联合国海上货物运输公约》对协调海上货物运输法律的显著贡献,考虑到自这两项公约通过以来的技术和商业发展以及整合和更新这两项公约进行的必要性,注意到托运人和承运人无法利用一个有约束力的普遍性制度支持涉及其他运输方式的海上运输合同的运作,相信采用统一规则,对全程或部分海上国际运输合同进行规范,将促进法律确定性,提高国际货物运输效率,便利过去相距遥远的当事人和市场获得新的准入机会,从而对促进国内、国际贸易和经济发展发挥极其重要的作用,兹商定如下: 第一章 总则第一条 定义在本公约中:一、“运输合同”是指承运人收取运费,承诺将货物从一地运至另一地的合同。此种合同应对海上运输作出规定,且可以对海上运输以外的其他运输方式作出规定。二、“批量合同”是指在约定期间内分批装运特定数量货物的运输合同。货物数量可以是最低数量、最高数量或一定范围的数量。三、“班轮运输”是指通过公告或类似方式向公众提供、按照公布船期表使用船舶在特定港口之间定期运营的运输服务。四、“非班轮运输”是指不属于班轮运输的任何运输。五、“承运人”是指与托运人订立运输合同的人。六、㈠ “履约方”是指承运人以外的,履行或承诺履行承运人在运输合同下有关货物接收、装载、操作、积载、运输、照料、卸载或交付的任何义务的人,以该人直接或间接在承运人的要求、监督或控制下行事为限。㈡ “履约方”不包括不由承运人而由托运人、单证托运人、控制方或收货人直接或间接委托的任何人。七、“海运履约方”是指凡在货物到达船舶装货港至货物离开船舶卸货港期间履行或承诺履行承运人任何义务的履约方。内陆承运人仅在履行或承诺履行其完全在港区范围内的服务时方为海运履约方。八、“托运人”是指与承运人订立运输合同的人。九、“单证托运人”是指托运人以外的,同意在运输单证或电子运输记录中记名为“托运人”的人。十、“持有人”:㈠ 指持有可转让运输单证的人;以及1. 若单证为指示单证,指该单证所载明的托运人或收货人,或该妥善背书的单证所指明的人;或2. 若单证为空白背书的指示单证或不记名单证,指该单证的持单人;或㈡ 指根据第九条第一款述及的程序可转让电子运输记录的接收人或受让人。十一、“收货人”是指根据运输合同或根据运输单证或电子运输记录有提货权的人。十二、货物“控制权”是指根据第十章按运输合同向承运人发出有关货物的指示的权利。十三、“控制方”是指根据第五十一条有权行使控制权的人。十四、“运输单证”是指承运人按运输合同签发的单证,该单证:㈠ 证明承运人或履约方已按运输合同收到货物;并且㈡ 证明或包含一项运输合同。十五、“可转让运输单证”是指一种运输单证,通过“凭指示”或“可转让”之类的措词,或通过该单证所适用的法律承认具有同等效力的其他适当措词,表明货物按照托运人的指示或收货人的指示交付,或已交付给持单人,且未明示注明其为“不可转让”或“不得转让”。十六、“不可转让运输单证”是指不是可转让运输单证的运输单证。十七、“电子通信”是指以电子、光学、数码或类似方式生成、发送、接收或存储的信息,通信内容可供调阅,随后可参考取用。十八、“电子运输记录”是指承运人按运输合同以电子通信方式发出的一条或数条电文中的信息,包括作为附件与电子运输记录有着逻辑联系的信息,或在承运人签发电子运输记录的同时或之后以其他方式与之有联系从而成为电子运输记录一部分的信息,该信息:㈠ 证明承运人或履约方已按运输合同收到货物;并且㈡ 证明或包含一项运输合同。十九、“可转让电子运输记录”是指一种电子运输记录:㈠ 其中通过“凭指示”或“可转让”之类的措词,或通过该记录所适用的法律承认具有同等效力的其他适当措词,表明货物已按照托运人的指示或收货人的指示交付,且未明示注明其为“不可转让”或“不得转让”,并且㈡ 其使用符合第九条第一款要求。二十、“不可转让电子运输记录”是指不是可转让电子运输记录的电子运输记录。二十一、“签发”可转让电子运输记录,是指按照确保该记录自生成至失去效力处于排他性控制之下的程序签发记录。二十二、“转让”可转让电子运输记录,是指转让对该记录的排他性控制。二十三、“合同事项”是指运输单证或电子运输记录中载明的与运输合同或与货物有关的任何信息(包括条款、批注、签名和背书)。二十四、“货物”是指承运人根据运输合同承运的任何种类的制品、商品和物件,包括不是由承运人或不是以承运人名义提供的包装以及任何设备和集装箱。二十五、“船舶”是指用于海上货物运输的任何船只。二十六、“集装箱”是指任何型号的集装箱、运输罐柜或板架、交换式车厢、或拼装货物的任何类似货载单元及其附加设备。二十七、“车辆”是指公路或铁路货运车辆。二十八、“运费”是指应向承运人支付根据运输合同运输货物的报酬。二十九、“住所”是指㈠ 公司、其他法人、自然人社团或法人社团的下列所在地:1. 法定处所或组建地,或注册的中心办事处,以适用者为准,2. 中心行政管理机构,或3. 主要营业地;及㈡ 自然人的惯常居住地。三十、“管辖法院”是指一缔约国内,根据本国法院之间管辖权内部划分规则可以对某一争议行使管辖权的法院。第二条 本公约的解释在解释本公约时,应当考虑到本公约的国际性,考虑到促进在国际贸易中统一适用本公约和遵守诚信的需要。第三条 形式要求第十九条第二款、第二十三条第一款至第四款、第三十六条第一款第二项、第三项和第四项、第四十条第四款第二项、第四十四条、第四十八条第三款、第五十一条第一款第二项、第五十九条第一款、第六十三条、第六十六条、第六十七条第二款、第七十五条第四款以及第八十条第二款和第五款述及的通知、确认、同意、约定、声明和其他通信应当采用书面形式。经收发人同意的,可以为此目的使用电子通信。第四条 抗辩和赔偿责任限制的适用一、本公约的规定,凡可为承运人提供抗辩或限制其赔偿责任的,适用于以合同、侵权行为或其他理由为依据就运输合同所涉货物的灭失、损坏或迟延交付或就违反本公约规定的其他任何义务对下列人提起的任何司法程序或仲裁程序:㈠ 承运人或海运履约方;㈡ 船长、船员或在船上履行服务的其他任何人;或㈢ 承运人或海运履约方的受雇人。二、本公约的规定,凡可为托运人或单证托运人提供抗辩的,适用于以合同、侵权行为或其他理由为依据对托运人、单证托运人或其分合同人、代理人或受雇人提起的任何司法程序或仲裁程序。第二章 适用范围第五条 一般适用范围一、除须遵循第六条的规定外,本公约适用于收货地和交货地位于不同国家且海上运输装货港和同一海上运输卸货港位于不同国家的运输合同,条件是运输合同约定以下地点之一位于一缔约国:㈠ 收货地;㈡ 装货港;㈢ 交货地;或㈣ 卸货港。二、本公约的适用不考虑船舶、承运人、履约方、托运人、收货人或其他任何有关方的国籍。第六条 特定除外情形一、本公约不适用于班轮运输中的下列合同:㈠ 租船合同;和㈡ 使用船舶或其中任何舱位的其他合同。二、本公约不适用于非班轮运输中的运输合同,但下列情形除外:㈠ 当事人之间不存在使用船舶或其中任何舱位的租船合同或其他合同;并且㈡ 运输单证或电子运输记录已签发。第七条 对某些当事人的适用虽有第六条的规定,如果收货人、控制方或持有人不是被排除在本公约适用范围之外的租船合同或其他运输合同的原始当事人,本公约仍然在承运人与此等当事人之间适用。但是,如果当事人是根据第六条被排除在外的运输合同的原始当事人,本公约在此等原始当事人之间不适用。 第三章 电子运输记录第八条 电子运输记录的使用和效力在不违反本公约所述要求的情况下:㈠ 凡根据本公约应在运输单证上载明的内容,均可在电子运输记录中加以记载,但电子运输记录的签发和随后的使用须得到承运人和托运人的同意;并且㈡ 电子运输记录的签发、排他性控制或转让,与运输单证的签发、占有或转让具有同等效力。第九条 可转让电子运输记录的使用程序一、使用可转让电子运输记录,应当遵守包含以下内容的程序:㈠ 向预期持有人签发和转让可转让电子运输记录的方法;㈡ 可转让电子运输记录保持完整性的保证;㈢ 持有人能够证明其持有人身份的方式;和㈣ 已向持有人交付货物的确认方式,或根据第十条第二款或第四十七条第一款第一项第2目和第三项,可转让电子运输记录已失去效力的确认方式。二、本条第一款中的程序应当在合同事项中载明且易于查核。第十条 可转让运输单证或可转让电子运输记录的替换一、如果可转让运输单证已签发,且承运人与持有人约定以可转让电子运输记录替换该运输单证:㈠ 持有人应向承运人移交该可转让运输单证,若签发的单证不止一份,应移交所有单证;㈡ 承运人应向持有人签发可转让电子运输纪录,其中应包括一项替换该运输单证的声明;并且㈢ 该运输单证随即失去效力。二、如果可转让电子运输记录已签发,且承运人与持有人约定以可转让运输单证替换该电子运输记录:㈠ 承运人应向持有人签发替换该电子运输记录的可转让运输单证,其中应包括一项替换该电子运输记录的声明;并且㈡ 该电子运输记录随即失去效力。 第四章 承运人的义务第十一条 货物的运输和交付承运人应根据本公约,按照运输合同的条款将货物运至目的地并交给收货人。第十二条 承运人的责任期一、承运人根据本公约对货物的责任期,自承运人或履约方为运输而接收货物时开始,至货物交付时终止。二、㈠ 收货地的法律或条例要求将货物交给某当局或其他第三方,承运人可以从该当局或该其他第三方提取货物的,承运人的责任期自承运人从该当局或从该其他第三方提取货物时开始。㈡ 交货地的法律或条例要求将货物交给某当局或其他第三方,收货人可以从该当局或该其他第三方提取货物的,承运人的责任期至承运人将货物交给该当局或该其他第三方时终止。三、为确定承运人的责任期,各当事人可以约定接收和交付货物的时间和地点,但运输合同条款作下述规定的即为无效:㈠ 接收货物的时间是在根据运输合同开始最初装货之后;或㈡ 交付货物的时间是在根据运输合同完成最后卸货之前。第十三条 特定义务一、在第十二条规定的责任期内,除须遵循第二十六条的规定外,承运人应妥善而谨慎地接收、装载、操作、积载、运输、保管、照料、卸载并交付货物。二、虽有本条第一款规定,在不影响第四章其他规定以及第五章至第七章规定的情况下,承运人与托运人可以约定由托运人、单证托运人或收货人装载、操作、积载或卸载货物。此种约定应在合同事项中载明。第十四条 适用于海上航程的特定义务承运人必须在开航前、开航当时和海上航程中恪尽职守:㈠ 使船舶处于且保持适航状态;㈡ 妥善配备船员、装备船舶和补给供应品,且在整个航程中保持此种配备、装备和补给;并且㈢ 使货舱、船舶所有其他载货处所和由承运人提供的载货集装箱适于且能安全接收、运输和保管货物,且保持此种状态。第十五条 可能形成危险的货物虽有第十一条和第十三条规定,如果在承运人责任期内货物可能或有理由认为似乎可能对人身、财产或环境形成实际危险,承运人或履约方可以拒绝接收或装载货物,且可以采取包括将货物卸下、销毁或使之不能致害等其他合理措施。第十六条 海上航程期间牺牲货物虽有第十一条、第十三条和第十四条规定,承运人或履约方仍可以在海上牺牲货物,但应是为了共同安全,或是为了保全同一航程中人命或其他财产,使之免遭危险而合理作出此种牺牲。第五章 承运人对灭失、损坏或迟延所负的赔偿责任第十七条 赔偿责任基础一、如果索赔人证明,货物灭失、损坏或迟延交付,或造成、促成了灭失、损坏或迟延交付的事件或情形是在第四章规定的承运人责任期内发生的,承运人应对货物灭失、损坏和迟延交付负赔偿责任。二、如果承运人证明,灭失、损坏或迟延交付的原因或原因之一不能归责于承运人本人的过失或第十八条述及的任何人的过失,可免除承运人根据本条第一款所负的全部或部分赔偿责任。三、除证明不存在本条第二款所述的过失之外,如果承运人证明下列一种或数种事件或情形造成、促成了灭失、损坏或迟延交付,也可免除承运人根据本条第一款规定所负的全部或部分赔偿责任:㈠ 天灾;㈡ 海上或其他通航水域的风险、危险和事故;㈢ 战争、敌对行动、武装冲突、海盗、恐怖活动、暴乱和内乱;㈣ 检疫限制;政府、公共当局、统治者或民众的干涉或造成的障碍,包括非由承运人或第十八条述及的任何人所造成的滞留、扣留或扣押;㈤ 罢工、关厂、停工或劳动受限;㈥ 船上发生火灾;㈦ 虽恪尽职守仍无法发现的潜在缺陷;㈧ 托运人、单证托运人、控制方或根据第三十三条或第三十四条托运人或单证托运人对其作为承担责任的其他任何人的作为或不作为;㈨ 按照第十三条第二款所述及的约定进行的货物装载、操作、积载或卸载,除非承运人或履约方代表托运人、单证托运人或收货人实施此项活动;㈩ 由于货物固有缺陷、品质或瑕疵而造成的数量或重量损耗或其他任何灭失或损坏;(十一) 非由承运人或代其行事的人所做包装不良或标志欠缺、不清;(十二) 海上救助或试图救助人命;(十三) 海上救助或试图救助财产的合理措施;(十四) 避免或试图避免对环境造成危害的合理措施;或(十五) 承运人根据第十五条和第十六条所赋权利的作为。四、虽有本条第三款规定,有下列情形之一的,承运人仍应对灭失、损坏或迟延交付的全部或部分负赔偿责任:㈠ 索赔人证明,承运人或第十八条述及的人的过失造成、促成了承运人所依据的事件或情形;或㈡ 索赔人证明,本条第三款所列事件或情形以外的事件或情形促成了灭失、损坏或迟延交付,且承运人无法证明,该事件或情形既不能归责于其本人的过失,也不能归责于第十八条述及的任何人的过失。五、虽有本条第三款规定,在下列情况下,承运人还应对灭失、损坏或迟延交付的全部或部分负赔偿责任:㈠ 索赔人证明,造成或可能造成或促成灭失、损坏或迟延交付的原因是:1. 船舶不适航;2. 配备船员、装备船舶和补给供应品不当;或3.货舱、船舶其他载货处所或由承运人提供的载货集装箱不适于且不能安全接收、运输和保管货物;并且㈡ 承运人无法证明:1. 本条第五款第一项述及的任何事件或情形未造成灭失、损坏或迟延交付;或2. 承运人已遵守第十四条规定的恪尽职守的义务。六、承运人根据本条规定被免除部分赔偿责任的,承运人仅对根据本条应由其负赔偿责任的事件或情形所造成的那部分灭失、损坏或迟延交付负赔偿责任。第十八条 承运人为其他人负赔偿责任如果下列人的作为或不作为违反本公约对承运人规定的义务,承运人应负赔偿责任:㈠ 任何履约方;㈡ 船长或船员;㈢ 承运人的受雇人或履约方的受雇人;或㈣ 履行或承诺履行运输合同规定的承运人义务的其他任何人,以该人按照承运人的要求,或在承运人的监督或控制下直接或间接作为为限。第十九条 海运履约方的赔偿责任一、符合下列条件的,海运履约方必须承担本公约对承运人规定的义务和赔偿责任,且有权享有本公约对承运人规定的抗辩和赔偿责任限制:㈠ 海运履约方在一缔约国为运输而接收了货物或在一缔约国交付了货物,或在一缔约国某一港口履行了与货物有关的各种活动;并且㈡ 造成灭失、损坏或迟延交付的事件发生在:1. 货物到达船舶装货港至货物离开船舶卸货港的期间内;2. 货物在海运履约方掌管期间;或3. 海运履约方参与履行运输合同所载列任何活动的其他任何时间内。二、承运人约定在本公约对其规定的义务范围之外承担义务的,或约定其赔偿责任限额高于本公约所规定的限额的,海运履约方不受该约定的约束,除非海运履约方明示约定接受该义务或该更高限额。三、符合本条第一款所列条件的,对于受海运履约方委托履行运输合同约定的承运人义务的人违反本公约对海运履约方规定的义务的作为或不作为,海运履约方负赔偿责任。四、本公约规定概不要求船长或船员、承运人的受雇人或海运履约方的受雇人负赔偿责任。第二十条 连带赔偿责任一、对于货物灭失、损坏或迟延交付,承运人和一个或数个海运履约方均负有赔偿责任的,其赔偿责任为连带责任,但仅限于本公约所规定的限额。二、在不影响第六十一条的情况下,上述所有人的累计赔偿责任不得超过本公约所规定的赔偿责任总限额。第二十一条 迟延未在约定时间内在运输合同约定的目的地交付货物,为迟延交付。第二十二条 赔偿额的计算一、除须遵循第五十九条的规定外,承运人对货物灭失或损坏应支付的赔偿额,参照货物在根据第四十三条确定的交货地和交货时间的价值计算。二、货物的价值根据商品交易价格确定,无此种价格的,根据其市场价格确定,既无商品交易价格又无市场价格的,参照交货地同种类和同品质货物的通常价值确定。三、货物发生灭失或损坏的,承运人对超出本条第一款和第二款所规定的赔偿额不负任何赔偿责任,除非承运人与托运人在第十六章的限度内约定了赔偿额的不同计算方法。第二十三条 发生灭失、损坏或迟延时的通知一、除非已在交货前或交货时,或在灭失或损坏不明显的情况下,在交货后交货地的七个工作日内向承运人或向实际交付货物的履约方提交了表明此种灭失或损坏一般性质的货物灭失或损坏通知,否则,在无相反证据的情况下,推定承运人已按照合同事项中有关货物的记载交付了货物。二、未向承运人或履约方提交本条述及的通知,不得影响根据本公约对货物灭失或损坏索赔的权利,也不得影响第十七条所规定的举证责任分担。三、被交付货物的人与承运人或与当时被要求承担赔偿责任的海运履约方对货物进行了联合检验的,无须就联合检验所查明的灭失或损坏提交本条述及的通知。四、除非在交货后二十一个连续日内向承运人提交了迟延造成损失的通知,否则无须就迟延支付任何赔偿金。五、向实际交付货物的履约方提交本条述及的通知,与向承运人提交该通知具有同等效力;向承运人提交通知,与向海运履约方提交通知具有同等效力。六、对于任何实际发生的或预想发生的灭失或损坏,争议各方当事人应为检验和清点货物相互提供一切合理便利,且应为查询有关货物运输的记录和单证提供机会。第六章 有关特定运输阶段的补充条款第二十四条 绕航如果绕航根据适用的法律构成违反承运人义务,承运人或海运履约方不得因此被剥夺本公约为其提供的任何抗辩或赔偿责任限制,但第六十一条规定的情形除外。第二十五条 船舶上的舱面货一、在船舶舱面上载运货物,只能限于下列情形:㈠ 根据法律的要求进行此种运输;㈡ 货物载于适合舱面运输的集装箱内或车辆内,而舱面专门适于载运此类集装箱或车辆;或㈢ 舱面运输符合运输合同或相关行业的习惯、惯例或做法。二、本公约有关承运人赔偿责任的规定,适用于根据本条第一款在舱面上载运的货物的灭失、损坏或迟延交付,但根据本条第一款第一项或第三项载运货物的,对于舱面载运货物涉及的特殊风险所造成的货物灭失、损坏或迟延交付,承运人不负赔偿责任。三、在舱面上载运货物,不是本条第一款所准许的情形的,对于完全由于舱面载运货物所造成的货物灭失、损坏或迟延交付,承运人负赔偿责任,且无权享有第十七条规定的抗辩。四、第三方已善意取得可转让运输单证或可转让电子运输记录的,承运人无权对其援用本条第一款第三项的规定,除非合同事项载明可以在舱面上载运货物。五、承运人与托运人明确约定货物将载于舱内的,如果货物载于舱面造成任何灭失、损坏或迟延交付,对于此种灭失、损坏或迟延交付,承运人无权享有限制赔偿责任的利益。第二十六条 海上运输之前或之后的运输如果货物灭失、损坏或造成迟延交付的事件或情形发生在承运人的责任期内,但发生的时间仅在货物装上船舶之前或仅在货物卸离船舶之后,本公约的规定不得优先于另一国际文书的下述条文,在此种灭失、损坏或造成迟延交付的事件或情形发生时:㈠ 根据该国际文书的规定,如果托运人已就发生货物灭失、损坏或造成货物迟延交付的事件或情形的特定运输阶段与承运人订有单独和直接的合同,本应适用于承运人全部活动或任何活动的条文;㈡ 就承运人的赔偿责任、赔偿责任限制或时效作了具体规定的条文;和㈢ 根据该文书,完全不能通过订立合同加以背离的条文,或不能在损害托运人利益的情况下通过订立合同加以背离的条文。第七章 托运人对承运人的义务第二十七条 交付运输一、除非运输合同另有约定,否则托运人应交付备妥待运的货物。在任何情况下,托运人交付的货物应处于能够承受住预定运输的状态,包括货物的装载、操作、积载、绑扎、加固和卸载,且不会对人身或财产造成损害。二、根据第十三条第二款订有约定的,托运人应妥善而谨慎地履行根据该约定承担的任何义务。三、集装箱或车辆由托运人装载的,托运人应妥善而谨慎地积载、绑扎和加固集装箱内或车辆内的货物,使之不会对人身或财产造成损害。第二十八条 托运人与承运人在提供信息和指示方面的合作如果有关货物正确操作和运输的信息处于被请求方的占有之下,或有关货物正确操作和运输的指示是在被请求方能够合理提供的范围之内,且请求方无法以其他合理方式获取此种信息和指示,承运人和托运人应就对方提出的提供此种信息和指示的请求作出响应。第二十九条 托运人提供信息、指示和文件的义务一、托运人应及时向承运人提供承运人无法以其他合理方式获取,且是为下述目的而合理需要的有关货物的信息、指示和文件:㈠ 为了正确操作和运输货物,包括由承运人或履约方采取预防措施;并且㈡ 为了使承运人遵守公共当局有关预定运输的法律、条例或其他要求,但承运人须及时将其需要信息、指示和文件事宜通知托运人。二、本条规定概不影响根据公共当局有关预定运输的法律、条例或其他要求,提供有关货物的某些信息、指示和文件的任何特定义务。第三十条 托运人对承运人赔偿责任的基础一、对于承运人遭受的灭失或损坏,如果承运人证明,此种灭失或损坏是由于违反本公约规定的托运人义务而造成的,托运人应负赔偿责任。二、灭失或损坏的原因或原因之一不能归责于托运人本人的过失或第三十四条述及的任何人的过失的,免除托运人的全部或部分赔偿责任,但托运人违反第三十一条第二款和第三十二条对其规定的义务所造成的灭失或损坏,不在此列。三、托运人根据本条被免除部分赔偿责任的,托运人仅对因其本人的过失或第三十四条述及的任何人的过失所造成的那部分灭失或损坏负赔偿责任。第三十一条 拟定合同事项所需要的信息一、托运人应及时向承运人提供拟定合同事项以及签发运输单证或电子运输记录所需要的准确信息,包括第三十六条第一款所述及的事项;合同事项中拟载明为托运人的当事人名称;有收货人的,收货人名称;须凭指示签发运输单证或电子运输记录的,指示人名称。二、承运人收到根据本条第一款提供的信息时,理当认为托运人已对信息的准确性给予保证。托运人应就此种信息不准确所导致的灭失或损坏向承运人作出赔偿。第三十二条 危险货物特别规则当货物因本身性质或特性而已对人身、财产或环境形成危险,或适度显现有可能形成此种危险时:㈠ 托运人应在货物交付给承运人或履约方之前,及时将货物的危险性质或特性通知承运人。托运人未履行此项义务,且承运人或履约方无法以其他方式知道货物危险性质或特性的,托运人应就未发通知所导致的灭失或损坏向承运人负赔偿责任;㈡ 托运人应根据货物预定运输任何阶段所适用的公共当局的法律、条例或其他要求,对危险货物加标志或标签。托运人未履行此项义务的,托运人应就由此导致的灭失或损坏向承运人负赔偿责任。第三十三条 单证托运人享有托运人的权利并承担其义务一、单证托运人必须承担本章和第五十五条对托运人规定的义务和赔偿责任,且有权享有本章和第13章为托运人提供的权利和抗辩。二、本条第一款规定不影响托运人的义务、赔偿责任、权利或抗辩。第三十四条 托运人为其他人负赔偿责任托运人委托包括受雇人、代理人和分合同人在内的任何人履行托运人任何义务的,对于此等人的作为或不作为造成违反本公约规定的托运人义务,托运人负赔偿责任,但托运人委托承运人或代表承运人行事的履约方履行托运人义务的,对于此等人的作为或不作为,托运人不负赔偿责任。第八章 运输单证和电子运输记录第三十五条 运输单证或电子运输记录的签发除非托运人与承运人已约定不使用运输单证或电子运输记录,或不使用运输单证或电子运输记录是行业习惯、惯例或做法,否则,货物一经向承运人或履约方交付运输,托运人,或经托运人同意的单证托运人,有权按照托运人的选择,从承运人处获得:㈠ 不可转让运输单证,或,符合第八条第一项规定的,不可转让电子运输记录;或㈡ 适当的可转让运输单证,或,符合第八条第一项规定的,可转让电子运输记录,除非托运人与承运人已约定不使用可转让运输单证或可转让电子运输记录,或不使用可转让运输单证或可转让电子运输记录是行业习惯、惯例或做法。第三十六条 合同事项一、第三十五条述及的运输单证或电子运输记录中的合同事项应包括由托运人提供的下列信息:㈠ 适合于运输的货名;㈡ 识别货物所必需的主标志;㈢ 货物包数、件数或数量;和㈣ 货物重量(如果已由托运人提供)。二、第三十五条述及的运输单证或电子运输记录中的合同事项还应包括:㈠ 承运人或履约方收到待运货物时货物表面状况的说明;㈡ 承运人名称和地址;㈢ 承运人或履约方收到货物日期、货物装船日期或运输单证或电子运输记录签发日期;和㈣ 运输单证可转让,且签发一份以上正本的,可转让运输单证的正本份数。三、第三十五条述及的运输单证或电子运输记录中的合同事项还应包括:㈠ 收货人的名称和地址(如果收货人已由托运人指定);㈡ 船舶名称(如果已在运输合同中指明);㈢ 收货地和交货地(如果承运人已知道交货地);和㈣ 装货港和卸货港(如果已在运输合同中指明)。4. 就本条而言,本条第二款第一项中“货物表面状况”一词是指在下述基础上确定的货物状况:㈠ 货物由托运人交付给承运人或履约方时对所装载货物进行的合理外部检验;和㈡ 承运人或履约方在签发运输单证或电子运输记录之前实际进行的任何进一步检验。第三十七条 承运人的识别一、合同事项中载明承运人名称的,运输单证或电子运输记录中凡是与此不一致的有关承运人身份的其他信息一概无效。二、合同事项中未按第三十六条第二款第二项载明任何人为承运人,但合同事项载明货物已装上指定船舶的,推定该船舶的登记所有人为承运人,除非该登记所有人能够证明运输货物时该船舶处于光船租用之中,且能够指出该光船承租人及其地址,在这种情况下,推定该光船承租人为承运人。或,船舶登记所有人可以通过指出承运人及其地址,推翻将其当作承运人的推定。光船承租人可以按照同样方式推翻将其当作承运人的任何推定。三、本条规定概不妨碍索赔人证明,承运人是合同事项所载明的人以外的人,或是根据本条第二款所识别的人以外的人。第三十八条 签名一、运输单证应由承运人或代其行事的人签名。二、电子运输记录应包含承运人或代其行事的人的电子签名。凭借此种电子签名,应能够识别与该电子运输记录有关的签名人,且表明承运人对该电子运输记录的授权。第三十九条 合同事项不完备一、合同事项中缺少第三十六条第一款、第二款或第三款述及的一项或数项内容,或这些内容不准确,本身不影响运输单证或电子运输记录的法律性质或法律效力。二、合同事项包含日期而未载明其含义的:㈠ 如果合同事项载明货物已装船,该日期视为运输单证或电子运输记录中载明的全部货物的装船日期;或㈡ 如果合同事项未载明货物已装船,该日期视为承运人或履约方收到货物的日期。三、合同事项未载明承运人或履约方收到货物时货物表面状况的,该合同事项视为已载明承运人或履约方收到货物时货物表面状况良好。第四十条 对合同事项中货物相关信息作出保留一、在下列条件下,承运人应对第三十六条第一款中述及的信息作出保留,指出承运人对于托运人所提供信息的准确性不负责任:㈠ 承运人实际知道运输单证或电子运输记录中的任何重要声明有虚假或误导内容;或㈡ 承运人有合理的理由认为运输单证或电子运输记录中的任何重要声明有虚假或误导内容。二、在不影响本条第一款的情况下,承运人可以按照本条第三款和第四款规定的情形和方式,对第三十六条第一款中述及的信息作出保留,指出承运人对于托运人所提供信息的准确性不负责任。三、货物不放在封闭集装箱内或封闭车辆内交付给承运人或履约方运输,或货物放在封闭集装箱内或封闭车辆内交付且承运人或履约方实际检验了货物的,在下述条件下,承运人可以对第三十六条第一款中述及的信息作出保留:㈠ 承运人无实际可行或商业上合理的方式核对托运人提供的信息,在这种情况下,承运人可以注明其无法核对的信息;或㈡ 承运人有合理的理由认为托运人所提供的信息不准确,在这种情况下,承运人可以列入一个条款,提供其合理认为准确的信息。四、货物放在封闭集装箱内或封闭车辆内交付给承运人或履约方运输的,承运人可以就下列条款中述及的信息作出保留:㈠ 第三十六条第一款第一项、第二项或第三项,条件是:1. 集装箱内或车辆内货物未经过承运人或履约方实际检验;并且2. 无论承运人还是履约方均未在签发运输单证或电子运输记录之前以其他方式实际知道集装箱内或车辆内货物的情况;和㈡ 第三十六条第一款第四项,条件是:1. 无论承运人还是履约方均未对集装箱或车辆称重,且托运人和承运人均未在装运货物之前约定对集装箱或车辆称重并将其重量记载在合同事项中;或2. 无实际可行或商业上合理的方式核对集装箱或车辆重量。第四十一条 合同事项的证据效力除合同事项已按照第四十条规定的情形和方式作了保留外:㈠ 运输单证或电子运输记录是承运人收到合同事项中所记载货物的初步证据;㈡ 在下列情况下,承运人就任何合同事项提出的相反证据不予接受:1. 此种合同事项载于已转让给善意行事第三方的可转让运输单证或可转让电子运输记录;或2. 此种合同事项载于载明必须交单提货,且已转让给善意行事收货人的不可转让运输单证。㈢ 承运人提出的针对善意行事收货人的相反证据,在该收货人依赖载于不可转让运输单证或不可转让电子运输记录中的下述任何合同事项时,不予接受:1. 第三十六条第一款中述及的合同事项,此种合同事项由承运人提供;2. 集装箱的号码、型号和识别号,而非集装箱封条的识别号;和3. 第三十六条第二款中述及的合同事项。第四十二条 “预付运费”合同事项载有“预付运费”声明或类似性质声明的,承运人不能以运费尚未支付这一主张对抗持有人或收货人。持有人或收货人也是托运人的,本条不适用。第九章 货物交付第四十三条 接受交货的义务当货物到达目的地时,要求交付货物的收货人应在运输合同约定的时间或期限内,在运输合同约定的地点接受交货,无此种约定的,应在考虑到合同条款和行业习惯、惯例或做法以及运输情形,能够合理预期的交货时间和地点接受交货。第四十四条 确认收到的义务收货人应按照交付货物的承运人或履约方的要求,以交货地的习惯方式确认从承运人或履约方收到了货物。收货人拒绝确认收到货物的,承运人可以拒绝交付。第四十五条 未签发可转让运输单证或 可转让电子运输记录时的交付未签发可转让运输单证或可转让电子运输记录的:㈠ 承运人应在第四十三条述及的时间和地点将货物交付给收货人。声称是收货人的人未按照承运人的要求适当表明其为收货人的,承运人可以拒绝交付;㈡ 收货人的名称和地址未在合同事项中载明的,控制方应在货物到达目的地前或在货物到达目的地时,将收货人的名称和地址告知承运人;㈢ 在不影响第四十八条第一款的情况下,如果货物未能交付是因为1. 收货人接到了到货通知而未在第四十三条述及的时间或期限内在货物到达目的地后向承运人主张提取货物,2. 承运人因声称是收货人的人未适当表明其为收货人而拒绝交货,或3. 承运人经合理努力无法确定收货人,请求就货物的交付发出指示,则承运人可以通知控制方,请求就货物的交付发出指示。承运人经合理努力无法确定控制方的,承运人可以通知托运人,请求就货物的交付发出指示。承运人经合理努力无法确定控制方或托运人的,承运人可以通知单证托运人,请求就货物的交付发出指示;㈣ 承运人根据本条第三项按照控制方、托运人或单证托运人的指示交付货物的,解除承运人在运输合同下交付货物的义务。第四十六条 签发必须提交的不可转让运输单证时的交付签发不可转让运输单证,其中载明必须交单提货的:㈠ 承运人应在收货人按照承运人的要求适当表明其为收货人并提交不可转让单证时,在第四十三条述及的时间和地点将货物交付给收货人。声称是收货人的人不能按照承运人的要求适当表明其为收货人的,承运人可以拒绝交付,未提交不可转让单证的,承运人应拒绝交付。所签发不可转让单证有一份以上正本的,提交一份正本单证即可,其余正本单证随即失去效力;㈡ 在不影响第四十八条第一款的情况下,如果货物未能交付是因为1. 收货人接到了到货通知而未在第四十三条述及的时间或期限内在货物到达目的地后向承运人主张提取货物,2. 承运人因声称是收货人的人未适当表明其为收货人或未提交单证而拒绝交货,或3. 承运人经合理努力无法确定收货人,请求就货物的交付发出指示,则承运人可以通知托运人,请求就货物的交付发出指示。承运人经合理努力无法确定托运人的,承运人应通知单证托运人,请求就货物的交付发出指示;㈢ 承运人根据本条第二项按照托运人或单证托运人的指示交付货物的,解除承运人在运输合同下交付货物的义务,而不考虑是否已向承运人提交不可转让运输单证。第四十七条 签发可转让运输单证或 可转让电子运输记录时的交付一、签发可转让运输单证或可转让电子运输记录的:㈠ 可转让运输单证或可转让电子运输记录的持有人有权在货物到达目的地后向承运人主张提取货物,在这种情况下,下列要求之一得到满足时,承运人即应在第四十三条述及的时间和地点将货物交付给该持有人:1. 该持有人提交了可转让运输单证,该持有人为第一条第十款第一项第1目述及的人的,还适当表明了其身份;或2. 该持有人按照第九条第一款述及的程序证明其为可转让电子运输记录的持有人。㈡ 本款第一项第1目或第三项第2目所列要求未得到满足的,承运人应拒绝交付;㈢ 所签发可转让运输单证有一份以上正本,且该单证中注明正本份数的,提交一份正本单证即可,其余正本单证随即失去效力。使用可转让电子运输记录的,按照第九条第一款规定的程序一经向持有人交付货物,该电子运输记录随即失去效力;二、在不影响第四十八条第一款的情况下,可转让运输单证或可转让电子运输记录明确规定可以不提交运输单证或电子运输记录交付货物的,适用下列规则:㈠ 如果货物未能交付是因为1. 持有人接到了到货通知而未在第四十三条述及的时间或期限内在货物到达目的地后向承运人主张提取货物,2. 承运人因声称是持有人的人未适当表明其为第一条第十款第一项第1目所述及的人之一而拒绝交货,或3. 承运人经合理努力无法确定持有人,请求就货物的交付发出指示,则承运人可以通知托运人,请求就货物的交付发出指示。承运人经合理努力无法确定托运人的,承运人应通知单证托运人,请求就货物的交付发出指示;㈡ 承运人根据本条第二款第一项按照托运人或单证托运人的指示交付货物的,解除承运人在运输合同下向持有人交付货物的义务,而不考虑是否已向承运人提交可转让运输单证,也不考虑凭可转让电子运输记录主张提货的人是否已按照第九条第一款述及的程序证明其为持有人;㈢ 承运人根据本条第二款第五项对持有人负赔偿责任的,根据本条第二款第一项发出指示的人应补偿承运人由此遭受的损失。该人未能按照承运人的合理要求提供适当担保的,承运人可以拒绝遵守这些指示;㈣ 一人在承运人已根据本条第二款第二项交付货物后成为可转让运输单证或可转让电子运输记录的持有人,仍根据此项交货前的合同安排或其他安排取得对承运人除主张提货权以外的运输合同下的权利;㈤ 虽有本条第二款第二项和第二款第四项的规定,一持有人在此项交货后成为持有人,在其成为持有人时不知道且理应不可能知道此项交货的,取得可转让运输单证或可转让电子运输记录所包含的权利。合同事项载明预计到货时间,或载明如何获取有关货物是否已交付的信息的,推定该持有人在其成为持有人时已知道或理应能够知道货物的交付。第四十八条 货物仍未交付一、在本条中,只有在下列情形下,货物到达目的地后应被视为仍未交付:㈠ 收货人未根据本章的规定,在第四十三条述及的时间和地点接受交货;㈡ 控制方、持有人、托运人或单证托运人无法被找到,或未根据第四十五条、第四十六条和第四十七条向承运人发出适当指示;㈢ 根据第四十四条、第四十五条、第四十六条和第四十七条,承运人有权或必须拒绝交付货物;㈣ 根据请求交货地的法律条例,不允许承运人向收货人交付货物;或㈤ 承运人无法交付货物的其他情形。二、在不影响承运人可以向托运人、控制方或收货人主张其他任何权利的情况下,货物仍未交付的,由有权提取货物的人承担风险和费用,承运人可以根据情况的合理要求就货物采取行动,其中包括:㈠ 将货物存放在任何合适地方;㈡ 货物载于集装箱内或车辆内的,打开包装,或就货物采取其他行动,包括转移货物;并且㈢ 按照惯例,或根据货物当时所在地的法律条例,将货物出售或销毁。三、只有在承运人已就本条第二款所设想的行动,向合同事项中载明的货物到达目的地时可能存在的任何被通知人,并向承运人知道的收货人、控制方或托运人这三种人之一,按照所列顺序发出合理通知之后,承运人方可行使本条第二款规定的权利。四、货物根据本条第二款第三项出售的,承运人应为有权提取货物的人的利益代为保管出售货物的价款,但可从中扣除承运人承担的任何费用和应付给承运人的与运输这些货物有关的其他任何款项。五、对于在本条所规定的货物仍未交付期间内发生的货物灭失或损坏,承运人不负赔偿责任,除非索赔人证明,此种灭失或损坏是由于承运人未能在当时的情况下采取应有的合理步骤保存货物所致,且承运人已知道或本应知道不采取此种步骤将给货物造成的灭失或损坏。第四十九条 货物留置本公约的规定概不影响承运人或履约方可以根据运输合同或准据法留置货物,为应付款的偿付获得担保的权利。 第十章 控制方的权利第五十条 控制权的行使和范围一、控制权只能由控制方行使,且仅限于:㈠ 就货物发出指示或修改指示的权利,此种指示不构成对运输合同的变更;㈡ 在计划挂靠港,或在内陆运输情况下在运输途中的任何地点提取货物的权利;和㈢ 由包括控制方在内的其他任何人取代收货人的权利。二、控制权存在于第十二条规定的整个承运人责任期间,该责任期届满时即告终止。第五十一条 控制方的识别和控制权的转让一、除本条第二款、第三款和第四款述及的情形外,㈠ 托运人为控制方,除非托运人在订立运输合同时指定收货人、单证托运人或其他人为控制方;㈡ 控制方有权将控制权转让给其他人。此种转让在转让人向承运人发出转让通知时对承运人产生效力,受让人于是成为控制方;并且㈢ 控制方行使控制权时,应适当表明其身份。二、已签发不可转让运输单证,其中载明必须交单提货的:㈠ 托运人为控制方,且可以将控制权转让给运输单证中指定的收货人,该运输单证可不经背书转让给该人。所签发单证有一份以上正本的,应转让所有正本单证,方可实现控制权的转让;并且㈡ 为了行使控制权,控制方应提交单证且适当表明其身份。所签发单证有一份以上正本的,应提交所有正本单证,否则不能行使控制权。三、签发可转让运输单证的:㈠ 持有人为控制方,所签发可转让运输单证有一份以上正本的,持有人得到所有正本单证,方可成为控制方;㈡ 持有人可以根据第五十七条,通过将可转让运输单证转让给其他人而转让控制权。所签发单证有一份以上正本的,应向该人转让所有正本单证,方可实现控制权的转让;并且㈢ 为了行使控制权,持有人应向承运人提交可转让运输单证,持有人是第一条第十款第一项第1目述及的其中一种人的,应适当表明其身份。所签发单证有一份以上正本的,应提交所有正本单证,否则不能行使控制权。四、 签发可转让电子运输记录的:㈠ 持有人为控制方;㈡ 持有人可以按照第九条第一款述及的程序,通过转让可转让电子运输记录,将控制权转让给其他人;并且㈢ 为了行使控制权,持有人应按照第九条第一款述及的程序证明其为持有人。第五十二条 承运人执行指示一、除须遵循本条第二款和第三款的规定外,在下列条件下,承运人应执行第五十条述及的指示:㈠ 发出此种指示的人有权行使控制权;㈡ 该指示送达承运人时即能按照其中的条件合理地执行;并且㈢ 该指示不会干扰承运人的正常营运,包括其交付作业。二、在任何情况下,控制方均应偿还承运人根据本条勤勉执行任何指示而可能承担的合理的额外费用,且应补偿承运人可能由于此种执行而遭受的灭失或损坏,包括为承运人可能赔付其他所载运货物的灭失或损坏而作出赔偿。三、按照承运人的合理预计,根据本条执行指示将产生额外费用、灭失或损坏的,承运人有权从控制方处获得与之数额相当的担保。未提供此种担保的,承运人可以拒绝执行指示。四、承运人违反本条第一款对其规定的义务,未遵守控制方指示而造成货物灭失、损坏或迟延交付的,承运人所负的赔偿责任应根据第十七条至第二十三条确定,承运人应付的赔偿额应根据第五十九条至第六十一条确定。第五十三条 视为交货根据第五十二条第一款按照指示交付货物,视为在目的地交货,第九章中有关此种交货的规定适用于此种货物。第五十四条 运输合同的变更一、控制方是唯一可以与承运人约定对运输合同的变更的人,但第五十条第一款第二项和第三项述及的内容除外。二、对运输合同的变更,包括第五十条第一款第二项和第三项述及的内容,应在可转让运输单证或必须提交的不可转让运输单证上记载或并入可转让电子运输记录,或在控制方提出要求时,应在不可转让运输单证上记载或并入不可转让电子运输记录。凡作此种记载或并入的变更,均应根据第三十八条签名。第五十五条 向承运人提供补充信息、指示或文件一、控制方应按照承运人或履约方的要求,及时提供承运人履行其在运输合同下义务而可能合理需要的有关货物的信息、指示或文件,此种信息、指示或文件尚未由托运人提供,且承运人无法以其他方式合理获得。二、承运人经合理努力无法确定控制方,或控制方无法向承运人提供适当信息、指示或文件的,应由托运人提供此种信息、指示或文件。承运人经合理努力无法确定托运人的,应由单证托运人提供此种信息、指示或文件。第五十六条 协议变更运输合同当事人可以协议变更第五十条第一款第二项和第三项、第五十条第二款和第五十二条的效力。当事人还可以限制或排除第五十一条第一款第二项所述及的控制权的可转让性。第十一章 权利转让第五十七条 签发可转让运输单证或可转让电子运输记录一、签发可转让运输单证的,其持有人可以通过向其他人转让该运输单证而转让其中包含的各项权利:㈠ 是指示单证的,须妥善背书给该其他人,或须空白背书;或㈡ 是1. 不记名单证或空白背书单证的,或是2. 凭记名人指示开出的单证,且转让发生在第一持有人与该记名人之间的,无须背书。二、签发可转让电子运输记录的,不论该电子运输记录是凭指示开出还是凭记名人指示开出,其持有人均可以按照第九条第一款述及的程序,通过转让该电子运输记录,转让其中包含的各项权利。第五十八条 持有人的赔偿责任一、在不影响第五十五条的情况下,非托运人的持有人,未行使运输合同下任何权利的,不能只因为是持有人而负有运输合同下的任何赔偿责任。二、非托运人的持有人,行使运输合同下任何权利的,负有运输合同对其规定的任何赔偿责任,但此种赔偿责任须载入可转让运输单证或可转让电子运输记录,或可以从其中查明。三、就本条第一款和第二款而言,非托运人的持有人不能只因为下列作为而被视为行使运输合同下的任何权利:㈠ 该持有人根据第十条与承运人约定,以可转让电子运输记录替换可转让运输单证,或以可转让运输单证替换可转让电子运输记录;或㈡ 该持有人根据第五十七条转让其权利。第十二章 赔偿责任限额第五十九条 赔偿责任限额一、除须遵循第六十条以及第六十一条第一款的规定外,承运人对于违反本公约对其规定的义务所负赔偿责任的限额,按照索赔或争议所涉货物的件数或其他货运单位计算,每件或每个其他货运单位875个计算单位,或按照索赔或争议所涉货物的毛重计算,每公斤3个计算单位,以两者中较高限额为准,但货物价值已由托运人申报且在合同事项中载明的,或承运人与托运人已另行约定高于本条所规定的赔偿责任限额的,不在此列。二、货物载于集装箱、货盘或拼装货物的类似装运器具内,或载于车辆内运输的,合同事项中载列的载于此种装运器具内或车辆内的货物件数或货运单位数,视为货物件数或货运单位数。未载列的,载于此种装运器具内或车辆内的货物视为一个货运单位。三、本条述及的计算单位,是国际货币基金组织定义的特别提款权。本条述及的限额,须按照一国国家货币在判决日或裁决日,或在当事人约定日的币值折算成该国货币。一缔约国是国际货币基金组织成员国的,该国货币对特别提款权的比价,须按照国际货币基金组织当日对其业务和交易实行的计价换算方法计算。一缔约国不是国际货币基金组织成员国的,该国货币对特别提款权的比价,须按照该国确定的方式计算。第六十条 迟延造成损失的赔偿责任限额除须遵循第六十一条第二款的规定外,对迟延造成货物灭失或损坏的赔偿额,应按照第二十二条计算,对迟延造成经济损失的赔偿责任限额,是相当于迟交货物应付运费两倍半的数额。根据本条以及第五十九条第一款确定的赔付总额,不得超过所涉货物全损时根据第五十九条第一款确定的限额。第六十一条 赔偿责任限制权的丧失一、如果索赔人证明,违反本公约规定的承运人义务所造成的损失,是由于声称有权限制赔偿责任的人本人故意造成此种损失的作为或不作为所导致的,或是明知可能产生此种损失而轻率地作为或不作为所导致的,则承运人或第十八条述及的任何人,无权根据第五十九条的规定或按照运输合同的约定享有限制赔偿责任的利益。二、如果索赔人证明,迟延交付是由于声称有权限制赔偿责任的人本人故意造成迟延损失的作为或不作为所导致的,或是明知可能产生此种损失而轻率地作为或不作为所导致的,则承运人或第十八条述及的任何人,无权根据第六十条的规定享有限制赔偿责任的利益。第十三章 时效第六十二条 时效期一、两年时效期满后,不得就违反本公约下的一项义务所产生的索赔或争议提起司法程序或仲裁程序。二、本条第一款述及的时效期,自承运人交付货物之日起算,未交付货物或只交付了部分货物的,自本应交付货物最后之日起算。时效期间的起算日不包括在该期间内。三、即使本条第一款规定的时效期满,一方当事人仍然可以提出索赔作为抗辩,或以此抵消对方当事人提出的索赔。第六十三条 时效的延长第六十二条规定的时效期不得中止或中断,但被索赔人可以在时效期内的任何时间,通过向索赔人声明而延长该时效期。该时效期可以经再次声明或多次声明进一步延长。第六十四条 追偿诉讼被认定负有责任的人,可以在第六十二条规定的时效期满后提起追偿诉讼,提起该追偿诉讼的时效期以下列较晚者为准:㈠ 提起程序的管辖地准据法所允许的时效期内;或㈡ 自追偿诉讼提起人解决原索赔之日起,或自收到向其本人送达的起诉文书之日(以较早者为准)起九十日内。第六十五条 对被识别为承运人的人的诉讼对光船承租人或对根据第三十七条第二款被识别为承运人的人的诉讼,可以在第六十二条规定的时效期满后提起,提起该诉讼的时效期以下列较晚者为准:㈠ 提起程序的管辖地准据法所允许的时效期内;或㈡ 自识别承运人之日起,或自船舶登记所有人或光船承租人根据第三十七条第二款推翻其为承运人的推定之日起九十日内。 第十四章 管辖权第六十六条 对承运人的诉讼除非运输合同载有一项符合第六十七条或第七十二条的排他性法院选择协议,否则原告有权根据本公约在下列管辖法院之一对承运人提起司法程序:㈠ 对下列地点之一拥有管辖权的一管辖法院:1. 承运人的住所;2. 运输合同约定的收货地;3. 运输合同约定的交货地;或4. 货物的最初装船港或货物的最终卸船港;或㈡ 为裁定本公约下可能产生的向承运人索赔事项,托运人与承运人在协议中指定的一个或数个管辖法院。第六十七条 法院选择协议一、根据第六十六条第二项选择的法院,只有经合同当事人协议约定,且只有授予管辖权协议满足下列各项条件,方能对合同当事人之间的争议具有排他性管辖权:㈠ 该协议载于清楚载明各方当事人名称和地址的批量合同,此种批量合同或1. 是单独协商订立,或2. 载有一则存在一项排他性法院选择协议的明确声明,且指出批量合同中载有该协议的部分;并且㈡ 该协议清楚指定某一缔约国的数个法院或某一缔约国的一个或数个特定法院。二、根据本条第一款订立的排他性法院选择协议,只有满足下列各项条件,方能对不是批量合同当事人的人具有约束力:㈠ 该法院位于第六十六条第一项所指定的地点之一;㈡ 该协议载于运输单证或电子运输记录;㈢ 关于诉讼提起地法院以及该法院拥有排他性管辖权的通知已及时、正确地发给该人;并且㈣ 受案法院的法律承认该排他性法院选择协议对该人具有约束力。第六十八条 对海运履约方的诉讼原告有权在对下列地点之一拥有管辖权的管辖法院,根据本公约对海运履约方提起司法程序:㈠ 海运履约方的住所;或㈡ 海运履约方接收货物的港口或海运履约方交付货物的港口,或海运履约方执行与货物有关的各种活动的港口。第六十九条 不另增管辖权地除须遵循第七十一条和第七十二条的规定外,不得在不是根据第六十六条或第六十八条指定的法院,根据本公约对承运人或海运履约方提起司法程序。第七十条 扣留以及临时措施或保全措施本公约的规定概不影响对临时措施或保全措施,包括对扣留的管辖权。除非符合下列条件,否则临时措施或保全措施执行地所在国的法院不享有裁定案件实体的管辖权:㈠ 符合本章的要求;或㈡ 一项国际公约在该国适用的,该国际公约作此规定。第七十一条 诉讼合并和移转一、除非根据第六十七条或第七十二条存在一项具有约束力的排他性法院选择协议,就同一事件同时对承运人和海运履约方提起一项共同诉讼的,只能在同时根据第六十六条和第六十八条指定的一法院提起该诉讼。无上述这类法院的,可以在根据第六十八条第二项指定的一法院,在其存在的情况下提起该诉讼。二、除非根据第六十七条或第七十二条存在一项具有约束力的排他性法院选择协议,承运人或海运履约方提起的诉讼寻求一项不承担赔偿责任声明的,或提起的其他任何诉讼将剥夺一人根据第六十六条或第六十八条选择诉讼地的权利的,该承运人或海运履约方应在被告已选择根据第六十六条或第六十八条(两者以适用者为准)所指定的法院的情况下,根据被告的要求撤回该诉讼,然后可以在该法院重新提起诉讼。第七十二条 争议产生后的协议和被告应诉时的管辖权一、争议产生后,争议各方当事人可以协议约定在任何管辖法院解决争议。二、被告在一管辖法院应诉,未根据该法院的规则提出管辖权异议的,该法院拥有管辖权。第七十三条 承认和执行一、根据本公约拥有管辖权的一法院在一缔约国作出的裁决,应在另一缔约国根据该另一缔约国的法律得到承认和执行,但两国须已根据第七十四条作出声明。二、一法院可以以其法律所提供的拒绝承认和执行的理由为根据,拒绝给予承认和执行。三、本章不得影响加入本公约的区域经济一体化组织对其成员国彼此承认或执行判决适用本组织的规则,不论这些规则的通过时间是在本公约之前还是之后。第七十四条 第十四章的适用本章的规定只能对根据第九十一条声明其将受本章规定约束的缔约国具有约束力。第十五章 仲裁第七十五条 仲裁协议一、除须遵循本章的规定外,当事人可以协议约定,任何根据本公约运输货物可能产生的争议均应提交仲裁。二、仲裁程序应按照对承运人提起索赔的人的选择:㈠ 在仲裁协议为此目的指定的任何地点进行;或㈡ 在一国的其他任何地点进行,下列任何地点位于该国即可:1. 承运人的住所;2. 运输合同约定的收货地;3. 运输合同约定的交货地;或4. 货物的最初装船港或货物的最终卸船港。三、仲裁协议指定的仲裁地对仲裁协议当事人之间的争议具有约束力,条件是,载有该仲裁协议的批量合同清楚载明各方当事人的名称和地址,且该批量合同属于下列情况之一:㈠ 是单独协商订立的;或㈡ 载有一则存在一项仲裁协议的明确声明,且指出批量合同中载有该仲裁协议的部分。四、仲裁协议已根据本条第三款订立的,该协议指定的仲裁地,只有满足下列条件,方能对不是批量合同当事人的人具有约束力:㈠ 该协议指定的仲裁地位于本条第二款第二项述及的地点之一;㈡ 该协议载于运输单证或电子运输记录;㈢ 仲裁地通知已及时、正确地发给受仲裁协议约束的人;并且㈣ 准据法准许该人受该仲裁协议的约束。五、本条第一款、第二款、第三款和第四款的规定,视为每一仲裁条款或仲裁协议的一部分,此种条款或协议的规定,凡与其不一致的,一概无效。第七十六条 非班轮运输中的仲裁协议一、非班轮运输的运输合同由于下列原因而适用本公约或本公约规定的,本公约的规定概不影响该运输合同中仲裁协议的可执行性:㈠ 适用第七条;或㈡ 各方当事人自愿在本来不受本公约管辖的运输合同中纳入本公约。二、虽有本条第一款规定,运输单证或电子运输记录由于适用第七条而适用本公约的,其中的仲裁协议仍受本章的管辖,除非此种运输单证或电子运输记录:㈠ 载明了因适用第六条而被排除在本公约适用范围之外的租船合同或其他合同的各方当事人和日期;并且㈡ 以具体提及方式纳入了租船合同或其他合同中载有仲裁协议规定的条款。第七十七条 争议产生后的仲裁协议虽有本章和第十四章的规定,争议产生后,争议各方当事人仍可以协议约定在任何地点以仲裁方式解决争议。第七十八条 第十五章的适用本章的规定只能对根据第九十一条声明其将受本章规定约束的缔约国具有约束力。第十六章 合同条款的有效性第七十九条 一般规定一、除非本公约另有规定,运输合同中的条款,凡有下列情形之一的,一概无效:㈠ 直接或间接,排除或限制承运人或海运履约方在本公约下所承担的义务;㈡ 直接或间接,排除或限制承运人或海运履约方对违反本公约下的义务所负的赔偿责任;或㈢ 将货物的保险利益转让给承运人或第十八条述及的人。二、除非本公约另有规定,运输合同中的条款,凡有下列情形之一的,一概无效:㈠ 直接或间接,排除、限制或增加托运人、收货人、控制方、持有人或单证托运人在本公约下所承担的义务;或㈡ 直接或间接,排除、限制或增加托运人、收货人、控制方、持有人或单证托运人对违反本公约下任何义务所负的赔偿责任。第八十条 批量合同特别规则一、虽有第七十九条的规定,在承运人与托运人之间,本公约所适用的批量合同可以约定增加或减少本公约中规定的权利、义务和赔偿责任。二、根据本条第一款作出的背离,仅在下列情况下具有约束力:㈠ 批量合同载有一则该批量合同背离本公约的明确声明;㈡ 批量合同1. 是单独协商订立的,或2. 明确指出批量合同中载有背离内容的部分;㈢ 给予了托运人按照符合本公约的条款和条件订立运输合同,而不根据本条作出任何背离的机会,且向托运人通知了此种机会;并且㈣ 背离既不是1. 以提及方式从另一文件并入,也不是2. 包含在不经协商的附合合同中。三、承运人的公开运价表和服务表、运输单证、电子运输记录或类似文件不是本条第一款所指的批量合同,但批量合同可以通过提及方式并入此类文件,将其作为合同条款。四、本条第一款既不适用于第十四条第一项和第二项、第二十九条和第三十二条中规定的权利和义务或因违反这些规定而产生的赔偿责任,也不适用于因第六十一条述及的作为或不作为而产生的任何赔偿责任。五、批量合同满足本条第二款要求的,其中背离本公约的条款,须满足下列条件,方能在承运人与非托运人的其他任何人之间适用:㈠ 该人已收到明确记载该批量合同背离本公约的信息,且已明确同意受此种背离的约束;并且㈡ 此种同意不单在承运人的公开运价表和服务表、运输单证或电子运输记录上载明。六、一方当事人对背离本公约主张利益的,负有证明背离本公约的各项条件已得到满足的举证责任。第八十一条 活动物和某些其他货物特别规则虽有第七十九条的规定,在不影响第八十条的情况下,运输合同可以排除或限制承运人和海运履约方的义务或赔偿责任,条件是:㈠ 货物是活动物,但如果索赔人证明,货物灭失、损坏或迟延交付,是由于承运人或第十八条述及的人故意造成此种货物灭失、损坏或此种迟延损失的作为或不作为所导致的,或是明知可能产生此种灭失、损坏或此种迟延损失而轻率地作为或不作为所导致的,则任何此种排除或限制均属无效;或㈡ 货物的性质或状况,或进行运输的情况和条件,使得有合理的理由达成一项特别协议,但此种运输合同不能涉及正常贸易过程中所进行的正常商业货运,且此种货物运输未签发可转让运输单证或可转让电子运输记录。第十七章 本公约不管辖的事项第八十二条 管辖其他运输方式货物运输的国际公约本公约的规定概不影响适用在本公约生效时已生效的,规范承运人对货物灭失或损坏的赔偿责任的下列国际公约,包括今后对此种公约的任何修正:㈠ 任何管辖航空货物运输的公约,此种公约根据其规定适用于运输合同的任何部分;㈡ 任何管辖公路货物运输的公约,此种公约根据其规定适用于船载车辆不卸货的货物运输;㈢ 任何管辖铁路货物运输的公约,此种公约根据其规定适用于补充铁路运输的海上货物运输;或㈣ 任何管辖内河航道货物运输的公约,此种公约根据其规定适用于不在内河航道和海上转船的货物运输。第八十三条 赔偿责任总限制本公约的规定概不影响适用任何规范船舶所有人赔偿责任总限制的国际公约或国内法。第八十四条 共同海损本公约的规定概不影响适用有关共同海损理算的运输合同条款或国内法规定。第八十五条 旅客和行李本公约不适用于旅客及其行李的运输合同。第八十六条 核事故造成的损害对于核事故造成的损害,根据下列文书应由核设施经营人负赔偿责任的,不产生本公约下的任何赔偿责任:㈠ 经1964年1月28日附加议定书以及1982年11月16日和2004年2月12日议定书修正的1960年7月29日《关于核能领域第三方责任巴黎公约》、经1988年9月21日《关于适用维也纳公约和巴黎公约的联合议定书》修正并经1997年9月12日《修正1963年核损害民事责任维也纳公约的议定书》修正的1963年5月21日《核损害民事责任维也纳公约》、或1997年9月12日《关于核损害补充赔偿公约》,包括就核设施经营人对核事故造成损害的赔偿责任对这些公约的任何修正以及这方面的任何新公约;或㈡ 适用于此类损害赔偿责任的国内法,条件是此种国内法在各方面同《巴黎公约》、《维也纳公约》或《关于核损害补充赔偿公约》一样有利于可能遭受损害的人。第十八章 最后条款第八十七条 保存人兹指定联合国秘书长为本公约保存人。第八十八条 签署、批准、接受、核准或加入一、本公约自[…]年[…]月[…]日至[…]日在[荷兰鹿特丹]开放供各国签署,随后自[…]年[…]月[…]日至[…]日在纽约联合国总部开放供各国签署。二、本公约须经签署国批准、接受或核准。三、本公约自开放供签署之日起对所有未签署国开放供加入。四、批准书、接受书、核准书和加入书应交存联合国秘书长。第八十九条 退出其他公约一、1924年8月25日在布鲁塞尔签署的《统一提单若干法律规则国际公约》、1968年2月23日签署的修正1924年8月25日在布鲁塞尔签署的《统一提单若干法律规则国际公约》的议定书、或1979年12月21日在布鲁塞尔签署的修正经由1968年2月23日修正议定书修正的《统一提单若干法律规则国际公约》的议定书的缔约国,应在批准、接受、核准或加入本公约的同时,通过向比利时政府提供相应的通知,退出已是其缔约国的该公约及其议定书,同时声明退约自本公约对该国生效之日起生效。二、1978年3月31日在汉堡缔结的《联合国海上货物运输公约》的缔约国,应在批准、接受、核准或加入本公约的同时,通过向联合国秘书长提供相应的通知,退出该公约,同时声明退约自本公约对该国生效之日起生效。三、就本条而言,本条第一款和第二款所列文书的缔约国对本公约的批准、接受、核准和加入,凡在本公约生效之后通知保存人的,只有在这些国家按照要求对这些文书的退出生效之后方可生效。本公约保存人应与作为本条第一款所列文书保存人的比利时政府协商,确保这方面的必要协调。第九十条 保留不准许对本公约作出保留。第九十一条 声明的程序和效力一、第七十四条和第七十八条所准许的声明,可以在任何时间作出。第九十二条第一款和第九十三条第二款所准许的初步声明,应在签署、批准、接受、核准或加入时作出。其他声明,本公约一概不予准许。二、在签署时作出的声明,必须在批准、接受或核准时加以确认。三、声明及其确认,应以书面形式作出,且应正式通知保存人。四、声明在本公约对有关国家生效时同时生效。但是,保存人于本公约生效后收到正式通知的声明,应于保存人收到该声明之日起六个月期满后的下一个月第一日生效。五、根据本公约作出声明的任何国家,可以在任何时间以书面形式正式通知保存人撤回该声明。声明的撤回,或在本公约准许情况下对声明的更改,于保存人收到该通知之日起六个月期满后的下一个月第一日生效。第九十二条 对本国领土单位的效力一、一缔约国拥有两个或多个领土单位,各领土单位对本公约所涉事项适用不同法律制度的,可以在签署、批准、接受、核准或加入时声明本公约适用于本国的全部领土单位或仅适用于其中的一个或数个领土单位,且可以在任何时间通过提出另一声明修改其所作的声明。二、此种声明应通知保存人,且明确指出适用本公约的领土单位。三、一缔约国根据本条声明本公约适用于该国的一个或数个领土单位而不是全部领土单位的,一地点位于不适用本公约的领土单位,为本公约之目的,视为不在缔约国内。四、一缔约国未根据本条第一款提出声明的,本公约适用于该国的全部领土单位。第九十三条 区域经济一体化组织的参与一、由主权国家组成,且对本公约管辖的某些事项拥有管辖权的区域经济一体化组织同样可以签署、批准、接受、核准或加入本公约。在这种情况下,区域经济一体化组织享有的权利和承担的义务应与缔约国相同,但仅限于该组织对本公约所管辖事项拥有管辖权的范围。当涉及本公约下缔约国数目时,区域经济一体化组织内的成员国为本公约缔约国的,该区域经济一体化组织不能算作一个缔约国。二、区域经济一体化组织应在签署、批准、接受、核准或加入时向保存人提出声明,指出对本公约所管辖的哪些事项的管辖权已由其成员国转移给该组织。根据本款提出声明后,如果管辖权分配发生任何变化,包括管辖权新的转移,区域经济一体化组织应迅速通知保存人。三、本公约中,对“一缔约国”或“缔约国”的任何提及,必要时同等适用于区域经济一体化组织。第九十四条 生效一、本公约于第二十份批准书、接受书、核准书或加入书交存之日起一年期满后的下一个月第一日生效。二、一国在第二十份批准书、接受书、核准书或加入书交存日之后成为本公约缔约国的,本公约于交存该国的相应文书一年期满后的下一个月第一日对该国生效。三、运输合同于本公约对一缔约国生效之日或生效之后订立的,该缔约国应对其适用本公约。第九十五条 修订和修正一、在不少于三分之一本公约缔约国的请求下,联合国秘书长应召开缔约国会议修订或修正本公约。二、本公约修正案生效后交存的任何批准书、接受书、核准书或加入书,视为适用于经修正的公约。第九十六条 退出本公约一、缔约国可以通过向保存人发出书面通知,于任何时间退出本公约。二、退约于保存人收到通知一年期满后的下一个月第一日生效。通知中指明更长期限的,退约于保存人收到通知后该更长期限期满时生效。[…]年[…]月[…]日订于[荷兰鹿特丹],正本一份,阿拉伯文、中文、英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文文本同为作准文本。兹由经各国政府正式授权的下列署名全权代表签署本公约,以昭信守。
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    发布于:2022-01-29 14:29:22
  • 货物运输汉堡规则(中英文本)
    1978年联合国海上货物运输公约  (汉堡规则)  UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON THE CARRIAGE OF GOODS BY SEA, 19781978年联合国海上货物运输公约(汉堡规则) Preamble序言 THE STATES PARTIES TO THIS CONVENTION, HAVING RECOGNIZED the desirability of determining by agreement certain rules relating to the carriage of goods by sea, HAVE DECIDED to conclude a Convention for this purpose and have thereto agreed as follows:本公约各缔约国,认识到需要通过协议确定关于海上货物运输若干规则,为此目的决定缔结一个公约,协议如下: PART IGENERAL PROVISIONS第一部分 总则 Article 1  Definitions第一条 定义 In this Convention:在本公约内:1. "Carrier" means any person by whom or in whose name a contract of carriage of goods by sea has been concluded with a shipper.“承运人”是指其本人或以其名义与托运人定立海上货物运输合同的任何人。2. "Actual carrier" means any person to whom the performance of the carriage of the goods, or of part of the carriage, has been entrusted by the carrier, and includes any other person to whom such performance has been entrusted.“实际承运人”是指受承运人委托执行货物运输或部分货物运输的任何人,包括受委托执行这项运输的其他任何人。3. "Shipper" means any person by whom or in whose name or on whose behalf a contract of carriage of goods by sea has been concluded with a carrier, or any person by whom or in whose name or on whose behalf the goods are actually delivered to the carrier in relation to the contract of carriage by sea.“托运人”是指其本从或以其名义或代其与承运人订立海上货物运输合同的任何人或指其本人或以其名义或代其将货物实际交付海上货物运输合同有关的承运人的任何人。4. "Consignee" means the person entitled to take delivery of the goods.“收货人”是指有权提取货物的人。5. "Goods" includes live animals; where the goods are consolidated in a container, pallet or similar article of transport or where they are packed, "goods" includes such article of transport or packaging if supplied by the shipper.“货物”包括活动物,凡货物拼装在集装箱、货盘或类似的运输器具内,或者货物是包装的,而这种运输器具或包装是由托运人提供的,则“货物”包括它们在内。6. "Contract of carriage by sea" means any contract whereby the carrier undertakes against payment of freight to carry goods by sea from one port to another; however, a contract which involves carriage by sea and also carriage by some other means is deemed to be a contract of carriage by sea for the purposes of this Convention only in so far as it relates to the carriage by sea.“海上运输合同”是指承运人收取运费,据以承担由海上将货物从一港运至另一港的任何合同;但是,一个既包括海上运输,又包括某些其他方式运输的合同,则仅其有关海上运输的范围,才视为本公约所指的海上运输合同。7. "Bill of lading" means a document which evidences a contract of carriage by sea and the taking over or loading of the goods by the carrier, and by which the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods against surrender of the document. A provision in the document that the goods are to be delivered to the order of a named person, or to order, or to bearer, constitutes such an undertaking.“提单”是指一种用以证明海上运输合同和货物由承运人接管或装船,以及承运人据以保证交付货物的单证。单证中关于货物应交付指定收货人或按指示交付,或交付提单持有人的规定,即构成了这一保证。8. "Writing" includes, inter alia, telegram and telex.“书面”除其他方式外,包括电报和电传。 Article 2 Scope of application第二条 适用范围1. The provisions of this Convention are applicable to all contracts of carriage by sea between two different States, if:本公约的各项规定适用于两个不同国家间的所有海上运输合同,如果:(a) the port of loading as provided for in the contract of carriage by sea is located in a Contracting State, or海上运输合同所规定的装货港位于一个缔约国内,或(b) the port of discharge as provided for in the contract of carriage by sea is located in a Contracting State, or海上运输合同所规定的缷货港位于一个缔约国内,或(c) one of the optional ports of discharge provided for in the contract of carriage by sea is the actual port of discharge and such port is located in a Contracting State, or海上运输合同所规定的备选卸货港之一为实际卸货港,并且该港位于一个缔约国内,或(d) the bill of lading or other document evidencing the contract of carriage by sea is issued in a Contracting State, or提单或证明海上运输合同的其他单证是在一个缔约国内签发的,或(e) the bill of lading or other document evidencing the contract of carriage by sea provides that the provisions of this Convention or the legislation of any State giving effect to them are to govern the contract.提单或证明海上运输合同的其他单证规定,本公约各项规定或实行本公约的任何国家的立法,应约束该合同。2. The provisions of this Convention are applicable without regard to the nationality of the ship, the carrier, the actual carrier, the shipper, the consignee or any other interested person.本公约各项规定的适用与船舶、承运人、实际承运人、托运人、收货人或任何其他有关人的国籍无关。3. The provisions of this Convention are not applicable to charter-parties. However, where a bill of lading is issued pursuant to a charter-party, the provisions of the Convention apply to such a bill of lading if it governs the relation between the carrier and the holder of the bill of lading, not being the charterer.本公约各项规定不适用于租船合同。但是,如果提单是根据租船合同签发,并对承运人和非属承租人的提单持有人之间的关系加以制约,则本公约的各项规定适用于该提单。4. If a contract provides for future carriage of goods in a series of shipments during an agreed period, the provisions of this Convention apply to each shipment. However, where a shipment is made under a charter-party, the provisions of paragraph 3 of this article apply.如果合同规定,货物将在一个议定的期限内分批运输. Article 3 Interpretation of the Convention第三条 对本公约的解释In the interpretation and application of the provisions of this Convention regard shall be had to its international character and to the need to promote uniformity.在解释和应用本公约的各项规定时,应注意本公约的国际性和促进统一的需要。  PART II LIABILITY OF THE CARRIER第二部分 承运人的责任Article 4 Period of responsibility第四条 责任期间1. The responsibility of the carrier for the goods under this Convention covers the period during which the carrier is in charge of the goods at the port of loading, during the carriage and at the port of discharge.按照本公约,承运人对货物的责任期间包括在装货港,在运输途中以及在卸货港,货物在承运人掌管的全部期间。2. For the purpose of paragraph 1 of this article, the carrier is deemed to be in charge of the goods就本条第1款而言,在下述起迄期间,承运人应视为已掌管货物:(a) from the time he has taken over the goods from:自承运人从以下各方接管货物时起:(i) the shipper, or a person acting on his behalf; or托运人或代其行事的人;或(ii) an authority or other third party to whom, pursuant to law or regulations applicable at the port of loading, the goods must be handed over for shipment;根据装货港适用的法律或规章,货物必须交其装运的当局或其他第三方;(b) until the time he has delivered the goods:至承运人将货物交付以下各方时为止:(i) by handing over the goods to the consignee; or将货物交付收货人;或(ii) in cases where the consignee does not receive the goods from the carrier, by placing them at the disposal of the consignee in accordance with the contract or with the law or with the usage of the particular trade, applicable at the port of discharge; or遇有收货人不向承运人提货时,则依照合同或卸货港适用的法律或特定的贸易惯例,将货物置于收货人支配之下;或(iii) by handing over the goods to an authority or other third party to whom, pursuant to law or regulations applicable at the port of discharge, the goods must be handed over.根据在卸货港适用的法律或规章将货物交给必须交付的当局或其他第三方。3. In paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article, reference to the carrier or to the consignee means, in addition to the carrier or the consignee, the servants or agents, respectively of the carrier or the consignee.在本条第1和第2款内提到的承运人或收货人,除指承运人和收货人外,还分别指承运人或收货人的受雇人或代理人。 Article 5 Basis of liability第五条 责任基础1. The carrier is liable for loss resulting from loss of or damage to the goods, as well as from delay in delivery, if the occurrence which caused the loss, damage or delay took place while the goods were in his charge as defined in article 4, unless the carrier proves that he, his servants or agents took all measures that could reasonably be required to avoid the occurrence and its consequences.除非承运人证明他本人或其受雇人或代理人为避免该事故发生及其后果已采取了一切所能合理要求的措施,否则承运人应对因货物灭失或损坏或延迟交货所造成的损失负赔偿责任,如果引起该项灭失、损坏或延迟交付的事故,如同第4条所述,是在承运人掌管期间发生的。2. Delay in delivery occurs when the goods have not been delivered at the port of discharge provided for in the contract of carriage by sea within the time expressly agreed upon or, in the absence of such agreement, within the time which it would be reasonable to require of a diligent carrier, having regard to the circumstances of the case.如果货物未能在明确认定的期间内,或虽无此项议定,但未能在考虑到实际情况对一个勤勉的承运人所能合理要求的时间内,在海上运输合同所规定的卸货港交货,即为延迟交付。3. The person entitled to make a claim for the loss of goods may treat the goods as lost if they have not been delivered as required by article 4 within 60 consecutive days following the expiry of the time for delivery according to paragraph 2 of this article.如果货物在本条第2款规定的交货时间期满后连续六十天内未能按第四条的要求交付,有权对货物的灭失提出索赔的人可以视为货物已经灭失。4. (a) The carrier is liable承运人对下列各项负赔偿责任:(i) for loss of or damage to the goods or delay in delivery caused by fire, if the claimant proves that the fire arose from fault or neglect on the part of the carrier, his servants or agents;火灾所引起的货物的灭失、损坏或延迟交付,如果索赔人证明火灾是由承运人、其受雇人或代理人的过失或疏忽引起的;(ii) for such loss, damage or delay in delivery which is proved by the claimant to have resulted from the fault or neglect of the carrier, his servants or agents, in taking all measures that could reasonably be required to put out the fire and avoid or mitigate its consequences.经索赔人证明由于承运人、其受雇人或代理人在采取可以合理要求的扑灭火灾的起因和避免或减轻其后果的一切措施中的过失或疏忽所造成的货物的灭失、损坏或延迟交付。(b) In case of fire on board the ship affecting the goods, if the claimant or the carrier so desires, a survey in accordance with shipping practices must be held into the cause and circumstances of the fire, and a copy of the surveyor''s report shall be made available on demand to the carrier and the claimant.凡船上的火灾影响到货物时,如果索赔人或承运人要求,必须按照海运惯例,对火灾的起因和情况进行调查,并根据要求向承运人和索赔人提供一份调查人的报告。5. With respect to live animals, the carrier is not liable for loss, damage or delay in delivery resulting from any special risks inherent in that kind of carriage. If the carrier proves that he has complied with any special instructions given to him by the shipper respecting the animals and that, in the circumstances of the case, the loss, damage or delay in delivery could be attributed to such risks, it is presumed that the loss, damage or delay in delivery was so caused, unless there is proof that all or a part of the loss, damage or delay in delivery resulted from fault or neglect on the part of the carrier, his servants or agents.关于活动物,承运人对此类运输固有的任何特殊风险所造成的灭失、损伤或延迟交付不负赔偿责任。如果承运人证明他是按照托运人给他的关于动物的任何特别指示行事的,并证明根据实际情况,灭失、损伤或延迟交付可以归之于这种风险,则应推定灭失、损伤或延迟交付就是这样引起的,除非证明灭失、损伤或延迟交付的全部或部分是由承运人、其受雇人或代理人的过失或疏忽所造成的。6. The carrier is not liable, except in general average, where loss, damage or delay in delivery resulted from measures to save life or from reasonable measures to save property at sea.除分摊共同海损外,承运人对因在海上采取救助人命的措施或救助财产的合理措施而造成的灭失、损坏或延迟交付不负赔偿责任。7. Where fault or neglect on the part of the carrier, his servants or agents combines with another cause to produce loss, damage or delay in delivery the carrier is liable only to the extent that the loss, damage or delay in delivery is attributable to such fault or neglect, provided that the carrier proves the amount of the loss, damage or delay in delivery not attributable thereto. 如果货物的灭失、损坏或延迟交付是由承运人、其受雇人或代理人的过失或疏忽连同其他原因所引起的,承运人仅在归于他们的过失或疏忽所引起的灭失、损坏或延迟交付的范围内负赔偿责任,但承运人须证明不属于此种过失或疏忽所造成的灭失、损坏或延迟交付的数额。 Article 6 Limits of liability第六条 责任限额1. (a) The liability of the carrier for loss resulting from loss of or damage to goods according to the provisions of article 5 is limited to an amount equivalent to 835 units of account per package or other shipping unit or 2.5 units of account per kilogramme of gross weight of the goods lost or damaged, whichever is the higher.按照第五条规定,承运人对货物灭失或损坏造成的损失所负的赔偿责任,以灭失或损坏的货物每件或每其他货运单位相当于835记账单位的数额为限,两者中以较高的数额为准。(b) The liability of the carrier for delay in delivery according to the provisions of article 5 is limited to an amount equivalent to two and a half times the freight payable for the goods delayed, but not exceeding the total freight payable under the contract of carriage of goods by sea.按照第五条规定,承运人对延迟交付的赔偿责任,以相当于该延迟交付货物应支付运费的2.5倍的数额为限,但不得超过海上货物运输合同规定的应付运费总额。(c) In no case shall the aggregate liability of the carrier, under both subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph, exceed the limitation which would be established under subparagraph (a) of this paragraph for total loss of the goods with respect to which such liability was incurred.根据本款(a)和(b) 项,承运人的总赔偿责任,在任何情况下都不得超过根据本款(a)项对货物全部灭失引起的赔偿责任所规定的限额。2. For the purpose of calculating which amount is the higher in accordance with paragraph 1(a) of this article, the following rules apply:按照本条第一款(a)项规定,在计算较高数额时,应遵照下列规则:(a) Where a container, pallet or similar article of transport is used to consolidate goods, the package or other shipping units enumerated in the bill of lading, if issued, or otherwise in any other document evidencing the contract of carriage by sea, as packed in such article of transport are deemed packages or shipping units. Except as aforesaid the goods in such article of transport are deemed one shipping unit.当使用集装箱、货盘或类似运输器具拼装货物时,如果签发了提单,在提单中列明的,或在证明海上运输合同的任何其他单证中列明的,装在这种运输器具内的件数或其他货运单位数,即视为件数或货运单位数。除上述情况外,这种运输器具内的货物视为一个货运单位。(b) In cases where the article of transport itself has been lost or damaged, that article of transport, if not owned or otherwise supplied by the carrier, is considered one separate shipping unit.当运输器具本身遭到灭失或损坏时,该运输器具如不属于承运人所有或提供,即视为一个单独的货运单位。3. Unit of account means the unit of account mentioned in article 26.记账单位是指第二十六条中所述的记账单位。4. By agreement between the carrier and the shipper, limits of liability exceeding those provided for in paragraph 1 may be fixed.承运人和托运人可以通过协议确定超过第1款规定的赔偿责任限额。 Article 7  Application to non-contractual claims第七条 对非合同索赔的适用1. The defences and limits of liability provided for in this Convention apply in any action against the carrier in respect of loss or damage to the goods covered by the contract of carriage by sea, as well as of delay in delivery whether the action is founded in contract, in tort or otherwise.本公约规定的各项抗辩和责任限额,适用于海上运输合同所涉及的货物的灭失或损坏,以及延迟交付对承运人提起的任何诉讼,不论这种诉讼是根据合同、侵权行为或其他。2. If such an action is brought against a servant or agent of the carrier, such servant or agent, if he proves that he acted within the scope of his employment, is entitled to avail himself of the defences and limits of liability which the carrier is entitled to invoke under this Convention.如果这种诉讼是对承运人的受雇人或代理人提起的,而该受雇人或代理人能证明他是在受雇职务范围内行事的,则有权利用承运人根据本公约有权援引的抗辩和责任限额。3. Except as provided in article 8, the aggregate of the amounts recoverable from the carrier and from any persons referred to in paragraph 2 of this article shall not exceed the limits of liability provided for in this Convention.除第八条规定的情况外,从承运人和本条第2款所指的任何人取得的赔偿金额的总数,不得超过本公约所规定的责任限额。 Article 8  Loss of right to limit responsibility第八条 责任限额权利的丧失1. The carrier is not entitled to the benefit of the limitation of liability provided for in article 6 if it is proved that the loss, damage or delay in delivery resulted from an act or omission of the carrier done with the intent to cause such loss, damage or delay, or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss, damage or delay would probably result.如经证明灭失、损坏或延迟交付是由承运人有意造成这种灭失、损坏或延迟交付作出的行为或不行为,或由承运人明知可能会产生这种灭失、损坏或延迟交付而仍不顾后果作出的行为或不行为产生的,则承运人无权享受第六条所规定的责任限额的利益。2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2 of article 7, a servant or agent of the carrier is not entitled to the benefit of the limitation of liability provided for in article 6 if it is proved that the loss, damage or delay in delivery resulted from an act or omission of such servant or agent, done with the intent to cause such loss, damage or delay, or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss, damage or delay would probably result.尽管有第七条第2款的规定,如经证明灭失、损坏或延迟交付是由该受雇人或代理人有意造成这种灭失、损坏或延迟交付作出的行为或不行为,或由该受雇人或代理人明知可能会产生这种灭失、损坏或延迟交付而仍不顾后果作出的行为或不行为产生的,则承运人的受雇人或代理人无权享受第六条所规定的责任限额的利益。 Article 9  Deck cargo第九条 舱面货1. The carrier is entitled to carry the goods on deck only if such carriage is in accordance with an agreement with the shipper or with the usage of the particular trade or is required by statutory rules or regulations.承运人只有按照同托运人的协议或符合特定的贸易惯例,或依据法规的规章的要求,才有权在舱面上载运货物。2. If the carrier and the shipper have agreed that the goods shall or may be carried on deck, the carrier must insert in the bill of lading or other document evidencing the contract of carriage by sea a statement to that effect. In the absence of such a statement the carrier has the burden of proving that an agreement for carriage on deck has been entered into; however, the carrier is not entitled to invoke such an agreement against a third party, including a consignee, who has acquired the bill of lading in good faith.如果承运人和托运人议定,货物应该或可以在舱面上载运,承运人必须在提单或证明海上运输合同的其他单证上载列相应说明。如无此项说明,承运人有责任证明,曾经达成在舱面上载运的协议。但承运人无权援引这种协议对抗包括收货人在内的,相信并持有提单的第三方。3. Where the goods have been carried on deck contrary to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article or where the carrier may not under paragraph 2 of this article invoke an agreement for carriage on deck, the carrier, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 5, is liable for loss of or damage to the goods, as well as for delay in delivery, resulting solely from the carriage on deck, and the extent of his liability is to be determined in accordance with the provisions of article 6 or article 8 of this Convention, as the case may be.如违反本条第1款的规定将货物载运在舱面上,或承运人不能按照本条第2款援引在舱面上载运的协议,尽管有第五条第1款的规定,承运人仍须对仅由于在舱面上载运而造成的货物灭失或损坏以及延迟交付负赔偿责任,而其赔偿责任的限额,视情况分别按照本公约第六条或第八条的规定确定。4. Carriage of goods on deck contrary to express agreement for carriage under deck is deemed to be an act or omission of the carrier within the meaning of article 8.违反将货物装载在舱内的明文协议百将货物装载在舱面,应视为第八条含义内的承运人的一种行为或不行为。 Article 10  Liability of the carrier and actual carrier第十条 承运人和实际承运人的赔偿责任1. Where the performance of the carriage or part thereof has been entrusted to an actual carrier, whether or not in pursuance of a liberty under the contract of carriage by sea to do so, the carrier nevertheless remains responsible for the entire carriage according to the provisions of this Convention. The carrier is responsible, in relation to the carriage performed by the actual carrier, for the acts and omissions of the actual carrier and of his servants and agents acting within the scope of their employment.如果将运输或部分运输委托给实际承运人执行时,不管根据海上运输合同是否有权这样做,承运人仍须按照本公约的规定对全部运输负责。关于实际承运人所履行的运输,承运人应对实际承运人及其受雇人和代理人在他们的受雇范围内行事的行为或不行为负责。2. All the provisions of this Convention governing the responsibility of the carrier also apply to the responsibility of the actual carrier for the carriage performed by him. The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of article 7 and of paragraph 2 of article 8 apply if an action is brought against a servant or agent of the actual carrier.本公约对承运人责任的所有规定也适用于实际承运人对其所履行的运输的责任。如果对实际承运人的受雇人或代理人提起诉讼,应适用第七条第2款、第3款和第八条第2款的规定。3. Any special agreement under which the carrier assumes obligations not imposed by this Convention or waives rights conferred by this Convention affects the actual carrier only if agreed to by him expressly and in writing. Whether or not the actual carrier has so agreed, the carrier nevertheless remains bound by the obligations or waivers resulting from such special agreement.承运人据以承担本公约所未规定的义务或放弃本公约所赋予的权利的任何特别协议,只有在实际承运人书面明确表示同意时,才能对他发生影响。不论实际承运人是否已经同意,承运人仍受这种特别协议所导致的义务或弃权的约定。4. Where and to the extent that both the carrier and the actual carrier are liable, their liability is joint and several.如果承运人和实际承运人都有责任,则在此责任范围内,他们应负连带责任。5. The aggregate of the amounts recoverable from the carrier, the actual carrier and their servants and agents shall not exceed the limits of liability provided for in this Convention.从承运人、实际承运人和他们的受雇人和代理人取得的赔偿金额总数,不得超过本公约所规定的责任限额。6. Nothing in this article shall prejudice any right of recourse as between the carrier and the actual carrier.本条规定不妨碍承运人和实际承运人之间的任何追索权。 Article 11  Through carriage第十一条 联运1. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 10, where a contract of carriage by sea provides explicitly that a specified part of the carriage covered by the said contract is to be performed by a named person other than the carrier, the contract may also provide that the carrier is not liable for loss, damage or delay in delivery caused by an occurrence which takes place while the goods are in the charge of the actual carrier during such part of the carriage. Nevertheless, any stipulation limiting or excluding such liability is without effect if no judicial proceedings can be instituted against the actual carrier in a court competent under paragraph 1 or 2 of article 21. The burden of proving that any loss, damage or delay in delivery has been caused by such an occurrence rests upon the carrier.尽管有第十条第1款的规定,如海上运输合同明确规定,该合同包括的某一特定部分的运输由承运人以外的某一指定人履行,该合同也可以同时规定,承运人对这一部分运输期间货物在实际承运人掌管之下,因发生事故而造成的灭失、损坏或延迟交付不负责任。但是,如果不能按照第十一条第1款或第2款规定在管辖权的法院对实际承运人提起法律诉讼,则任何限制或豁免这种赔偿责任的规定均属无效。承运人应负举证责任,证明任何灭失、损坏或延迟交付是由上述这种事故造成的。2. The actual carrier is responsible in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of article 10 for loss, damage or delay in delivery caused by an occurrence which takes place while the goods are in his charge.按照第十条第2款的规定,实际承运人须对货物在他掌管期间因发生事故而造成的灭失、损坏或延迟交付负责。  PART III  LIABILITY OF THE SHIPPER第三部分 托运人的责任Article 12  General rule第十二条 一般规则 The shipper is not liable for loss sustained by the carrier or the actual carrier, or for damage sustained by the ship, unless such loss or damage was caused by the fault or neglect of the shipper, his servants or agents. Nor is any servant or agent of the shipper liable for such loss or damage unless the loss or damage was caused by fault or neglect on his part. 托运人对承运人或实际承运人所遭受的损失或船舶所遭受的损坏不负赔偿责任,除非这种损失或损坏是由托运人、其受雇人或代理人的过失或疏所造成。托运人的任何受雇人或代理人对这种损失或损坏也不责责任,除非这种损失或损坏是由他自己的过失或疏忽所造成。 Article 13  Special rules on dangerous goods第十三条 关于危险货物的特殊规则1. The shipper must mark or label in a suitable manner dangerous goods as dangerous.托运人必须以适当的方式在危险货物上加上危险的标志或标签。2. Where the shipper hands over dangerous goods to the carrier or an actual carrier, as the case may be, the shipper must inform him of the dangerous character of the goods and, if necessary, of the precautions to be taken. If the shipper fails to do so and such carrier or actual carrier does not otherwise have knowledge of their dangerous character:当托运人将危险货物交给承运人或实际承运人时,托运人必须告知货物的危险性,必要时并告知应采取的预防措施。如果托运人没有这样做,而且该承运人或实际承运人又未从其他方面得知货物的危险特性,则:(a) the shipper is liable to the carrier and any actual carrier for the loss resulting from the shipment of such goods, and托运人对承运人和任何实际承运人因载运这种货物而造成的损失负赔偿责任。并且,(b) the goods may at any time be unloaded, destroyed or rendered innocuous, as the circumstances may require, without payment of compensation.根据情况需要,可以随时将货物卸下,销毁或使之无害,而不予赔偿;3. The provisions of paragraph 2 of this article may not be invoked by any person if during the carriage he has taken the goods in his charge with knowledge of their dangerous character.任何人如在运输期间,明知货物的危险特性而加以接管,则不得援引本条第2款的规定。4. If, in cases where the provisions of paragraph 2, subparagraph (b), of this article do not apply or may not be invoked, dangerous goods become an actual danger to life or property, they may be unloaded, destroyed or rendered innocuous, as the circumstances may require, without payment of compensation except where there is an obligation to contribute in general average or where the carrier is liable in accordance with the provisions of article 5.如果本条第2款(b)项的规定不适用或不能援引,而危险货物对生命或财产造成实际危险时,可视情况需要,将货物卸下、销毁或使之无害,而不予赔偿,但共同海损分摊的义务或按照第五条规定承运人应负的赔偿责任除外。  PART IV  TRANSPORT DOCUMENTS第四部分 运输单证Article 14  Issue of bill of lading第十四条 提单的签发1. When the carrier or the actual carrier takes the goods in his charge, the carrier must, on demand of the shipper, issue to the shipper a bill of lading.当承运人或实际承运人接管货物时,应托运人要求,承运人必须给托运人签发提单。2. The bill of lading may be signed by a person having authority from the carrier. A bill of lading signed by the master of the ship carrying the goods is deemed to have been signed on behalf of the carrier.提单可以由承运人授权的人签字。提单由载运货物船舶的船长签字应视为代表承运人签字。3. The signature on the bill of lading may be in handwriting, printed in facsimile, perforated, stamped, in symbols, or made by an other mechanical or electronic means, if not inconsistent with the law of the country where the bill of lading is issued.提单上的签字可以用手写、印摹、打孔、盖章、符号或如不违反提单签发地所在国国家的法律,用任何其他机械的或电子的方法。 Article 15  Contents of bill of lading第十五条 提单的内容1. The bill of lading must include, inter alia, the following particulars:除其他事项外,提单必须包括下列项目:(a) the general nature of the goods, the leading marks necessary for identification of the goods, an express statement, if applicable, as to the dangerous character of the goods, the number of packages or pieces, and the weight of the goods or their quantity otherwise expressed, all such particulars as furnished by the shipper;货物的品类,辩认货物必需的主要标志,如属危险品,对货物的危险特性所作的明确说明,包数或件数及货物的重量或以其他方式表示的数量等,所有这些项目均由托运人提供。(b) the apparent condition of the goods;货物的外表状况;(c) the name and principal place of business of the carrier;承运人的名称和主要营业所;(d) the name of the shipper;托运人的名称;(e) the consignee if named by the shipper;如托运人指定收货人时,收货人的名称;(f) the port of loading under the contract of carriage by sea and the date on which the goods were taken over by the carrier at the port of loading;海上运输合同规定的装货港及承运人在装货港接管货物的日期;(g) the port of discharge under the contract of carriage by sea;海上货物运输合同规定的卸货港;(h) the number of originals of the bill of lading, if more than one;如提单正本超过一份,列明提单正本的份数;(i) the place of issuance of the bill of lading;提单的签发地点;(j) the signature of the carrier or a person acting on his behalf;承运人或其代表的签字;(k) the freight to the extent payable by the consignee or other indication that freight is payable by him;收货人应付运费金额或由收货人支付运费的其他说明;(l) the statement referred to in paragraph 3 of article 23;第二十三条第3款所提到的声明;(m) the statement, if applicable, that the goods shall or may be carried on deck;如属舱面货,货物应该或可以装在舱面上运输的声明;(n) the date or the period of delivery of the goods at the port of discharge if expressly agreed upon between the parties; and如经双方明确协议,应列明货物在卸货港交付的日期或期限;和(o) any increased limit or limits of liability where agreed in accordance with paragraph 4 of article 6.按照第六条第4款规定,协议的任何增加的赔偿责任限额。2. After the goods have been loaded on board, if the shipper so demands, the carrier must issue to the shipper a "shipped" bill of lading which, in addition to the particulars required under paragraph 1 of this article, must state that the goods are on board a named ship or ships, and the date or dates of loading. If the carrier has previously issued to the shipper a bill of lading or other document of title with resect to any of such goods, on request of the carrier, the shipper must surrender such document in exchange for a "shipped" bill of lading. The carrier may amend any previously issued document in order to meet the shipper''s demand for a "shipped" bill of lading if, as amended, such document includes all the information required to be contained in a "shipped" bill of lading.货物装船后,如果托运人这样要求,承运人必须给托运人签发“已装船”提单。除本条第1款所规定的项目外,该提单还必须说明货物已装上一艘或数艘指定的船舶,以及一个或数个装货日期。如果承运人先前已向托运人签发过关于该批货物的任何部分的提单或其他物权单证,经承运人要求,托运人必须交回这种单证以换取“已装船”提单。承运人为了满足托运人对“已装船”提单的要求,可以修改任何先前签发的单证,但经修改后的单证应包括“已装船”提单所需载有的全部项目。3. The absence in the bill of lading of one or more particulars referred to in this article does not affect the legal character of the document as a bill of lading provided that it nevertheless meets the requirements set out in paragraph 7 of article 1.提单缺少本条所规定的一项或多项,不影响该单证作为提单的法律性质,但该单证必须符合第一条第7款规定的要求。 Article 16  Bills of lading: reservations and evidentiary effect第十六条 提单:保留和证据效力   1. If the bill of lading contains particulars concerning the general nature, leading marks, number of packages or pieces, weight or quantity of the goods which the carrier or other person issuing the bill of lading on his behalf knows or has reasonable grounds to suspect do not accurately represent the goods actually taken over or, where a "shipped" bill of lading is issued, loaded, or if he had no reasonable means of checking such particulars, the carrier or such other person must insert in the bill of lading a reservation specifying these inaccuracies, grounds of suspicion or the absence of reasonable means of checking.如果承运人或代其签发提单的其他人确知或有合理的根据怀疑提单所载有关货物的品类、主要标志,包数或件数、重量或数量等项目没有准确地表示实际接管的货物,或在签发“已装船”提单的情况下,没有准确地表示已实际装船的货物,或者他无适当的方法来核对这些项目,则承运人或该其他人必须在提单上作出保留,注明不符之处、怀疑根据、或无适当的核对方法。2. If the carrier or other person issuing the bill of lading on his behalf fails to note on the bill of lading the apparent condition of the goods, he is deemed to have noted on the bill of lading that the goods were in apparent good condition.如果承运人或代他签提单的其他人未在提单上批注货物的外表状况,则应视为他已在提单上注明货物的外表状况良好。3. Except for particulars in respect of which and to the extent to which a reservation permitted under paragraph 1 of this article has been entered:除按本条第1款规定就有关项目和其范围作出许可在保留以外:(a) the bill of lading is prima facie evidence of the taking over or, where a "shipped" bill of lading is issued, loading, by the carrier of the goods as described in the bill of lading; and提单是承运人接管,或如签发“已装船”提单时,装载提单所述货物的初步证据;(b) proof to the contrary by the carrier is not admissible if the bill of lading has been transferred to a third party, including a consignee, who in good faith has acted in reliance on the description of the goods therein.如果提单已转让给相信提单上有关货物的描述而照此行事的包括收货人在内的第三方,则承运人提出与此相反的证据不予接受。4. A bill of lading which does not, as provided in paragraph 1, subparagraph (k) of article 15, set forth the freight or otherwise indicate that freight is payable by the consignee or does not set forth demurrage incurred at the port of loading payable by the consignee, is prima facie evidence that no freight or such demurrage is payable by him. However, proof to the contrary by the carrier is not admissible when the bill of lading has been transferred to a third party, including a consignee, who in good faith has acted in reliance on the absence in the bill of lading of any such indication.如果提单未按照第十五条第1款(k)项的规定载明运费或以其他方式说明运费由收货人支付或未载明在装货港发生的滞期费由收货人支付,则该提单是收货人不支付运费或滞期费的初步证据。如果提单已转让给相信提单上无任何此种说明而照此行事的包括收货人在内的第三方,则承运人提出的与此相反的证据不予接受。 Article 17  Guarantees by the shipper第十七条 托运人的保证1. The shipper is deemed to have guaranteed to the carrier the accuracy of particulars relating to the general nature of the goods, their marks, number, weight and quantity as furnished by him for insertion in the bill of lading. The shipper must indemnify the carrier against the loss resulting from inaccuracies in such particulars. The shipper remains liable even if the bill of lading has been transferred by him. The right of the carrier to such indemnity in no way limits his liability under the contract of carriage by sea to any person other than the shipper.托运人应视为已向承运人保证,由他提供列入提单的有关货物的品类、标志、件数、重量和数量等项目正确无误。托运人必须赔偿承运人因为这些项目的不正确而导致的损失。托运人即使已将提单转让,仍须负赔偿责任。承运人取得的这种赔偿权利,绝不减轻他按照海上运输合同对托运人以外的人所负的赔偿责任。2. Any letter of guarantee or agreement by which the shipper undertakes to indemnify the carrier against loss resulting from the issuance of the bill of lading by the carrier, or by a person acting on his behalf, without entering a reservation relating to particulars furnished by the shipper for insertion in the bill of lading, or to the apparent condition of the goods, is void and of no effect as against any third party, including a consignee, to whom the bill of lading has been transferred.任何保函或协议,据此托运人保证赔偿承运人由于承运人或其代表未就托运人提供列入提单的项目或货物的外表状况批注保留而签发的提单所引起的损失,对包括收货人在内的受让提单的任何第三方,均属无效。3. Such letter of guarantee or agreement is valid as against the shipper unless the carrier or the person acting on his behalf, by omitting the reservation referred to in paragraph 2 of this article, intends to defraud a third party, including a consignee, who acts in reliance on the description of the goods in the bill of lading. In the latter case, if the reservation omitted relates to particulars furnished by the shipper for insertion in the bill of lading, the carrier has no right of indemnity from the shipper pursuant to paragraph 1 of this article.这种保函或协议对托运人有效,除非承运人或其代表不批注本条第2款所指的保留是有意诈骗,相信提单上对货物的描述而行事的包括收货人在内的第三方,在后面这种情况下,如未批注的保留与由托运人提供列入提单的项目有关,承运人就无权按照本条第1款规定,要求托运人给予赔偿。4. In the case of intended fraud referred to in paragraph 3 of this article the carrier is liable, without the benefit of the limitation of liability provided for in this Convention, for the loss incurred by a third party, including a consignee, because he has acted in reliance on the description of the goods in the bill of lading. 如属本条第3款所指的有意诈骗,承运人不得享受本公约所规定的责任限额的利益,并且对由于相信提单上所载货物的描述而行事的包括收货人在内的第三方所遭受的损失负赔偿责任。 Article 18  Documents other than bills of lading第十八条 提单以外的单证Where a carrier issues a document other than a bill of lading to evidence the receipt of the goods to be carried, such a document is prima facie evidence of the conclusion of the contract of carriage by sea and the taking over by the carrier of the goods as therein described.如果承运人签发提单以外的单证以证明收到待运的货物,该单证就是订立海上运输合同和承运人接管该单证中所述货物的初步证据。 PART V  CLAIMS AND ACTIONS第五部分 索赔和诉讼Article 19  Notice of loss, damage or delay第十九条 灭失、损坏和延迟交付的通知1. Unless notice of loss or damage, specifying the general nature of such loss or damage, is given in writing by the consignee to the carrier not later than the working day after the day when the goods were handed over to the consignee, such handing over is prima facie evidence of the delivery by the carrier of the goods as described in the document of transport or, if no such document has been issued, in good condition.除非货收人在不迟于货物移交给他之日后第一个工作日内将灭失或损坏的书面通知送交承运人,叙明灭失或损坏的一般性质,否则此种移交应作为承运人交付运输单证上所述货物的初步证据或如未签发这种单证,则应作为完好无损地交付货物的初步证据。2. Where the loss or damage is not apparent, the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article apply correspondingly if notice in writing is not given within 15 consecutive days after the day when the goods were handed over to the consignee.遇有不明显的灭失或损坏:在货物交付收货人之日后连续十五天内未送交书面通知,则本条第1款的规定相应地适用。3. If the state of the goods at the time they were handed over to the consignee has been the subject of a joint survey or inspection by the parties, notice in writing need not be given of loss or damage ascertained during such survey or inspection.如货物的状况在交付收货人时,已经由当事各方联合检查或检验,即无需就检查或检验中所查明的灭失或损坏送交书面通知。4. In the case of any actual or apprehended loss or damage the carrier and the consignee must give all reasonable facilities to each other for inspecting and tallying the goods.遇有任何实际的或意料到的灭失或损失时,承运人和收货人必须为检验和清点货物相互提供一切合理的便利。5. No compensation shall be payable for loss resulting from delay in delivery unless a notice has been given in writing to the carrier within 60 consecutive days after the day when the goods were handed over to the consignee.除非在货物交给收货人之日后连续六十天之内书面通知承运人,否则对延迟交付造成的损失不予赔偿。6. If the goods have been delivered by an actual carrier, any notice given under this article to him shall have the same effect as if it had been given to the carrier, and any notice given to the carrier shall have effect as if given to such actual carrier.如果货物由实际承运人交付,根据本条送给他的任何通知具有如同送交承运人的同等效力,同样,送交承运人的任何通知具有如同送交实际承运人的同等效力。7. Unless notice of loss or damage, specifying the general nature of the loss or damage, is given in writing by the carrier or actual carrier to the shipper not later than 90 consecutive days after the occurrence of such loss or damage or after the delivery of the goods in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 4, whichever is later, the failure to give such notice is prima facie evidence that the carrier or the actual carrier has sustained no loss or damage due to the fault or neglect of the shipper, his servants or agents.除非承运人或实际承运人不迟于灭失或损坏事故发生后或依照第四条第2款在货物交付后连续九十天之内,以较后发生日期为准,将灭失或损坏的书面通知送交托运人,叙明此种灭失或损坏的一般性质,否则,未提交这种通知即为承运人或实际承运人没有因为托运人或其受雇人或代理人的过失或疏忽而遭受灭失或损坏的初步证据。8. For the purpose of this article, notice given to a person acting on the carrier''s or the actual carrier''s behalf, including the master or the officer in charge of the ship, or to a person acting on the shipper''s behalf is deemed to have been given to the carrier, to the actual carrier or to the shipper, respectively.就本条而言,通知送交给代表承运人或实际承运人行事的人包括船长或主管船舶的高级船员,或送交代表托运人行事的人,即应分别视为已经送交承运人、实际承运人或托运人。 Article 20  Limitation of actions第二十条  诉讼时效1. Any action relating to carriage of goods under this Convention is time-barred if judicial or arbitral proceedings have not been instituted within a period of two years.按照本公约有关货物运输的任何诉讼,如果在两年内没有提出司法或仲裁程序,即失去时效。2. The limitation period commences on the day on which the carrier has delivered the goods or part thereof or, in cases where no goods have been delivered, on the last day on which the goods should have been delivered.时效期限自承运人交付货物或部分货物之日开始,如未交付货物,则自货物应该交付的最后一日开始。3. The day on which the limitation period commences is not included in the period.时效期限开始之日不计算在期限内。4. The person against whom a claim is made may at any time during the running of the limitation period extend that period by a declaration in writing to the claimant. This period may be further extended by another declaration or declarations.被要求赔偿的人,可以在时效期限内的任何时间,向索赔人提出书面说明,延长时效期限。该期限还可以用另一次或多次声明再度延长。5. An action for indemnity by a person held liable may be instituted even after the expiration of the limitation period provided for in the preceding paragraphs if instituted within the time allowed by the law of the State where proceedings are instituted. However, the time allowed shall not be less than 90 days commencing from the day when the person instituting such action for indemnity has settled the claim or has been served with process in the action against himself.如果诉讼是在起诉地所有国国家法律许可的时间内提起,负有赔偿责任的人即使在以上各款规定的时效期限届满后,仍可以提起追赔的诉讼。但是,所许可的时间不得小于从提起索赔诉讼的人已解决了对他的赔偿或从他本人提起的传票送达之日起九十天。 Article 21  Jurisdiction第二十一条 管辖权1. In judicial proceedings relating to carriage of goods under this Convention the plaintiff, at his option, may institute an action in a court which, according to the law of the State where the court is situated, is competent and within the jurisdiction of which is situated one of the following places:按本公约规定在有关货物运输的司法程序中,原告可以选择在这样的法院提起诉讼,按照该法院所在国法律该法院有权管辖,并且下列地点之一位于该法院管辖范围:(a) the principal place of business or, in the absence thereof, the habitual residence of the defendant; or被告的主要营业所,或如无主要营业所时,其通常住所;或(b) the place where the contract was made provided that the defendant has there a place of business, branch or agency through which the contract was made; or合同订立地,但该合同须是通过被告在该地的营业所、分支机构或代理机构订立的;或(c) the port of loading or the port of discharge; or装货港或卸货港;或(d) any additional place designated for that purpose in the contract of carriage by sea.海上运输合同中为此目的指定的任何其他地点。2. (a) Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this article, an action may be instituted in the courts of any port or place in a Contracting State at which the carrying vessel or any other vessel of the same ownership may have been arrested in accordance with applicable rules of the law of that State and of international law. However, in such a case, at the petition of the defendant, the claimant must remove the action, at his choice, to one of the jurisdictions referred to in paragraph 1 of this article for the determination of the claim, but before such removal the defendant must furnish security sufficient to ensure payment of any judgement that may subsequently be awarded to the claimant in the action.尽管有本条上述各项规定,如果载货船舶或属于同一船舶所有人的任何其他船舶,在一个缔约国的任何一个港口或地点,按照该国适用法律规则和国际法规则被扣留,就可在该港口或该地点的法院提起诉讼。但是,在这种情况下,一经被告请求,原告必须将诉讼转移到由原告选择的本条第1款所指的管辖法院之一,以对索赔作出判决。但在诉讼转移之前,被告必须提供足够的保证金,以确保支付在诉讼中可能最后送给原告的金额。(b) All questions relating to the sufficiency or otherwise of the security shall be determined by the court of the port or place of the arrest.一切有关保证金是否够的问题,应由扣留港口或地点的法院裁定。3. No judicial proceedings relating to carriage of goods under this Convention may be instituted in a place not specified in paragraph 1 or 2 of this article. The provisions of this paragraph do not constitute an obstacle to the jurisdiction of the Contracting States for provisional or protective measures.按照本公约有关货物运输的一切法律诉讼,不得在本条第1或第2款没有规定的地点提起。 本款的规定不妨碍缔约国采取临时性或保护性措施的管辖权。4. (a) Where an action has been instituted in a court competent under paragraph 1 or 2 of this article or where judgement has been delivered by such a court, no new action may be started between the same parties on the same grounds unless the judgement of the court before which the first action was instituted is not enforceable in the country in which the new proceedings are instituted;如已在按本条第1或第2款规定有管辖权的法院提起诉讼,或已由这样的法院作出判决,相同当事人之间不得基于相同理由,提起新的诉讼,除非受理第一次诉讼的法院的判决在提起新诉讼地的国家不能执行;(b) for the purpose of this article the institution of measures with a view to obtaining enforcement of a judgement is not to be considered as the starting of a new action;就本条而言,为执行判决而采取措施,不应视为提起新的诉讼;(c) for the purpose of this article, the removal of an action to a different court within the same country, or to a court in another country, in accordance with paragraph 2(a) of this article, is not to be considered as the starting of a new action.就本条而言,按照本条第2款(a)项将诉讼转移到同一个国家的另一个法院,或转移到另一个国家的法院,不应视为提起新的诉讼。5. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, an agreement made by the parties, after a claim under the contract of carriage by sea has arisen, which designates the place where the claimant may institute an action, is effective.尽管有以上各款的规定,在按照海上运输合同提出索赔之后,当事各方达成的指定索赔人可以提起诉讼的地点的协议应属有效。 Article 22  Arbitration第二十二条 仲裁1. Subject to the provisions of this article, parties may provide by agreement evidenced in writing that any dispute that may arise relating to carriage of goods under this Convention shall be referred to arbitration.按照本条各项规定,当事各方可以用书面证明的协议规定,按照本公约可能发生的有关货物运输的任何争端应提交仲裁。2. Where a charter-party contains a provision that disputes arising thereunder shall be referred to arbitration and a bill of lading issued pursuant to the charter-party does not contain a special annotation providing that such provision shall be binding upon the holder of the bill of lading, the carrier may not invoke such provision as against a holder having acquired the bill of lading in good faith.如租船合同载有该合同引起的争端应提交仲裁的条款,而依据租船合同签发的提单并未特别注明此条款对提单持有人具有约束力,则承运人不得对相信提单的提单持有人援引该条款。3. The arbitration proceedings shall, at the option of the claimant, be instituted at one of the following places:原告可以选择在下列地点之一,提起仲裁程序:(a) a place in a State within whose territory is situated:一个国家的某一地方,而在该国境内设有:(i) the principal place of business of the defendant or, in the absence thereof, the habitual residence of the defendant; or被告的主要营业所,或无主要营业所时,其通常住所;或(ii) the place where the contract was made, provided that the defendant has there a place of business, branch or agency through which the contract was made; or签订合同地,但该合同须是通过被告在该地的营业所、分支机构或代理机构订立的;或(iii) the port of loading or the port of discharge; or装货港或卸货港;或(b) any place designated for that purpose in the arbitration clause or agreement.仲裁条款或协议中为此目的而指定的任何地点。4. The arbitrator or arbitration tribunal shall apply the rules of this Convention.仲裁员或仲裁庭应当应用本公约的各项规则。5. The provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 of this article are deemed to be part of every arbitration clause or agreement, and any term of such clause or agreement which is inconsistent therewith is null and void.本条第3和第4款规定应视为每一仲裁条款或协议的一部分,仲裁条款或协议中与此两款不符的任何规定,均属无效。6. Nothing in this article affects the validity of an agreement relating to arbitration made by the parties after the claim under the contract of carriage by sea has arisen.本条各款不影响按照海上运输合同提出索赔之后,当事各方所订立的有关仲裁协议的效力。  PART VI  SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS第六部分 补充规定Article 23  Contractual stipulations第二十三条 合同条款1. Any stipulation in a contract of carriage by sea, in a bill of lading, or in any other document evidencing the contract of carriage by sea is null and void to the extent that it derogates, directly or indirectly, from the provisions of this Convention. The nullity of such a stipulation does not affect the validity of the other provisions of the contract or document of which it forms a part. A clause assigning benefit of insurance of the goods in favour of the carrier, or any similar clause, is null and void.海上运输合同、提单或证明海上运输合同的任何其他单证中的任何条款,在其直接或间接违背本公约规定的范围内,均属无效。这种条款的无效不影响作为该合同或单证的其他部分规定的效力。将货物的保险利益让给承运人的条款,或任何类似条款,均属无效。2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article, a carrier may increase his responsibilities and obligations under this Convention.尽管有本条第1款的规定,承运人可以增加本公约中规定的他的责任和义务。3. Where a bill of lading or any other document evidencing the contract of carriage by sea is issued, it must contain a statement that the carriage is subject to the provisions of this Convention which nullify any stipulation derogating therefrom to the detriment of the shipper or the consignee.在签发提单或证明海上运输合同的任何其他单证时,其中必须载有一项声明,说明该项运输遵守本公约的各项规定,任何背离本公约而有害于托运人或收货人的条款,均属无效。4. Where the claimant in respect of the goods has incurred loss as a result of a stipulation which is null and void by virtue of the present article, or as a result of the omission of the statement referred to in paragraph 3 of this article, the carrier must pay compensation to the extent required in order to give the claimant compensation in accordance with the provisions of this Convention for any loss of or damage to the goods as well as for delay in delivery. The carrier must, in addition, pay compensation for costs incurred by the claimant for the purpose of exercising his right, provided that costs incurred in the action where the foregoing provision is invoked are to be determined in accordance with the law of the State where proceedings are instituted.如有关货物的索赔人由于本条款使某项合同条款成为无效或由于漏载本条第3款所提的声明而遭受损失时,为了给予索赔人赔偿,承运人必须按照本公约规定对货物的任何灭失或损坏以及延迟交付所要求的限额内的赔偿金。此外,承运人必须赔偿索赔人为行使其权利而产生的费用,但在援引上述规定的诉讼中所发生的费用,应按照起诉地国家法律确定。 Article 24  General average第二十四条 共同海损1. Nothing in this Convention shall prevent the application of provisions in the contract of carriage by sea or national law regarding the adjustment of general average.本公约各条规定不妨碍海上运输合同或国家法律中关于共同海损理算的规定的适用。2. With the exception of article 20, the provisions of this Convention relating to the liability of the carrier for loss of or damage to the goods also determine whether the consignee may refuse contribution in general average and the liability of the carrier to indemnify the consignee in respect of any such contribution made or any salvage paid.除第二十条外,本公约关于承运人对货物灭失或损坏的赔偿责任的规定,也决定收货人是否可以拒绝共同海损分摊和承运人对收货人已交付的任何此种分摊或已支付的任何救助费的赔偿责任。 Article 25  Other conventions第二十五条 其他公约1. This Convention does not modify the rights or duties of the carrier, the actual carrier and their servants and agents, provided for in international conventions or national law relating to the limitation of liability of owners of seagoing ships.本公约不改变有关海运船舶所有人责任限额的国际公约或国家法律中规定的承运人、实际承运人和他们的受雇人的代理人的权利或义务。2. The provisions of articles 21 and 22 of this Convention do not prevent the application of the mandatory provisions of any other multilateral convention already in force at the date of this Convention [March 31, 1978] relating to matters dealt with in the said articles, provided that the dispute arises exclusively between parties having their principal place of business in States members of such other convention. However, this paragraph does not affect the application of paragraph 4 of article 22 of this Convention.本公约第二十一条和第二十二条的各项规定不妨碍在本公约缔结之日已生效的有关该两条所处理事项的任何其他多边公约的强制性规定的适用,但须争端完全发生在其要营业所位于这种其他公约的缔约国内的当事方之间。但是,本款不影响本公约第二十二条第4款的适用。3. No liability shall arise under the provisions of this Convention for damage caused by a nuclear incident if the operator of a nuclear installation is liable for such damage:对核事故造成的损害,按本公约规定不发生赔偿责任,如果核装置操作人根据下列规定对该损害负赔偿责任:(a) under either the Paris Convention of 29 July 1960 on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28 January 1964 or the Vienna Convention of 21 May 1963 on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage, or根据经一九六四年一月二十八日补充议定书修订的一九六O年七月二十九日关于在核能领域中第三方赔偿责任的巴黎公约或者根据一九六三年五月二十一日关于核损害的民事赔偿责任的维也纳公约,或(b) by virtue of national law governing the liability for such damage, provided that such law is in all respects as favourable to persons who may suffer damage as either the Paris or Vienna Conventions.根据规定对这种损害赔偿的国家法律,但此种法律须在各方面都同巴黎公约或维也纳公约那样有利于可能遭受损害的人。4. No liability shall arise under the provisions of this Convention for any loss of or damage to or delay in delivery of luggage for which the carrier is responsible under any international convention or national law relating to the carriage of passengers and their luggage by sea.如按照有关海上运送旅客及其行李的任何国际公约或国家法律,承运人对行李的任何灭失、损坏或延迟交付负赔偿责任,则根据本公约规定不发生赔偿责任。5. Nothing contained in this Convention prevents a Contracting State from applying any other international convention which is already in force at the date of this Convention and which applies mandatorily to contracts of carriage of goods primarily by a mode of transport other than transport by sea. This provision also applies to any subsequent revision or amendment of such international convention. 本公约各项规定不妨碍缔约国应用在本公约缔结之日已经生效的任何其他国际公约,而该公约是强制性地适用于主要运输方式不是海上运输的货物运输合同。本规定也适用于此种国际公约以后的任何修订或修改。 Article 26  Unit of account第二十六条 记账单位1. The unit of account referred to in article 6 of this Convention is the Special Drawing Right as defined by the International Monetary Fund. The amounts mentioned in article 6 are to be converted into the national currency of a State according to the value of such currency at the date of judgement or the date agreed upon by the parties. The value of a national currency, in terms of the Special Drawing Right, of a Contracting State which is a member of the International Monetary Fund is to be calculated in accordance with the method of valuation applied by the International Monetary Fund in effect at the date in question for its operations and transactions. The value of a national currency in terms of the Special Drawing Right of a Contracting State which is not a member of the International Monetary Fund is to be calculated in a manner determined by that State.本公约第六条所指的记账单位是国际货币基金组织所规定的特别提款权。第六条所述的数额应按在判决日或当事各方议定之日该国货币的价值换算为该国货币。凡属国际货币基金组织成员的本公约缔约国,以特别提款权表示的本国货币价值应按国际货币基金组织中上述日期进行营业和交易中应用的定值办法计算。非国际货币基金组织成员的本公约缔约国,以特别提款权表示的本国货币价值,应按该国决定的办法计算。2. Nevertheless, those States which are not members of the International Monetary Fund and whose law does not permit the application of the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article may, at the time of signature, or at the time of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession or at any time thereafter, declare that the limits of liability provided for in this Convention to be applied in their territories shall be fixed as:但是,非国际货币基金组织成员国而且其法律又不允许应用本条款第1款规定的国家,可以在签字时,或在批准、接受、认可或加入时,或在其后的任何时候,声明本公约规定的责任限额在该国领土内适用时,应确定为:12,500 monetary units per package or other shipping unit or 37.5 monetary units per kilogramme of gross weight of the goods.货物每件或其他货运单位12500货币单位,或货物毛重每公斤37.5货币单位。3. The monetary unit referred to in paragraph 2 of this article corresponds to sixty-five and a half milligrammes of gold of millesimal fineness nine hundred. The conversion of the amounts referred to in paragraph 2 into the national currency is to be made according to the law of the State concerned.本条第2款所指的货币单位等于纯度为千分之九百的六十五点五毫克黄金。将第2款所指的数额换算成国家货币时,应按该国法律规定办理。4. The calculation mentioned in the last sentence of paragraph 1 and the conversion mentioned in paragraph 3 of this article is to be made in such a manner as to express in the national currency of the Contracting State as far as possible the same real value for the amounts in article 6 as is expressed there in units of account. Contracting States must communicate to the depositary the manner of calculation pursuant to paragraph 1 of this article, or the result of the conversion mentioned in paragraph 3 of this article, as the case may be, at the time of signature or when depositing their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, or when availing themselves of the option provided for in paragraph 2 of this article and whenever there is a change in the manner of such calculation or in the result of such conversion.本条第一款最后一句所述的计算及本条第三款所述的换算应这样进行,即尽可能使以缔约国货币表示的数额与在第六条内以记账单位表示的数额的实际价值相同。缔约国在签字时或在交存其批准书、接受书、认可书和加入书时,或在利用本条第2款所规定的选择时,以及在计算方法或换算结果有改变时,必须视情况,将依照本条第1款决定计算的方法或本条第3款所述的换算结果,通知公约保管人。 PART VII  FINAL CLAUSES第七部分 最后条款Article 27  Depositary第二十七条 保管人The Secretary General of the United Nations is hereby designated as the depositary of this Convention.兹指定联合国秘书长为本公约保管人。 Article 28  Signature, ratification, acceptance, approval, accession第二十八条 签字、批准、接受、认可、加入1. This Convention is open for signature by all States until 30 April 1979 at the Headquarters of the United Nations, New York.本公约于一九七九年四月三十日以前在纽约联合国总部对所有国家开放,以供签字。2. This Convention is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the signatory States.本公约须经签字国批准、接受或认可。3. After 30 April 1979, this Convention will be open for accession by all States which are not signatory States.一九七九年四月三十日以后,本公约对所有不是签字国的国家开放,以便加入。4. Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval and accession are to be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.批准书、接受书、认可书和加入书应由联合国秘书长保管。 Article 29  Reservations第二十九条 保留No reservations may be made to this Convention.对本公约不得作任何保留。 Article 30  Entry into force第三十条 生效1. This Convention enters into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of one year from the date of deposit of the 20th instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.本公约自第二十份批准书、接受书、认可书或加入书交存之日起满一年后的次月第一日生效。2. For each State which becomes a Contracting State to this Convention after the date of deposit of the 20th instrument of ratification, acceptance approval or accession, this Convention enters into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of one year after the deposit of the appropriate instrument on behalf of that State.对于在第二十份批准书、接受书、认可书或加入书交存之日后成为本公约缔约国的每一个国家,本公约自该国交存相应文件之日起满一年后的次月第一日生效。3. Each Contracting State shall apply the provisions of this Convention to contracts of carriage by sea concluded on or after the date of the entry into force of this Convention in respect of that State.每一缔约国应将本公约的各项规定适用于在本公约地该国生效之日或其后签订的海上运输合同。 Article 31  Denunciation of other conventions第三十一条 退出其他公约1. Upon becoming a Contracting State to this Convention, any State party to the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Bills of Lading signed at Brussels on 25 August 1924 (1924 Convention) must notify the Government of Belgium as the depositary of the 1924 Convention of its denunciation of the said Convention with a declaration that the denunciation is to take effect as from the date when this Convention enters into force in respect of that State.在成为本公约缔约国时,凡是一九二四年八月二十五日在布鲁塞尔签订的关于统一提单若干规则的国际公约(一九二四年公约)的缔约国,都必须通知作为一九二四年公约保管人的比利时政府退出该公约,并声明该退出自本公约对该国生效之日起生效。2. Upon the entry into force of this Convention under paragraph 1 of article 30, the depositary of this Convention must notify the Government of Belgium as the depositary of the 1924 Convention of the date of such entry into force, and of the names of the Contracting States in respect of which the Convention has entered into force.按照第三十条第1款规定,本公约生效时,本公约的保管人必须将生效日期和本公约对其生效的缔约国国名,通知一九二四年公约的保管人比利时政府。3. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article apply correspondingly in respect of States parties to the Protocol signed on 23 February 1968 to amend the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Bills of Lading signed at Brussels on 25 August 1924.本条第1款和第2款的规定,对一九六八年二月二十三日签订的修改一九二四年八月二十五日在布鲁塞尔签订的关于统一提单若干规则的国际公约的议定书的缔约国相应适用。4. Notwithstanding article 2 of this Convention, for the purposes of paragraph 1 of this article, a Contracting State may, if it deems it desirable, defer the denunciation of the 1924 Convention and of the 1924 Convention as modified by the 1968 Protocol for a maximum period of five years from the entry into force of this Convention. It will then notify the Government of Belgium of its intention. During this transitory period, it must apply to the Contracting States this Convention to the exclusion of any other one.尽管有本公约第二条规定,就本条第1款而言,缔约国如果认为需要,可以推迟退出一九二四年公约和经过一九六八年议定书修改的一九二四年公约,推迟的最长期限为自本公约生效之日起五年,在这种情况下,它应把自己的意图通知比利时政府。在此过渡期间,该缔约国必须对其他缔约国应用本公约,而不应用任何其他公约。 Article 32  Revision and amendment第三十二条 修订和修改1. At the request of not less than one-third of the Contracting States to this Convention, the depositary shall convene a conference of the Contracting States for revising or amending it.经不少于三分之一的本公约缔约国的要求,保管人应召开缔约国会议,以修订或者修改本公约。2. Any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession deposited after the entry into force of an amendment to this Convention, is deemed to apply to the Convention as amended.在本公约修订案生效后交存的任何批准书、接受书、认可书或加入书,应视为适用于经修改后的本公约。 Article 33  Revision of the limitation amounts and unit of account or monetary unit第三十三条 对限额和记账单位或货币单位的修订 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of article 32, a conference only for the purpose of altering the amount specified in article 6 and paragraph 2 of article 26, or of substituting either or both of the units defined in paragraphs 1 and 3 of article 26 by other units is to be convened by the depositary in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article. An alteration of the amounts shall be made only because of a significant change in their real value.尽管有第三十二条的规定,保管人应按照本条第2款规定,召开专为修改第六条和第二十六条第2款所定的数额或者用其他单位代替第二十六第1款和第3款所定的两个单位或其中的一个单位为目的的会议。数额中只有在其实际价值发生重大变化时,才得加以修改。2. A revision conference is to be convened by the depositary when not less than one-fourth of the Contracting States so request.经不少于四分之一缔约国要求,保管人即应召开修订会议。3. Any decision by the conference must be taken by a two-thirds majority of the participating States. The amendment is communicated by the depositary to all the Contracting States for acceptance and to all the States signatories of the Convention for information.会议的任何决定必须由与会国家三分之二的多数作出。修订案由保管人送交所有缔约国以便接受,并通报所有该公约的签字国。4. Any amendment adopted enters into force on the first day of the month following one year after its acceptance by two-thirds of the Contracting States. Acceptance is to be effected by the deposit of a formal instrument to that effect, with the depositary.所通过的任何修订案自获利三分之三缔约国接受之日起,在满一年后的次月第一日生效。接受修订案时,应将表示接受的正式文件交存保管人。5. After entry into force of an amendment a Contracting State which has accepted the amendment is entitled to apply the Convention as amended in its relations with Contracting States which have not within six months after the adoption of the amendment notified the depositary that they are not bound by the amendment.修订案生效后,接受修订案的缔约国,在同修订案通过后六个月内没有通知保管人不特殊的该修订案约束的缔约国的关系上,有权应用经修订的公约。6. Any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession deposited after the entry into force of an amendment to this Convention, is deemed to apply to the Convention as amended.在本公约修订案生效后交存的任何批准书、接受书、认可书或加入书,应视为适用经修订的公约。 Article 34  Denunciation第三十四条 退出1. A Contracting State may denounce this Convention at any time by means of a notification in writing addressed to the depositary.缔约国可以在任何时候书面通知保管人退出本公约。2. The denunciation takes effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of one year after the notification is received by the depositary. Where a longer period is specified in the notification, the denunciation takes effect upon the expiration of such longer period after the notification is received by the depositary.退出本公约自保管人收到通知书之日起,在满一年后的次月的第一日生效。如在通知中规定了较长的期限,则退出本公约自保管人收到通知后在该较长期限届满时生效。 DONE at Hamburg, this thirty-first day of March one thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight, in a single original, of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic.一九七八年三月三十一日订于汉堡,正本一份。其阿拉伯文、中文、英文、法文、俄文和西班牙方文本具有同等效力。 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed the present Convention.下列全权代表,经其政府正式授权,已在本公约上签字,以资证明。 COMMON UNDERSTANDING ADOPTED BY THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON THE CARRIAGE OF GOODS BY SEA联合国海上货物运输会议通过的共同谅解It is the common understanding that the liability of the carrier under this Convention is based on the principle of presumed fault or neglect. This means that, as a rule, the burden of proof rests on the carrier but, with respect to certain cases, the provisions of the Convention modify this rule.兹取得以下共同谅解:根据本公约,承运人的责任以推定过失或疏忽的原则为基础。也就是说,通常由承运人负举证责任,但在某些情况下,公约的规定会改变这一规则。
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    发布于:2022-01-29 14:16:57
  • 货物运输维斯比规则(中英文本)
    Protocol to Amend the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading ("Visby Rules") 修改统一提单若干法律规定的国际公约议定书(维斯比规则)(Brussels, 23 February 1968)(1968.2.23 日订于布鲁塞尔) THE CONTRACTING PARTIES, 各缔约国:CONSIDERING that it is desirable to amend the International Convention for the unification of certain rules of law relating to Bills of Lading, signed at Brussels on 25th August 1924, 考虑到修改一九二四年八月二十五日在布鲁塞尔签订的关于《统一提单的若干法律规则的国际公约》的需要,HAVE AGREED as follows: 协议如下:Article 1第一条(1) In Article 3, paragraph 4, shall be added: 在第三条第4款中应增加:"However, proof to the contrary shall not be admissible when the Bill of Lading has been transferred to a third party acting in good faith". “但是,当提单已经转给善意行事的第三者时,与此相反的证据不予接受。“(2) In Article 3, paragraph 6, sub-paragraph 4 shall be deleted and replaced by: 在第三条第6款中的第4段应改为:“"Subject to paragraph 6bis the carrier and the ship shall in any event be discharged from all liability whatsoever in respect of the goods, unless suit is brought within one year of their delivery or of the date when they should have been delivered. This period may, however, be extended if the parties so agree after the cause of action has arisen". “遵照第6款(修改本)的规定,除非从货物交付之日或应付之日起一年内提起诉讼,承运人和船舶在任何情况下都免除对于货物的货物责任。但是,诉讼事由提出后,如经当事方同意,该期限可以延长”。(3) In Article 3, after paragraph 6, shall be added the following paragraph 6bis: 在第三条的第6款后应增加下列条文作为第6款(修改本):"An action for indemnity against a third person may be brought even after the expiration of the year provided for in the preceding paragraph if brought within the time allowed by the law of the Court seized of the case. However, the time allowed shall be not less than three months, commencing from the day when the person bringing such action for indemnity has settled the claim or has been served with process in the action against himself". “即使在前款规定的年限期满后,如果在受理该案的法院的法律准许的时间内,仍可以对第三者提出赔偿诉讼。但是,准许的时间不得少于三个月,自提出这种赔偿诉讼已经解决了对他本人的索赔或者从起诉传票送达他本人之日起算。”Article 2第二条Article 4, paragraph 5, shall be deleted and replaced by the following: 第四条的第5款应予删去,并改为下列规定:"(a) Unless the nature and value of such goods have been declared by the shipper before shipment and inserted in the Bill of Lading, neither the carrier nor the ship shall in any event be or become liable for any loss or damage to or in connection with the goods in an amount exceeding the equivalent of 10,000 francs per package or unit or 30 francs per kilo of gross weight of the goods lost or damaged, whichever is the higher. 除非在装货前,托运人已声明该货物的性质和价值,并载入提单,否则,在任何情况下,承运人或船舶对货物所遭受的或有关的任何灭失或损害,每件或每单位的金额超过10,000法郎的部分,或按灭失或损害的货物每公斤先重超达30法郎的部分,均不负责任,两者以较高的金额为准。(b) The total amount recoverable shall be calculated by reference to the value of such goods at the place and time at which the goods are discharged from the ship in accordance with the contract or should have been so discharged. 全部赔偿金额应参照货物根据契约从船上卸下或应卸下的当地当时的价值计算。The value of the goods shall be fixed according to the commodity exchange price, or, if there be no such price, according to the current market price, or, if there be no commodity exchange price or current market price, by reference to the normal value of goods of the same kind and quality. 货物价值应按照商品交易所价格确定,或者如无此种价格时,则按现行市场价格,或者如既无商品交易所价格又无现行市场价格时,则参照同类同质货物的正常价值确定。(c) Where a container, pallet or similar article of transport is used to consolidate goods, the number of packages or units enumerated in the Bill of Lading as packed in such article of transport shall be deemed the number of packages or units for the purpose of this paragraph as far as these packages or units are concerned. Except as aforesaid such article of transport shall be considered the package or unit. 如果货物是用集装箱、托盘或类似的装运器具拼装时,提单中所载明的、装在这种装运器具中的件数或单位数,应视为就本款所指的件数或单位数;除上述情况外,应视为此种装运器具即是件或单位。(d) A franc means a unit consisting of 65.5 milligrammes of gold of millesimal fineness 900'. The date of conversion of the sum awarded into national currencies shall be governed by the law of the Court seized of the case. 一个法郎是指一个含有纯度为千分之九百的黄金六十五点五毫克的单位。裁决的赔偿数额兑换成国家货币的日期,应由受理该法院的法律规定。(e) Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be entitled to the benefit of the limitation of liability provided for in this paragraph if it is proved that the damage resulted from an act or omission of the carrier done with intent to cause damage, or recklessly and with knowledge that damage would probably result. 如经证实损失是由于承运人蓄意造成损失而作出的行为或不行为或明知可能会产生损失但仍不顾后果而作出的行为或不行为产生的,则承运人或船舶无权享受本款所规定的责任限制的利益。(f) The declaration mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph, if embodied in the Bill of Lading, shall be prima facie evidence, but shall not be binding or conclusive on the carrier. 本款(a)项所提到的声明,如载入提单时,应作为初步证据,但对承运人不具有约束力或最终效力。(g) By agreement between the carrier, master or agent of the carrier and the shipper other maximum amounts than those mentioned in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph may be fixed, provided that no maximum amount so fixed shall be less than the appropriate maximum mentioned in that sub-paragraph. 承运人、船长或承运人的代理人和托运人之间的协议,可以规定高于本款(a)项规定的另外最高金额,但这样规定的最高金额不得低于(a)项所列的最高金额。(h) Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be responsible in any event for loss or damage to, or in connection with, goods if the nature or value thereof has been knowingly mis-stated by the shipper in the Bill of Lading". 如托运人在提单中,故意谎报货物性质或价值,则在任何情况下承运人或船舶对货物或与货物有关的灭失或损害不承担责任。Article 3第三条Between Articles 4 and 5 of the Convention shall be inserted the following Article 4bis: 在本公约的第四条和第五条之间应插入以下条文作为第四条(修订本):"1. The defences and limits of liability provided for in this Convention shall apply in any action against the carrier in respect of loss or damage to goods covered by a contract of carriage whether the action be founded in contract or in tort. 本公约规定的抗辩和责任限制,应适用于就运输合同所涉及的有关货物的灭失或损害对承运人所提起的任何诉讼,不论该诉讼是以合同为根据还是以侵权行为为根据。2. If such an action is brought against a servant or agent of the carrier (such servant or agent not being an independent contractor), such servant or agent shall be entitled to avail himself of the defences and limits of liability which the carrier is entitled to invoke under this Convention. 如果这种诉讼是对承运人的雇佣人员或代理人(而该雇佣人员或代理人不是独立的缔约人)提出的,则该雇佣人员或代理人适用按照本公约承运人所可援引的各项答辩和责任限制。3. The aggregate of the amounts recoverable from the carrier, and such servants and agents, shall in no case exceed the limit provided for in this Convention. 从承运人及其雇佣人员和代理人得到的赔偿总额,在任何情况下都不得超过本公约规定的限制。4. Nevertheless, a servant or agent of the carrier shall not be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of this Article, if it is proved that the damage resulted from an act or omission of the servant or agent done with intent to cause damage or recklessly and with knowledge that damage would probably result". 但是,如经证实,损失是由于该雇佣人员或代理人蓄意造成损失而作出的行为或不行为,或明知可能会产生损失,但仍不在意而作出的作为或不行为产生的,则该承运人的雇佣人员或代理人不得适用本条的各项规定。Article 4第四条Article 9 of the Convention shall be deleted and replaced by the following: 本公约的第九条应改为下列规定:"This Convention shall not affect the provisions of any international Convention or national law governing liability for nuclear damage". “本公约不应影响任何国际公约或国内法有关对核能损害责任的各项规定。”Article 5第五条Article 10 of the Convention shall be deleted and replaced by the following: 本公约的第十条应改为下列规定:"The provisions of this Convention shall apply to every Bill of Lading relating to the carriage of goods between ports in two different States if: “本公约各项规定应适用于两个不同国家的港口之间有关的货物运输的每一份提单,如果:(a) the Bill of Lading is issued in a Contracting State, or 提单在一个缔约国签发, 或(b) the carriage is from a port in a Contracting State, or 从一个缔约国的港口起运,或(c) the contract contained in or evidenced by the Bill of Lading provides that the rules of this Convention or legislation of any State giving effect to them are to govern the contract whatever may be the nationality of the ship, the carrier, the shipper, the consignee, or any other interested person. 提单载有的或由提单证明的契约的规定,该契约应受本公约的各项规则约束或应受本公约生效的任何国家的立法约束,不论船舶、承运人、托运人、收货人或任何其他有关人的国籍如何。Each Contracting State shall apply the provisions of this Convention to the Bills of Lading mentioned above. “每个缔约国应将本公约的各项规定适用于上述提单。This Article shall not prevent a Contracting State from applying the rules of this Convention to Bills of Lading not included in the preceding paragraphs". 本条不应妨碍缔约国将本公约的各项规定适用于不包括在前款中的提单“。Article 6第六条As between the Parties to this Protocol the Convention and the Protocol shall be read and interpreted together as one single instrument. 在本议定书的各缔约国之间,本公约与议定书应作为一个文件,结合起来阅读和解释。A Party to this Protocol shall have no duty to apply the provisions of this Protocol to Bills of Lading issued in a State which is a Party to the Convention but which is not a Party to this Protocol. 本议定书的各缔约国没有义务将本议定书的各项规定适用于虽为本公约缔约国、但不是本议定书缔约国所签发的提单。Article 7第七条As between the Parties to this Protocol, denunciation by any of them of the Convention in accordance with Article 15 thereof, shall not be construed in any way as a denunciation of the Convention as amended by this Protocol. 在本议定书的各缔约国之间,任何一国按公约第十五条规定退出本公约,不能解释为退出经本议定书修订的本公约。Article 8第八条Any dispute between two or more Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or application of the Convention which cannot be settled through negotiation, shall, at the request of one of them, be submitted to arbitration. If within six months from the date of the request for arbitration the Parties are unable to agree on the organization of the arbitration, any one of those Parties may refer the dispute to the International Court of Justice by request in conformity with the Statute of the Court. 两个或两个以上缔约国就本公约的解释和适用发生争议,而未能通过协商解决时,应根据其中一方的请求提交仲裁。如在提请仲裁之日起六个月内,各方不能对仲裁的组成取得一致意见时,则其中任何一方可以按照国际法庭条例将纠纷提交国际法庭。Article 9第九条(1) Each Contracting Party may at the time of signature or ratification of this Protocol or accession thereto, declare that it does not consider itself bound by Article 8 of this Protocol. The other Contracting Parties shall not be bound by this Article with respect to any Contracting Party having made such a reservation. 每一缔约国在签字或批准本议定书或加入本议定书时,可以声明不受本议定书第八条的约束。其他缔约国对作出这一保留的任何缔约国之间的关系上应不受该条的约束。(2) Any Contracting Party having made a reservation in accordance with paragraph 1 may at any time withdraw this reservation by notification to the Belgian Government. 根据第1款,作出保留的任何缔约国可在任何时候通知比利时政府撤销此保留。Article 10第十条This Protocol shall be open for signature by the States which have ratified the Convention or which have adhered thereto before the 23rd February 1968, and by any State represented at the twelfth session (1967-1968) of the Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Law. 本议定书对批准本公约的,或在一九六八年二月二十三日前加入本公约的,以及出席海上外交会议第十二次会议(一九六七— 一九六八年)的任何国家开放以供签字。Article 11第十一条(1) This Protocol shall be ratified. 本议定书须经批准。(2) Ratification of this Protocol by any State which is not a Party to the Convention shall have the effect of accession to the Convention. 任何非本公约缔约国的国家所提交的本议定书的批准书,具有加入本公约的效力。(3) The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Belgian Government. 批准的文件应交存比利时政府。Article 12第十二条(1) States, Members of the United Nations or Members of the specialized agencies of the United Nations, not represented at the twelfth session of the Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Law, may accede to this Protocol. 未出席海上法外交会议第十二次会议的联合国成员国或联合国各专门机构成员国,可加入本议定书。(2) Accession to this Protocol shall have the effect of accession to the Convention. 加入本议定书,具有加入本公约的效力。(3) The instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Belgian Government. 加入的文件应交存比利时政府。Article 13第十三条(1) This Protocol shall come into force three months after the date of the deposit of ten instruments of ratification or accession, of which at least five shall have been deposited by States that have each a tonnage equal or superior to one million gross tons of tonnage. 在收到十份批准书或加入文件之日后三个月,本议定书生效,但其中至少应有五个交存批准书的国家是各拥有相当于或超过一百万总吨船舶的国家。(2) For each State which ratifies this Protocol or accedes thereto after the date of deposit of the instrument of ratification or accession determining the coming into force such as is stipulated in paragraph (1) of this Article, this Protocol shall come into force three months after the deposit of its instrument of ratification or accession. 按照本条第1款规定,交存使本议定书生效所需的批准或加入文件之日以后的批准或加入本议定书的每一个国家,本议定书在其交存批准或加入文件之后三个月生效。Article 14第十四条(1) Any Contracting State may denounce this Protocol by notification to the Belgian Government. 任何缔约国可以通知比利时政府退出本议定书。(2) This denunciation shall have the effect of denunciation of the Convention. 此项退出通知具有退出本公约的效力。(3) The denunciation shall take effect one year after the date on which the notification has been received by the Belgian Government. 此项退出通知在比利时政府收到该通知之日后一年生效。Article 15第十五条(1) Any Contracting State may at the time of signature, ratification or accession or at any time thereafter declare by written notification to the Belgian Government which among the territories under its sovereignty or for whose international relations it is responsible, are those to which the present Protocol applies. 任何缔约国在签署、批准或加入本议定书时,或在此后的任何时候,可用书面通知比利时政府,声明在该国的主权管辖下的地域或在由该国负责其国际关系的地域中,哪些地域适用本议定书。The Protocol shall three months after the date of the receipt of such notification by the Belgian Government extend to the territories named therein, but not before the date of the coming into force of the Protocol in respect of such State. 在比利时政府收到该通知之日后三个月,本议定书的适用范围即扩大到通知书所列明的地域,但在本议定书对该缔约国生效之日以前则不适用。(2) This extension also shall apply to the Convention if the latter is not yet applicable to those territories. 如果这些地域尚未适用本公约,则此种扩大也适用于本公约。(3) Any Contracting State which has made a declaration under paragraph (1) of this Article may at any time thereafter declare by notification given to the Belgian Government that the Protocol shall cease to extend to such territory. This denunciation shall take effect one year after the date on which notification thereof has been received by the Belgian Government; it also shall apply to the Convention. 根据本条第1款作出声明的任何缔约国,可以此后的任何时候通知比利时政府,声明本议定书停止扩大适用到该地域。此项退出应在比利时政府收到退出通知之日后一年生效;此项退出也应适用本公约。Article 16第十六条The Contracting Parties may give effect to this Protocol either by giving it the force of law or by including in their national legislation in a form appropriate to that legislation the rules adopted under this Protocol. 各缔约国可以采用下述方法使本议定书生效:赋以法律效力,或以适合于国内立法的形式在国内立法中订入本议定书所采用的各项规则。Article 17第十七条The Belgian Government shall notify the States represented at the twelfth session (1967-1968) of the Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Law, the acceding States to this Protocol, and the States Parties to the Convention, of the following: 比利时政府应将下列事项通知出席海上法外交会议第十二次会议(一九六七 – 一九六八年)的各国,本议定书各加入国及本公约的各缔约国:1. The signatures, ratifications and accessions received in accordance with Articles 10, 11 and 12. 根据第十条、第十一条和第十二条所收到的签署、批准和加入的文件;2. The date on which the present Protocol will come into force in accordance with Article 13. 根据第十三条,本议定书将生效的日期;3. The notifications with regard to the territorial application in accordance with Article 15. 根据第十五条,关于适用地域的通知;4. The denunciations received in accordance with Article 14. 根据第十四条所到的退出通知。IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, duly authorized, have signed this Protocol. 下列全权代表,经正式授权,已在本议定书上签字,以资证明。DONE at Brussels, this 23rd day of February 1968, in the French and English languages, both texts being equally authentic, in a single copy, which shall remain deposited in the archives of the Belgian Government, which shall issue certified copies.一九六八年二月二十三日订于布鲁塞尔,共一份,每份都用法文和英文写成,两种文本具有同等效力。本议定书交存于比利时政府档案库,并由比利时政府分发核证无误的本议定书副本。 
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    发布于:2022-01-29 14:15:38
  • 货物运输海牙规则(中英文本)
    International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading ("Hague Rules"), and Protocol of Signature (Brussels, 25 August 1924)统一提单的若干法律规则的国际公约——海牙规则Article 1In this Convention the following words are employed with the meanings set out below: (a) "Carrier" includes the owner or the charterer who enters into a contract of carriage with a shipper. (b) "Contract of carriage" applies only to contracts of carriage covered by a bill of lading or any similar document of title, in so far as such document relates to the carriage of goods by sea, including any bill of lading or any similar document as aforesaid issued under or pursuant to a charter party from the moment at which such bill of lading or similar document of title regulates the relations between a carrier and a holder of the same. (c) "Goods" includes goods, wares, merchandise and articles of every kind whatsoever except live animals and cargo which by the contract of carriage in stated as being carried on deck and is so carried. (d) "Ship" means any vessel used for the carriage of goods by sea. (e) "Carriage of goods" covers the period from the time when the goods are loaded on to the time they are discharged from the ship. 第一条本公约所用下列各词,涵义如下: (a) “承运人”包括与托运人订有运输合同的船舶所有人或租船人。 (b)  “运输合同”仅适用于以提单或任何类似的物权凭证进行有关海上货物运输的合同;在租船合同下或根据租船合同所签发的提单或任何物权凭证,在它们成为制约承运人与凭证持有人之间的关系准则时,也包括在内。 (c)  “货物”包括货物、制品、商品和任何种类的物品,但活牲畜以及在运输合同上载明装载于舱面上并且已经这样装运的货物除外。 (d) “船舶”是指用于海上货物运输的任何船舶。 (e)  “货物运输”是指自货物装上船时起,至卸下船时止的一段期间。Article 2Subject to the provisions of Article 6, under every contract of carriage of goods by sea the carrier, in relation to the loading, handling, stowage, carriage, custody, care and discharge of such goods, shall be subject to the responsibilities and liabilities, and entitled to the rights and immunities hereinafter set forth. 第二条 除遵照第六条规定外,每个海上货物运输合同的承运人,对有关货物的装载、搬运、积载、运送、保管、照料和卸载,都应按照下列规定承担责任和义务,并享受权利和豁免。Article 31. The carrier shall be bound before and at the beginning of the voyage to exercise due diligence to: (a) Make the ship seaworthy. (b) Properly man, equip and supply the ship. (c) Make the holds, refrigerating and cool chambers, and all other parts of the ship in which goods are carried, fit and safe for their reception, carriage and preservation. 第三条1.承运人须在开航前和开航时谨慎处理: (a)   使船舶适航; (b)   适当地配备船员、装备船舶和供应船舶; (c)   使货舱、冷藏舱和该船其他载货处所能适宜和安全地收受、运送和保管货物。2. Subject to the provisions of Article 4, the carrier shall properly and carefully load, handle, stow, carry, keep, care for, and discharge the goods carried. 2.除遵照第四条规定外,承运人应适当和谨慎地装卸、搬运、积载、运送、保管、照料和卸载所运货物。3. After receiving the goods into his charge the carrier or the master or agent of the carrier shall, on demand of the shipper, issue to the shipper a bill of lading showing among other things: (a) The leading marks necessary for identification of the goods as the same are furnished in writing by the shipper before the loading of such goods starts, provided such marks are stamped or otherwise shown clearly upon the goods if uncovered, or on the cases or coverings in which such goods are contained, in such a manner as should ordinarily remain legible until the end of the voyage. (b) Either the number of packages or pieces, or the quantity, or weight, as the case may be, as furnished in writing by the shipper. (c) The apparent order and condition of the goods. Provided that no carrier, master or agent of the carrier shall be bound to state or show in the bill of lading any marks, number, quantity, or weight which he has reasonable ground for suspecting not accurately to represent the goods actually received, or which he has had no reasonable means of checking. 3.承运人或船长或承运人的代理人在收受货物归其照管后,经托运人的请求,应向托运人签发提单,其上载明下列各项: (a) 与开始装货前由托运人书面提供者相同的、为辨认货物所需的主要标志,如果这项标志是以印戳或其他方式标示在不带包装的货物上,或在其中装有货物的箱子或包装物上,该项标志通常应在航程终了时仍能保持清晰可认。 (b) 托运人用书面提供的包数或件数,或数量,或重量。 (c) 货物的表面状况。    但是,承运人、船长或承运人的代理人,不一定必须将任何货物的标志、号码、数量或重量表明或标示在提单上,如果他有合理根据怀疑提单不能正确代表实际收到的货物,或无适当方法进行核对的话。4. Such a bill of lading shall be prima facie evidence of the receipt by the carrier of the goods as therein described in accordance with paragraph 3(a), (b) and (c). 4.依照第3款(a)、(b)、(c)项所载内容的这样一张提单,应作为承运人收到该提单中所载货物的初步证据。5. The shipper shall be deemed to have guaranteed to the carrier the accuracy at the time of shipment of the marks, number, quantity and weight, as furnished by him, and the shipper shall indemnity the carrier against all loss, damages and expenses arising or resulting from inaccuracies in such particulars. The right of the carrier to such indemnity shall in no way limit his responsibility and liability under the contract of carriage to any person other than the shipper. 5.托运人应被视为已在装船时向承运人保证,由他提供的标志、件数、数量和重量均正确无误;并应赔偿给承运人由于这些项目不正确所引起或导致的一切灭失、损坏和费用。承运人的这种赔偿权利,并不减轻其根据运输合同对托运人以外的任何人所承担的责任和义务。6. Unless notice of loss or damage and the general nature of such loss or damage be given in writing to the carrier or his agent at the port of discharge before or at the time of the removal of the goods into the custody of the person entitled to delivery thereof under the contract of carriage, or, if the loss or damage be not apparent, within three days, such removal shall be prima facie evidence of the delivery by the carrier of the goods as described in the bill of lading. If the loss or damage is not apparent, the notice must be given within three days of the delivery of the goods. The notice in writing need not be given if the state of the goods has, at the time of their receipt, been the subject of joint survey or inspection. In any event the carrier and the ship shall be discharged from all liability in respect of loss or damage unless suit is brought within one year after delivery of the goods or the date when the goods should have been delivered. In the case of any actual or apprehended loss or damage the carrier and the receiver shall give all reasonable facilities to each other for inspecting and tallying the goods.  6.在将货物移交给根据运输合同有权收货的人之前或当时,除非在卸货港将货物的灭失和损害的一般情况,已用书面通知承运人或其代理人,则这种移交应作为承运人已按照提单规定交付货物的初步证据。如果灭失或损坏不明显,则这种通知应于交付货物之日起的三天内提交。如果货物状况在收受时已经进行联合检验或检查,就无须再提交书面通知。    除非从货物交付之日或应交付之日起一年内提出诉讼,承运人和船舶在任何情况下都免除对灭失或损害所负的一切责任。遇有任何实际的或推定的灭失或损害,承运人与收货人必须为检验和清点货物相互给予一切合理便利。 7. After the goods are loaded the bill of lading to be issued by the carrier, master, or agent of the carrier, to the shipper shall, if the shipper so demands, be a "shipped" bill of lading, provided that if the shipper shall have previously taken up any document of title to such goods, he shall surrender the same as against the issue of the "shipped" bill of lading, but at the option of the carrier such document of title may be noted at the port of shipment by the carrier, master, or agent with the name or names of the ship or ships upon which the goods have been shipped and the date or dates of shipment, and when so noted, if it shows the particulars mentioned in paragraph 3 of Article 3, shall for the purpose of this Article be deemed to constitute a "shipped" bill of lading. 7.货物装船后,如果托运人要求,签发“已装船”提单,承运人、船长或承运人的代理人签发给托运人的提单,应为“已装船”提单,如果托运人事先已取得这种货物的物权单据,应交还这种单据,换取“已装船”提单。但是,也可以根据承运人的决定,在装货港由承运人、船长或其代理人在上述物权单据上注明装货船名和装船日期。经过这样注明的上述单据,如果载有第三条第3款所指项目,即应成为本条所指的“已装船”提单。8. Any clause, covenant, or agreement in a contract of carriage relieving the carrier or the ship from liability for loss or damage to, or in connexion with, goods arising from negligence, fault, or failure in the duties and obligations provided in this Article or lessening such liability otherwise than as provided in this Convention, shall be null and void and of no effect. A benefit of insurance in favour of the carrier or similar clause shall be deemed to be a clause relieving the carrier from liability. 8.运输合同中的任何条款、约定或协议,凡是解除承运人或船舶对由于疏忽、过失或未履行本条规定的责任和义务,因而引起货物或关于货物的灭失或损害的责任的,或以下同于本公约的规定减轻这种责任的,则一律无效。有利于承运人的保险利益或类似的条款,应视为属于免除承运人责任的条款。Article 41. Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be liable for loss or damage arising or resulting from unseaworthiness unless caused by want of due diligence on the part of the carrier to make the ship seaworthy and to secure that the ship is properly manned, equipped and supplied, and to make the holds, refrigerating and cool chambers and all other parts of the ship in which goods are carried fit and safe for their reception, carriage and preservation in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 3. Whenever loss or damage has resulted from unseaworthiness the burden of proving the exercise of due diligence shall be on the carrier or other person claiming exemption under this Article. 第四条1.不论承运人或船舶,对于因不适航所引起的灭失或损坏,都不负责,除非造成的原因是由于承运人未按第三条第1款的规定,克尽职责;使船舶适航;保证适当地配备船员、装备和供应该船,以及使货舱、冷藏舱和该船的其它装货处所能适宜并安全地收受、运送和保管货物。凡由于船舶不适航所引起的灭失和损害,对于已克尽职责的举证责任,应由根据本条规定要求免责的承运人或其他人承担。2. Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be responsible for loss or damage arising or resulting from: (a) Act, neglect, or default of the master, mariner, pilot, or the servants of the carrier in the navigation or in the management of the ship. (b) Fire, unless caused by the actual fault or privity of the carrier. (c) Perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters. (d) Act of God. (e) Act of war. (f) Act of public enemies. (g) Arrest or restraint or princes, rulers or people, or seizure under legal process. (h) Quarantine restrictions. (i) Act or omission of the shipper or owner of the goods, his agent or representative. (j) Strikes or lockouts or stoppage or restraint of labour from whatever cause, whether partial or general. (k) Riots and civil commotions. (l) Saving or attempting to save life or property at sea. (m) Wastage in bulk or weight or any other loss or damage arising from inherent defect, quality or vice of the goods. (n) Insufficiency of packing. (o) Insufficiency or inadequacy of marks. (p) Latent defects not discoverable by due diligence. (q) Any other cause arising without the actual fault or privity of the carrier, or without the actual fault or neglect of the agents or servants of the carrier, but the burden of proof shall be on the person claiming the benefit of this exception to show that neither the actual fault or privity of the carrier nor the fault or neglect of the agents or servants of the carrier contributed to the loss or damage. 2.不论承运人或船舶,对由于下列原因引起或造成的灭失或损坏,都不负责: (a)  船长、船员、引水员或承运人的雇佣人员,在驾驶船舶或管理船舶中的行为、疏忽或不履行义务; (b)  火灾,但由于承运人的实际过失或私谋所引起的除外; (c)  海上或其它可航水域的灾难、危险和意外事故; (d)  天灾; (e)  战争行为; (f)  公敌行为; (g)  君主、当权者或人民的扣留或管制,或依法扣押; (h)  检疫限制; (i)  托运人或货主、其代理人或代表的行为或不行为; (j)  不论由于任何原因所引起的局部或全面罢工、关厂停止或限制工作; (k)  暴动和骚乱; (l)  救助或企图救助海上人命或财产; (m)  由于货物的固有缺点、质量或缺陷引起的体积或重量亏损,或任何其它灭失或损坏; (n)  包装不充分; (o)  标志不清或不当; (p)  虽克尽职责亦不能发现的潜在缺点;(q)  非由于承运人的实际过失或私谋,或者承运人的代理人,或雇佣人员的过失或疏忽所引起的其它任何原因;但是要求引用这条免责利益的人应负责举证,证明有关的灭失或损坏既非由于承运人的实际过失或私谋,亦非承运人的代理人或雇佣人员的过失或疏忽所造成;3. The shipper shall not be responsible for loss or damage sustained by the carrier or the ship arising or resulting from any cause without the act, fault or neglect of the shipper, his agents or his servants. 3.对于任何非因托运人、托运人的代理人或其雇佣人员的行为、过失或疏忽所引起的使承运人或船舶遭受的灭失或损坏,托运人不负责任。4. Any deviation in saving or attempting to save life or property at sea or any reasonable deviation shall not be deemed to be an infringement or breach of this Convention or of the contract of carriage, and the carrier shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting therefrom. 4.为救助或企图救助海上人命或财产而发生的绕航,或任何合理绕航,都不能作为破坏或违反本公约或运输合同的行为;承运人对由此而引起的任何灭失或损害,都不负责。5. Neither the carrier nor the ship shall in any event be or become liable for any loss or damage to or in connexion with goods in an amount exceeding 100 pounds sterling per package or unit, or the equivalent of that sum in other currency unless the nature and value of such goods have been declared by the shipper before shipment and inserted in the bill of lading. This declaration if embodied in the bill of lading shall be prima facie evidence, but shall not be binding or conclusive on the carrier. By agreement between the carrier, master or agent of the carrier and the shipper another maximum amount than that mentioned in this paragraph may be fixed, provided that such maximum shall not be less than the figure above named. Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be responsible in any event for loss or damage to, or in connexion with, goods if the nature or value thereof has been knowingly misstated by the shipper in the bill of lading. 5.承运人或是船舶,在任何情况下对货物或与货物有关的灭失或损害,每件或每计费单位超过一百英镑或与其等值的其他货币的部分,都不负责;但托运人于装货前已就该项货物的性质和价值提出声明,并已在提单中注明的,不在此限。    该项声明如经载入提单,即作为初步证据,但它对承运人并不具有约束力或最终效力。    经承运人、船长或承运人的代理人与托运人双方协议,可规定不同于本款规定的另一最高限额,但该最高限额不得低于上述数额。    如承运人在提单中,故意谎报货物性质或价值,则在任何情况下,承运人或是船舶,对货物或与货物有关的灭失或损害,都不负责。6. Goods of an inflammable, explosive or dangerous nature to the shipment whereof the carrier, master or agent of the carrier has not consented with knowledge of their nature and character, may at any time before discharge be landed at any place, or destroyed or rendered innocuous by the carrier without compensation and the shipper of such goods shall be liable for all damage and expenses directly or indirectly arising out of or resulting from such shipment. If any such goods shipped with such knowledge and consent shall become a danger to the ship or cargo, they may in like manner be landed at any place, or destroyed or rendered innocuous by the carrier without liability on the part of the carrier except to general average, if any. 6.承运人、船长或承运人的代理人对于事先不知性质而装载的具有易燃、爆炸或危险性的货物,可在卸货前的任何时候将其卸在任何地点,或将其销毁,或使之无害,而不予赔偿;该项货物的托运人,应对由于装载该项货物而直接或间接引起的一切损害或费用负责。如果承运人知道该项货物的性质,并已同意装载,则在该项货物对船舶或货载发生危险时,亦得同样将该项货物卸在任何地点,或将其销毁,或使之无害,而不负赔偿责任,但如发生共同海损不在此限。Article 5A carrier shall be at liberty to surrender in whole or in part all or any of his rights and immunities or to increase any of his responsibilities and obligations under this Convention, provided such surrender or increase shall be embodied in the bill of lading issued to the shipper. The provisions of this Convention shall not be applicable to charter parties, but if bills of lading are issued in the case of a ship under a charter party they shall comply with the terms of this Convention. Nothing in these rules shall be held to prevent the insertion in a bill of lading of any lawful provision regarding general average. 第五条  承运人可以自由地全部或部分放弃本公约中所规定的他的权利和豁免,或增加他所应承担的任何一项责任和义务。但是这种放弃或增加,须在签发给托运人的提单上注明。本公约的规定,不适用于租船合同,但如果提单是根据租船合同签发的,则上述提单应符合本公约的规定。本公约中的任何规定,都不得妨碍在提单中加注有关共同海损的任何合法条款。Article 6Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Articles, a carrier, master or agent of the carrier and a shipper shall in regard to any particular goods be at liberty to enter into any agreement in any terms as to the responsibility and liability of the carrier for such goods, and as to the rights and immunities of the carrier in respect of such goods, or his obligation as to seaworthiness, so far as this stipulation is not contrary to public policy, or the care or diligence of his servants or agents in regard to the loading, handling, stowage, carriage, custody, care and discharge of the goods carried by sea, provided that in this case no bill of lading has been or shall be issued and that the terms agreed shall be embodied in a receipt which shall be a non-negotiable document and shall be marked as such. Any agreement so entered into shall have full legal effect. Provided that this Article shall not apply to ordinary commercial shipments made in the ordinary course of trade, but only to other shipments where the character or condition of the property to be carried or the circumstances, terms and conditions under which the carriage is to be performed are such as reasonably to justify a special agreement. 第六条  虽有前述各条规定,只要不违反公共秩序,承运人、船长或承运人的代理人得与托运人就承运人对任何特定货物应负的责任和应尽的义务,及其所享受的权利与豁免,或船舶适航的责任等,以任何条件,自由地订立任何协议。或就承运人雇佣人员或代理人在海运货物的装载、搬运、积载、运送、保管、照料和卸载方面应注意及谨慎的事项,自由订立任何协议。但在这种情况下,必须是未曾签发或将不签发提单,而且应将上述协议的条款载入不得转让并注明这种字样的单证内。    这样订立的任何协议,都具有完全的法律效力。但本条规定不适用于依照普通贸易程序成交的一般商业货运,而仅在拟装运的财物的性质和状况,或据以进行运输的环境、条款和条件,有订立特别协议的合理需要时,才能适用。Article 7Nothing herein contained shall prevent a carrier or a shipper from entering into any agreement, stipulation, condition, reservation or exemption as to the responsibility and liability of the carrier or the ship for the loss or damage to, or in connexion with, the custody and care and handling of goods prior to the loading on, and subsequent to, the discharge from the ship on which the goods are carried by sea. 第七条  本条约中的任何规定,都不妨碍承运人或托运人就承运人或船舶对海运船舶所载货物于装船以前或卸船以后所受灭失或损害,或与货物的保管、照料和搬运有关的灭失或损害所应承担的责任与义务,订立任何协议、规定、条件、保留或免责条款。Article 8The provisions of this Convention shall not affect the rights and obligations of the carrier under any statute for the time being in force relating to the limitation of the liability of owners of sea-going vessels. 第八条  本公约各条规定,都不影响有关海运船舶所有人责任限制的任何现行法令所规定的承运人的权利和义务。Article 9The monetary units mentioned in this Convention are to be taken to be gold value. Those contracting States in which the pound sterling is not a monetary unit reserve to themselves the right of translating the sums indicated in this Convention in terms of pound sterling into terms of their own monetary system in round figures. The national laws may reserve to the debtor the right of discharging his debt in national currency according to the rate of exchange prevailing on the day of the arrival of the ship at the port of discharge of the goods concerned. 第九条  本公约所提到的货币单位为金价。    凡缔约国中不以英镑作为货币单位的,得保留其将本公约所指的英镑数额以四舍五入的方式折合为本国货币的权利。各国法律可以为债务人保留按船舶抵达卸货港之日通知的兑换率,以本国货币偿清其有关货物的债务的权利。Article 10The provisions of this Convention shall apply to all bills of lading issued in any of the contracting States. 第十条  本公约和各项规定,适用于在任何缔约国所签发的一切提单。Article 11After an interval of not more than two years from the day on which the Convention is signed, the Belgian Government shall place itself in communication with the Governments of the High Contracting Parties which have declared themselves prepared to ratify the Convention, with a view to deciding whether it shall be put into force. The ratifications shall be deposited at Brussels at a date to be fixed by agreement among the said Governments. The first deposit of ratifications shall be recorded in a procès-verbal signed by the representatives of the Powers which take part therein and by the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs. The subsequent deposit of ratifications shall be made by means of a written notification, addressed to the Belgian Government and accompanied by the instrument of ratification. A duly certified copy of the procès-verbal relating to the first deposit of ratifications, of the notifications referred to in the previous paragraph, and also of the instruments of ratification accompanying them, shall be immediately sent by the Belgian Government through the diplomatic channel to the Powers who have signed this Convention or who have acceded to it. In the cases contemplated in the preceding paragraph, the said Government shall inform them at the same time of the date on which it received the notification. 第十一条  自本公约签字之日起不超过二年的期限内,比利时政府应与已声明拟批准本公约的缔约国保持联系,以便决定是否使本公约生效。批准书应于各缔约国协商确定的日期交存于布鲁塞尔。首次交存的批准书应载入由参加国代表及比利时外交部长签署的议定书内。    以后交存的批准书,应以书面通知送交比利时政府,并随附批准文件。比利时政府,应立即将有关记载首次交存批准书的议定书和上段所指的通知,随附批准书等的核证无误的副本,通过外交途径送交已签署本公约或已加入本公约的国家。在上段所指情况下,比利时政府应于收到通知的同时,知照各国。Article 12Non-signatory States may accede to the present Convention whether or not they have been represented at the International Conference at Brussels. A State which desires to accede shall notify its intention in writing to the Belgian Government, forwarding to it the document of accession, which shall be deposited in the archives of the said Government. The Belgian Government shall immediately forward to all the States which have signed or acceded to the Convention a duly certified copy of the notification and of the act of accession, mentioning the date on which it received the notification. 第十二条  凡未签署本公约的国家,不论是否已出席在布鲁塞尔召开的国际会议,都可以加入本公约。    拟加入本公约的国家,应将其意图用书面通知比利时政府,并送交其加入的文件,该项文件应存放在比利时政府档案库。比利时政府应立即将加入本公约通知书的核证无误的副本,分送已签署本公约或已加入本公约的国家,并注明它收到上述通知的日期。Article 13The High Contracting Parties may at the time of signature, ratification or accession declare that their acceptance of the present Convention does not include any or all of the self-governing dominions, or of the colonies, overseas possessions, protectorates or territories under their sovereignty or authority, and they may subsequently accede separately on behalf of any self-governing dominion, colony, overseas possession, protectorate or territory excluded in their declaration. They may also denounce the Convention separately in accordance with its provisions in respect of any self-governing dominion, or any colony, overseas possession, protectorate or territory under their sovereignty or authority. 第十三条  缔约国的签署、批准或加入本公约时,可以声明其接受本公约并不包括其任何或全部自治领或殖民地、海外属地、保护国或在其主权或权力管辖下的地域;并且可以在此后代表这些声明中未包括的任何自治领或殖民地、海外属地、保护国或地域将分别加入本公约。各缔约国还可以根据本公约的规定,代表其任何自治领或殖民地、海外属地、保护国或其主权或权力管辖下的地域将分别声明退出本公约。Article 14The present Convention shall take effect, in the case of the States which have taken part in the first deposit of ratifications, one year after the date of the protocol recording such deposit. As respects the States which ratify subsequently or which accede, and also in cases in which the Convention is subsequently put into effect in accordance with Article 13, it shall take effect six months after the notifications specified in paragraph 2 of Article 11 and paragraph 2 of Article 12 have been received by the Belgian Government. 第十四条  本公约在首批交存批准书的各国之间,于议定书记载此项交存之日起一年后开始生效。此后批准或加入本公约的各国或根据第十三条规定使公约生效的各国,于此比利时政府收到第十一条第2款及第十二条第2段所指的通知六个月后生效。Article 15In the event of one of the contracting States wishing to denounce the present Convention, the denunciation shall be notified in writing to the Belgian Government, which shall immediately communicate a duly certified copy of the notification to all the other States, informing them of the date on which it was received. The denunciation shall only operate in respect of the State which made the notification, and on the expiry of one year after the notification has reached the Belgian Government. 第十五条     如有缔约国欲退出本公约,应用书面通知比利时政府,比利时政府立即将核证无误的通知副本分送其他国家,并注明其收到上述通知的日期。这种退出只对提出通知的国家有效,生效日期从上述通知送达比利时政府之日起一年以后开始。Article 16Any one of the contracting States shall have the right to call for a fresh conference with a view to considering possible amendments. A State which would exercise this right should notify its intention to the other States through the Belgian Government, which would make arrangements for convening the Conference. DONE at Brussels, in a single copy, August 25th, 1924.  第十六条  任何一个缔约国都有权就考虑修改本公约事项,请求召开新的会议。    欲行使此项权利的国家,应通过比利时政府将其意图通知其他国家,由比利时政府安排召开会议事宜。    一九二四年八月二十五日订于布鲁塞尔,计一份。PROTOCOL OF SIGNATURE At the time of signing the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading the Plenipotentiaries whose signatures appear below have adopted this Protocol, which will have the same force and the same value as if its provisions were inserted in the text of the Convention to which it relates. The High Contracting Parties may give effect to this Convention either by giving it the force of law or by including in their national legislation in a form appropriate to that legislation the rules adopted under this Convention. They may reserve the right: 1. To prescribe that in the cases referred to in paragraph 2(c) to (p) of Article 4 the holder of a bill of lading shall be entitled to establish responsibility for loss or damage arising from the personal fault of the carrier or the fault of his servants which are not covered by paragraph (a). 2. To apply Article 6 in so far as the national coasting trade is concerned to all classes of goods without taking account of the restriction set out in the last paragraph of that Article. DONE at Brussels, in single copy, August 25th, 1924. 
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